Wright Enterprises is dedicated to making sure its clients nationally and internationally get their messages to their core audiences via media including print, broadcasting, Internet and social media.
UCSF Study Figuring Out Long COVID
Wright Enterprises on World Stage
San Francisco-San Francisco based Wright Enterprises was a delegate on the recent historic California Black Chamber of Commerce Trade Mission to South Africa in November 2016 during the inaugural Essence Durban Festival. The trade mission was the concept of Vee Govender & Associates of Durban, South Africa and Roland Washington of San Francisco.
Jackie Wright, president of Wright Enterprises, spoke with CNBC Africa "Closing Bell" Host Gugulethu Cele after the panel she moderated: "Sustainable Economic Growth and Wealth Redistribution" at the Essence Festival Durban Business Conference. Day one of the Essence Durban Festival, Wright spoke on that panel with Aubry Stone of Sacramento, President, California Black Chamber of Commerce & Board Member of the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc.;Ron Busby of Washington, D.C., originally from Oakland, President U.S. Black Chambers, Inc.; Ipeleng Mkhari, Founder & CEO Motseng Investment Holdings of Johannesburg, discussing "Sustainable Economic Growth and Wealth Redistribution" at the Essence Festival Durban Business Conference November 2016.
Social Justice:
CBS News with Nora O'Donnell Coverage of Once Persecuted San Francisco Mission District Low Riders
A NAACP Gala Public Service Announcement featuring former San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. was written and produced by Jackie Wright of Wright Enterprises
San Francisco Black Film Festival 2021
Written & Produced by Jackie Wright, Wright Enterprises
Production: Comcast
Media Relations by Wright Enterprises:
Goodwill Industries
Congratulations to Kelly Armstrong founder of the Bayview Y's "Primed and Prepped" Culinary Program- Iron Chef Challenge Great Success! Click Images for the Story with Video.
KTVU Anchor Julie Haener and Reporter Jana Katsuyama |
Primed and Prepped Students Work with Top Bay Area Chefs
for Iron Chef Challenge Trophy.
Guests at City College Chinatown Enjoy the Fare from Bayview Y "Primed and Prepped" Students & Their Famous Chef Team Captains.
Getting in the television culinary challenge Kelly Armstrong founder and director of "Primed and Prepped" gets into the character of "Sweetie Pie" from the Oprah Winfrey Network with that signature red chef jacket (a contrast from the traditional white jacket).
Jimmy Jean-Louis of NBC's "Heroes" Fame is "Toussaint Louventure"
Opening the Oakland International Film Festival, April 3rd
Oakland, CA - March 31, 2014 -Congratulations to David Roach and the Oakland Film Society as the 12th annual Oakland International Film Festival gets underway,Thursday, April 3rd with an epic French produced film, "Toussaint Louverture!" Will Danny Glover be there?! Toussaint is one of the historical figures he has always wanted to produce a film about. The film is truly a "French Connection" in that it is in French with English subtitles. The historic film about a historic man opens the festival at the historic Grand Lake Theater in Oakland. Here's your chance to enjoy a visually stimulating film, practice your French, and see the great work of actor Jimmy Jean Louis among other things. Click the Image to find out more about the Oakland International Film Festival!
Jimmy Jean-Louis, "The Haitian" of NBC's Heroes
portrays Haitian Hero
"Toussaint Louverture"
in the epic film that opens the Oakland International Film Festival.
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi Speaks with Media

SF Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women Thanks Sponsors & Announces 2014 Tea!
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The San Francisco Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women kicked off Women's History Month with its Eighth Annual "Bridging the Generations Golden Girls Hats and Gloves Tea," chaired by Ria Brandenberg was made possible by major sponsors Lennar Corporation, California Pacific Medical Center's Breast Health Program, Cosmopolitan Baptist Church and KPIX.
"With Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi joining us, the Keynote Speech by U.S. Trade Commissioner Teresa Cox and our honorees, it was a wonderful occasion thanks to our sponsors," said Dr. Maxine Hickman, President of the San Francisco Chapter. "Next year, 'The Multicultural National Coalition of 100 Black Women in San Francisco Weekend,' will be March 1-2, 2014."
Other Background articles:
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi Brings Greetings to SF Chapter of 100 Black Women
Oakland Pastor Greggory Brown Featured in New York Times Article
African-Americans remain overwhelmingly supportive of President Obama, but many have higher expectations for his second term.
