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Clinton Helps Journalists, Senegalese Help Mother in U.S.
August 6, 2009

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Clinton Helps Journalists, Senegalese Help Mother in US.

Media Advisory
For Immediate Release
P.O. Box 884714
San Francisco, CA  94188

August 6, 2009                                                                                                           CONTACT: WRIGHT ENTERPRISES
                                                                                                                                  Jackie Wright, 415 824.3990, 415 525.0410

Senegalese official has been deployed to investigate the concerns of a
 Senegal immigrant trapped by Marin County Family Court.

Oumar Kane, an attaché of the Senegal Consulate based in New York, Rama Diop, Senegalese immigrant based in Marin County

Kane has been deployed to investigate the problem Rama Diop is having in getting permission from the Marin County Family Court to leave with her four-year old son to go to New York, where the college graduate has work awaiting and a strong network of family.  Diop's story is one of race and class struggle as the African immigrant faces the formidable power of the White millionaire father of her child.  Her pleas for help have been lost in the broken system of Family Court and its lack of professionalism.  The Center for Judicial Excellence has been the only source of moral support as Diop has traveled to Sacramento with the group to bring lawmakers attention to the statewide travesty of injustice that people like Diop say they have endured.  Diop's Fact Sheet is below.  Here is a link to an article.|jq2q43wvsl855o|x7txaw7ia6888y&issueId=x7thlm9cz68q4m&xid=x7tsp1pz11w1s3

Fox, Beall, Rama Diop Meera Fox, Assemblyman Jim Beall & Rama Diop

Home of Rama Diop.  Journalists wishing to interview special envoy Kane and Diop, contact Jackie Wright at 415 525.0410 (cell-primary) or 415 824. 3990.  Media may attend the meeting between Kane and Diop.

Today, August 6, 2009, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Kane will meet with Diop at her home.  Diop will be available today and going forward as she tries to resolve her problem.

WHY- As news of former President Bill Clinton has helped free the journalists in North Korea, it is worth noting that it sometimes takes the action of a foreign diplomat even in the land of the free and the home of the brave to exact justice when our systems are broken.  Rama Diop is one face of thousands of people in California across the nation, suffering injustice at the hands of the cash cow  "Family Court" system.  Find out why it takes a foreign diplomat to intervene to try to get justice in America.  Follow the money of "Family Court."  Listen to the stories of people as chronicled by the Center for Judicial Excellence.  Try putting your life's most difficult moments in bullet points as Rama Diop has in the fact sheet below, inviting strangers to look into your life in order to get justice.  Investigate this story to help Diop and others overcome grave injustices of "Family Court."

Rama Diop-Struggling African Immigrant Mother with Son by
Affluent White Marin Man, fights classic battle of race and class to protect her child

Father has a diagnosed bipolar disorder for over 15 years exacerbated by years of drug and alcohol abuse.
Mother has been a domestic violence victim from father including rape, physical assault and battery.
The DA pressed no charge after a brief arrest. Father's additional documented crimes in all impunity include forgery, false police reports, trespassing, burglary, stalking, and petty theft. Father, engages in uncharacteristic lewd sexual conducts due to his hypersexuality that alarmed a psychological expert. Father advertises himself as a male stripper on craigslist, engages in erotic and pornographic gigs despite being a multimillionaire. The authorities unlawfully converge to cover up for father's crimes and abuses. The court continues to deny mother's (Temporary Restraining Order) TRO requests. This is not surprising as even though the Women's needs Assessment Report shows that domestic violence is a prominent issue in Marin, the attorney general reports that Marin has the lowest TRO issuance after hearing, which is even lower given that criminals get TRO's

*    8/25/06 Mother files a police report against father's abuses with Mill Valley Police.
*    9/15/06 The Mill Valley Police tips father to file a TRO to evict mother.
*    9/21/06, Mother calls 911 but Mill Valley Police throws her out of the house. Mother was oblivious at the time that father   falsely accused her of trying to kill him with a kitchen knife.
*    9/26/06 Judge Lynn Duryee signs a Temporary Restraining Order that allowed father to expel mother and her 16 months old son from the family residence and restrain her from leaving California. At the time father's attorney, Alexandra Quam worked for Judge Duryee's husband's lawfirm Freitas. Judge Duryee only disqualified herself after this unlawful act.
*    10/05/06 Father confesses via e-mail that the knife claim was a lie and confesses later in a letter that the Mill Valley Police told him to obtain a TRO against mother.
*    The DA condoned this false report and perjury and did not press any charge.
*    1/27/07 father burglarized mother's apt after leaving court angry that the babysitter witnessed. An ERO and a TRO are issued. However, judge Adams dismisses it without a hearing.
*    2/08/08 the child complaints about sexual touching and fighting from his father. Judge refuses to grant a TRO and orders to submit application via ex-parte so father never had to respond.
*    Pending trial, Commissioner Beverly Wood grants an overnight to father over mother's objections and father proves her wrong through a binary violation of the court's order to not take the child on the boat and to not have overnights.
*    Mother was forced to be in Pro Per for the first four days of her custody trial while father's attorney was the co-chair of the Marin County Bar Association Family Law Division.
*    Judge Verna Adams found father mentally ill enough to not have a single overnight but paradoxically she plans to award him full custody if mother moves from Marin. Mother must obtain permission for any overnight outside of Marin County.
*    12/09/08 the child reports that his father fought him and gave him a booboo after a visitation.  Mill Valley Police takes a report and the pediatrician makes cross-complaint to CPS after interviewing the child who was adamant about how, where, and who perpetrated the injury.
*    Subpoenaed CPS social worker brought county counsel and first refused to testify before opting for either in chambers or closed court testimony. Commissioner Wood ordered the in chambers interview wherefore she illegally prevented any cross-examination.
*    Two subpoenaed officers came in with their captain and city counsel to obtain a gag order.
*    Commissioner Wood denied the TRO and threatens to hold mother of contempt after the child showed distress and vociferously and violently resisted visitations.
*    Commissioner Wood refused a 170.6 challenge and holds the case hostage.

Notwithstanding the failure of the system to protect the child, father uses the denial of the TRO to seek full custody and five overnights.  He has been abusing ex-parte procedures and tax dollars along the way because he heard the drumbeat "the abusers tend to get custody." Since father's mental illness is too blatant, the court's subterfuge is to force mother to remain in Marin where she faces a financial graveyard unless father's multiple crimes in all impunity do her and the child in first. The court, the police and the DA adopt a lethargic stance to prevent and prosecute crimes against this African-American family. Mother, is a Magna cum Laude graduate from NYU and the court staled her higher education ambitions and interferes with her economic advantage. Mother has job offers in New York while she lives in extreme poverty in expensive Marin without a car to get around and barely enough money to get by. Mother hopes that the public at large, the special interest groups, and the legislative authorities will unveil the judicial blunder. Judge Duryee started what Judge Adams finished yet they both claim no wrongdoing in the court's website.

Correspondence from Senegal Consulate



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