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Rama Diop-Social Justice Watch in Marin County
November 18, 2009


Africa Cries for Justice in Marin County
The Special Case of Rama Diop

"There is nothing special about you.  Just because you are Rama Diop does not mean you get special treatment.  I have heard nothing new here," so the vitriolic words rolled off the tongue of Beverly Woods, a Commissioner in family court.  It was my first indication that the Wisdom of Solomon would not be found and that the baby would be severed if the court has its way.

As I heard those words and the tone of those words in the windowless courtroom room with stark white lighting shining on the Black woman from Senegal crying out on behalf of her "Obamite" son with no one, except myself and one other that looked like her in the courtroom, my heart dropped.  It was worse than I thought.  I felt I had been transported back in time to Jim Crow Georgia where a Black person had not a snowball's chance in hell of getting justice.

Rama Diop was escorted out of court by the two White deputies one of whom told her "take your garbage out!" in reference to the evidence she had presented and the other held her by the left bicep with a disgusted sneer on his face. I sat there stunned, riveted to my chair wanting to follow her out, but also needing to hear the judge's ruling.  What had just happened?  Rama Diop had just spoken about her concern for her son's safety in light of his being reportedly abused by his dad, who is diagnosed as bipolar, a stripper who has solicited erotic and pornographic gigs although he is a multimillionaire.  In a recent move to further taunt and torment Rama Diop, upon returning their four-year old son after an overnight custody visit, the father adorned their son with his sex mask used in photos to solicit erotic and stripping opportunities.  Rama Diop's protests of overnight visits had fallen on the deaf ears of the court, but this subtle outrage added salt to her wounded mother's soul.
The judge pronounced she had  "heard nothing new."  As I witnessed the proceedings, Commissioner Wood seemed extremely agitated when Rama Diop brought up the fact that Wood is married to a principal of the Freitas Law Firm that initially represented Rama Diop's son's millionaire father, Richard Meredith Owens.  Once again the struggle of race and class is played out in America overshadowing the fact that we have a Black president.  Could it be that Mr. Obama's presence in the White House represents the case of one step forward and three steps backwards for everyday people facing the challenges of race and class in America?  Those who have declared we as a people have arrived parity in all things racial and look through the Obama lenses, shutout the cries of the Rama Diops of the world saying their alleged discriminatory plight is an anachronism from a different place and time.

Follow the links and you can see Rama Diop's challenges:;|jq2q43wvsl855o|x7txaw7ia6888y&issueId=x7thlm9cz68q4m&xid=x7tsp1pz11w1s3.  Rama Diop apologized to her Muslim countrymen for her out of wedlock relationship with Owens and sought their help as documented on a Senegalese website:

Atty. Meera Fox, Asm. Jim Beall, Rama Diop
Atty Meera Fox, Assemblyman Jim Beall, Rama Diop

Unfortunately Rama Diop's case is not an isolated one as the Center for Judicial Excellence documents other cases:  The only slow movement toward justice in the family court system has been the work of State Senator Mark Leno, Assemblyman Jim Beall and Alameda County Supervisor Gail Steele.  The State will conduct an audit of the family court system in Marin and Sacramento counties that may result in statewide correction. 

The crux of her dilemma is the fact that over 3 years ago, Rama Diop decided to leave Owens and the abusive relationship. Troubles began when Owens falsely accused Diop of trying to kill him with a kitchen knife to obtain a restraining order from judge Lynn Duryee whose husband's Law Firm, Freitas, represented Owens. Even though Owens' lies have been laid bare in family court, he has received no penal reprimands. Based on undeniable evidence, Judge Verna Adams ruled that Owens was too mentally unstable to have a single overnight but if Rama Diop moves, Owens would have full custody. Adams also ruled that Rama Diop could not renew her move-away request before May 2010 and that order bought time for Owens to use his power, money and connections to systematically chip away at Rama Diop's custody of their son.

As Rama Diop is caught in this legal quandary awaiting the determination of her appeal of this incongruous order, Judge Adams treacherously handed down Rama Diop's case to Commissioner Beverly Wood to continue the legal disenfranchisement business as usual. Wood quickly moved to set a new status quo to continue to deprive Rama Diop of the support system of family and friends and the ability to take care of herself via the job that is waiting for her in New York. Rama Diop who speaks French and English graduated Magna Cum Laude from New York University in 2005. Commissioner Wood is on a rampage against Rama Diop and blindly increased Owens's visitations this year in addition to giving him psychological custody, which facilitates a possible custody switch. Clearly, Commissioner Wood's unwavering support of Owens only reaffirms her husband's Freitas Law Firm's initial representation of Owens.

Rama Diop is a tall striking Black beauty.  As I saw her bent over in spirit that day in Marin County Family Court representing herself without legal counsel, I could only think of "A voice was heard in Rama, Lamentation, weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, Refusing to be comforted, Because they are no more," Matthew 2:18.  It became my prayer that those poignant and sad but beautiful words would not be the fate of Rama Diop.  I had gone to the court that day on a whim.  When I got up that morning I had no intention to going to San Rafael and was on my way to another destination when I remembered the date and courtroom she'd have her hearing.  Rama had not asked me to attend, but the Spirit whispered so gently to my heart, "go." The first pronouncements out of the judge's mouth confirmed what an attorney for Center for Judicial Excellence, an organization fighting corruption in family court, had said of Rama Diop's case, "They are setting up Rama to lose custody of her son."

So what can you do about all of this?  Invest some of your time.  Pray for justice to prevail. Take action.  Send this information to someone that can provide pro bono legal counsel.  Come out to the Marin County Civic Center and witness future hearings on Rama Diop's case.  Hold a reception in her honor and invite your friends to hear her story and support her financially.  Invest your money.  Rama Diop does not have a nonprofit to receive funds at this time, but can we get beyond the mentality of the rich but impotent foundations that won't help individuals.  Individuals need help and if we don't change the lives of individuals, we will not see real change.  Take action to help change the life of one individual.  Write a check or send a money order payable to Rama Diop.   You can send it to Rama Diop, c/o Wright Enterprises, P.O. Box 884714, San Francisco, CA  94188. There is no tax deduction at this time, but you will know that you have made an investment to help a fellow human being.  I believe God helps those who help others.  You can even email Rama Diop to encourage her to keep the faith: and find out when the next hearing will be held.

Share this story with others.  Email to your friends.

Everyone has their issues and their own problems.  True that!  This is one that has come across your desk.  Is there anything you can do to help?  Come up with your creative response born of how the Spirit speaks to you.  Do something.  If you choose not to help Rama Diop, help someone whose story has come across your path.  You can't be all things to all people, but you can be significant to somebody.  As I told a friend recently, "we have got to start treating each other nicer."  We can do better than this.

Send a message to that judge by doing what you can.  Contrary to Woods' limited judgment, because you care; "There is something VERY special about Rama Diop."


Rama Diop  has taken her case to the streets protesting in
Mill Valley Memorial Day at the Peace and Justice Parade
and in San Rafael at the Marin County Civic Center.

Rama Diop Protests at Peace and Justice Parade in Mill Valley
Memorial Day '09.
Rama Diop @ Mill Valley Parade

                           Rama Diop Protests @ Marin Civic Center

Rama Diop (fourth from left) protests at Marin County Civic Center June '09

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