Or, copy and paste this URL into your browser: http://nyti.ms/UJqh2L |
Reverend Greggory Brown, actively works with his congregation in the High Street Area of Oakland. He has been a consistent voice for nonviolence and for grassroots action to make a difference in Oakland.
Goodwill Industries
KTVU generated early morning Live Shots today from the Donate A Thon as media gathered for this "goodwill" story at Goodwill. Did you know Goodwill diverted 19,945,870 pounds(15 football fields) of waste from land fill and readied over 7,000 people for the workplace and provided over 46,000 visit to the Goodwill Career Center in one year alone.
KTVU Channel 2
CBS Channel 5
ABC Channel 7
KGO Radio
Liz St. John of CBS Interviews Goodwill CEO Debbie Alvarez
Goodwill San Francisco CEO Debbie Alvarez at KCBS Studios
Dallas International Film Festival gaining steam and standing
By Jackie Wright
They call it "Big D" and there is a reason for it. The Dallas International Film Festival with its "Star Awards" closing weekend is just a reminder that "they do it big in Texas." The Dallas Film Society led by Lynn McBee, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Lee Papert, President & CEO, pulled out all the stops as it honored Laura Linney, Bernie Pollack, Eric Pleskow, and Gabourey Sidibe with "Dallas Star Awards", last Friday kicking off the concluding weekend. In addition, The Dallas International Film Festival (DIFF) screened more than 180 films from 27 countries during its sixth annual event, April 12-22.
From the Festival Village at Mockingbird Station to the strategic use of venues such as historic Majestic Theater, the Hotel Palomar, Texas Theater, Nasher Sculpture Center, it was a stylish artistic cultural experience graciously infused with southern comfort and hospitality.
Covering the event in conjunction with San Francisco based LaHitz Media, this reporter was reminded of director and filmmaker Jacquie Taliaferro's constant refrain about "jobs and money" generated by the film and entertainment industry and the need to cultivate commerce in communities of color as films and entertainment are created. Click Here for Entire Story Published by Dallas South News
The Piper of Flipsyde Pens "Cops and Robbers" One Man Play
KQED's Rachel Dornheim Interviews Rapper, Law Enforcement Officer, Playwright Jinho "The Piper" Ferreira of Internationally known Hip Hop Group "Flipsyde"
After play discussion moderator SF Filmmaker Jacquie Taliaferro, Co-Director Ami Zins, Playwright,
Actor, Rapper, Jinho "The Piper" Ferreira, and Hollywood Celebrity
Actor, Producer, Mario Van Peebles at World Premiere of "Cops and Robbers."
San Francisco Black Film Festival
The San Francisco Black Film Festival was a great success thanks in large part to Hollywood producers Randall Emmett ("Things Fall Apart") and Morgan Simpson ("Black, White and Blues") for allowing their films to be featured in the San Francisco Black Film Festival. Both films were directed by Mario Van Peebles.
NBC 11 Interview of Filmmaker Kevin Epps & Publicist Jackie Wright
Oakland Post
San Francisco BayView
SF Weekly
KPOO Radio
Eric Smith/Roland Washington: Interview with fLO-featured emerging artist at SFBFF, Kali Ray, Co-Director, Jackie Wright, Publicist
KALW Radio
Kevin Robinson Interview Kali Ray, Co-Director of San Francisco Black Film Festival
Wanda's Picks
NBC 11 Article
ABC 7 Article
Short Video Slide Show of Red Carpet Event-Photos by Auintard Henderson
Longer Version Video Slide Show of Red Carpet Event-Photos by Auintard Henderson
CBS 5/CW Bay Area TV Airs :15 Second National Coalition of 100
Black Women in San Francisco
Weekend (March 4-6, 2011) Public Service Announcement.
Weekend Chaired by Jackie Wright of Wright Enterprises.
Take Back High Street in Oakland
Dr. Ramona Tascoe is pictured with Oakland Mayor Jean Quan in community ceremony honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. after the
"Take Back High Street Clean Up & March."
屋崙 紀念遭槍殺青年巴爾
記者蔡明容屋崙報導 世界新聞網 北美華人社區新聞
January 24, 2011 06:00 AM | 32 觀看次數 | |
圖片 1 / 2
近百名義工與社區領袖,23日聚集在High街的社區中心,共同以清掃街道和組織民眾擔任義工等方式,紀念今年元旦在High街3100號街區發生的首宗 兇殺案,同時希望透過實際行動,能夠避免類似的悲劇再度發生,隨後義工與社區領袖也於社區信仰教堂(Faith Community Church)舉行金恩博士紀念會,並邀請屋崙市長關麗珍共同頒發「為夢想而活獎」,鼓勵勇敢追夢的社區人士。
由多個社區組織共同發 起,以重新找回High街為主題,發動近百名義工沿路清掃High街與Walgreens街,並邀請社區民眾註冊加入義工行列,義工團也在今年元旦屋崙首 宗兇殺案發生的地點,短暫停留與默哀,以紀念遭槍殺的19歲青年巴爾(Darnell Barr)。
Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華人社區新聞 - 屋崙 紀念遭槍殺青年巴爾
Additional Media Coverage of "Take Back High Street" in Oakland, CA
KRON, Channel 4
For details of the "Take Back High Street March" and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration at Miracles of Faith Church Click Here
Links to ABC 7 Coverage and other media are below.
Congresswoman Barbara Lee offered her support to Allen Temple Babtist Church Pastor J. Alfred Smith Jr. (far right) and the Allen Temple AIDS ministry workers (left to right: nurses David Greensberg and Greg Miller, Dr. Anthony Jones, and Co-Chair Gloria Cox-Crowell) who were recently released from a Zimbabwean jail.
5:00 News on ABC 7 in San Francisco-
6:00 News on ABC 7
Oakland North
HAITI EARTHQUAKE: NAACP Hosts Fund-Raiser For Haiti, Features Danny Glover [Amber Lee]
Danny Glover speaks with Nick Smith, Janelle Wang on ABC 7's View From the Bay
(photo by Jackie Wright 1-14-10)
Jackie Wright Voiceover Work for San Francisco Conservation Corps
Click Link to Hear Commercial
LaHitz@Cannes International Film Series

LaHitz Director, Jacquie Taliaferro greets Eddie Mbato,
CEO South African National Film Video Foundation, and International
Stars Eriq Ebouaney and Jimmy Jean-Louis (NBC's "Heroes").
(Click photo for video of presentation)
The African Diaspora Connects at Cannes
Posted by Posting Admin on June 3rd, 2009

French Film Actor Eriq Ebouaney
During the 62nd Cannes International Film Festival, the African Diaspora connected to celebrate art and humanitarian efforts. San Francisco-based LaHitz Media honored the work of international star Eriq Ebouaney with the Sojourner Truth Award that is presented annually at Cannes and in Los Angeles at the Pan African Film Festival.
Jimmy Jean-Louis, Haitian actor and star of NBC's "Heroes" presented the award to Ebouaney. "Eriq, it is my pleasure to present the Sojourner Truth Award to you on behalf of LaHitz Media in recognition of your artistic excellence and commitment to giving back to our community," said Jean-Louis.
The award was presented at the South African Pavilion, the Cannes home base for National Film and Video Foundation of South Africa, headed by CEO Eddie Mbato, a previous recipient of the award that was presented by Rhamatou Kieta, internationally acclaimed Nigerian filmmaker, also a recipient of the award.
"We are here at the South African Pavilion, and I stand with Eddie, a former recipient, who is putting a fire under all of Africa to grow its film industry. I appreciate the significance of this award that brings the African Diaspora together to recognize the best of the arts and humanitarian work," said Ebouaney.
"I think it is important that we also make note of the fact that Eriq was one of the celebrities to pledge support of the Help Mama Africa campaign said Jacquie Taliaferro, filmmaker and Director of LaHitz Media.
Help Mama Africa was begun over the Internet in March 2009 by African Diaspora artists, filmmaker Taliaferro, international French Senegalese designer and owner of Afric' Elance, Angele De Medeiros, broadcast producer, and owner of production company Baobab Motion, and award-winning journalist, publicist, and writer Jackie Wright, principal of Wright Enterprises. Help Mama Africa is a foundation with roots in the U.S., France and Senegal that has begun its work in bringing awareness and funds to the successful life-saving work of Professor Dr. Claude Moreira who saves 70 percent of the children treated for cancer at the Le Dantec Hospital in Dakar, Senegal.
Oakland International Film Festival:
Everybody is a Star Red Carpet Event Opening Night
Red Carpet Event with Youth Filmmakers
News Articles:
Miracles of Faith Community Church Video
Christian Church Homes Short Video
Christian Church Homes Public Service Announcements
Jackie Wright of Wright Enterprises Directs for TV Ministry at New Birth California
Lifting My Hands
Chasing After you
San Francisco Conservation Corps-Green Before It was Chic
SF Conservation Corps Keeps It Green
National Alliance on Mental Illness
San Francisco State 1968 Student Strike Commemoration
San Francisco Chronicle
The San Francisco Examiner
San Jose Mercury News
Contra Costa Times
Inside Bay Area.com
Diverse Issues in Higher Education
KQED Radio's Forum with Michael Krasny
Media garnered for President Barack Obama
Everyday People Witness an Extraordinary Inauguration
From Washington, D.C. Jackie Wright reports on the Inaguration of the 44th President of the United States Barack Obama
Jackie Wright Informed then Candidate Obama a Soldier's Mother Stood Outside a Fundraiser to Meet Him
Obama Has the White House- In March 2008 the Bayview Neighborhood Gave Obama his first White House
San Francisco State Taste of the Bay
Jordan Girls-Michael Jordan's #1 Fans
Renel's 50th Birthday Bash @ AT&T Park
Asian Mental Health Issues
Red Cross Heroes
LaHitz Media
LaHitz Laughs with Frank Gore and Vernon Davis Over Davis' Breakout Year
LaHitz@ 49er's vs. Lions
Gift of Preparedness Magazine-Alternative Holiday Gifts
Women's Energy Matters
Jackie Wright of Wright Enterprises has her own story and it's because of the sensitivity developed from the media surrounding the loss of her father as a Fallen Hero serving as a Honor Guard for Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara on March 9, 1964 that she works fast and accurately with compassion for those who desire media coverage and those who find themselves in the midst of unwanted media inquiries.
Christmas 2014 Arlington National Cemetery
As 2014 neared its end, the Wright Family noted its accomplishment of honoring Fallen Viet Nam War Hero Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr. and his wife, Ouida F. Wright by having them buried at Arlington National Cemetery during it's 150th Anniversary. Wright, who served as an Honor Guard for Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara at the time of his death was moved from a segregated cemetery in Jacksonville, Florida and reburied with his wife Ouida F. McClendon Wright at Arlington National Cemetery on March 10, 2014. It was the day after the March 9 anniversary of their deaths in 1964 and 1970 respectively. See Full Article.
Days after the article was written with the reference that the Wright Siblings were still waiting on the headstone to mark their parents new resting place, they received a photo from their cousin retired Major Dexter McLendon Sr. that his friend had taken after the Cristmas wreath laying by Wreaths Across America. So days before Christmas, the Wright Siblings not only received the gift of knowing the headstone had been placed, but also the gift of Mrs. Ginger Shannon Young had fulfilled her promise, "I'll make sure your parents will get a wreath for Christmas." The Wrights met Mrs. Shannon Young at the reburial of their parents in Arlington on March 10, 2014. They had a connection that for years the Wrights were not aware of, both Lt. Kenneth A. Shannon and Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr. were honored at the base in Vinh Long, Viet Nam (Shannon-Wright Compound) , after their deaths in March of 1964. On the Viet Nam War Memorial, their names are near each other. Fifty years after their deaths, their families connected in life to remember the sacrifice they and others made to the United States of America.
Mrs. Ginger Shannon Young, volunteer with Wreaths Across America lays a Christmas Wreath at Arlington Gravesite of Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr. and Ouida Fay Wright.
The names of Helicopter Crew Chief, Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr., who died March 9, 1964 as an honor guard for Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara and Pilot Lt. Kenneth A. Shannon, who died March 15, 1964, both of the U.S. Army 114th Aviation Company, follow each other on the Viet Nam War Memorial.
Honoring Father and Mother, Remembering, Memorial Day 2014
"Love Separated in Life...Love Reunited in Honor"
A time of celebration for the Children of Sp5 Wyley and Ouida Wright buried together
at Arlington National Cemetery March 10, 2014, One of the stories of the hallowed grounds at Arlington National Cemetery
as its 150th Anniversary is commemorated May 2014.(Photo: Andre Ray Thompson/Ray Caling)
Full Article
Wright Sisters Find Vihn Long Gate to Shannon Wright Compound in Vietnam Honoring Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr. & Lt. Kenneth A. Shannon-Click Link
Wright Sisters Share Mekong River Ceremony Honoring Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr. & Other Heroes-Click Link
Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr.'s Service Unit-114th Aviation Company, "First to Arrive & Last to Leave Vietnam" Holds Reunion August 27-30, 2015-Media Advisory.-Click Link
From Arlington to Vietnam-"Crossroads"-Magazine of the Marines Memorial Association- Spring 2016