March 13, 2025

Community News

SFUSD African American Honor Roll Celebration at Historic Third Baptist Church
February 9, 2010


Tareyton Russ, President

P.O. Box 27577

San Francisco, CA  94127

(4l5) 515-5732                                            

P R E S S   R E L E A S E

African American Students Honor Roll Celebration

The San Francisco Alliance of Black School Educators will host its Annual Honor Roll Celebration for more than twelve hundred (1,200) African American students in the San Francisco Unified School District  in grades 3-12, who have earned a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) or higher on Wednesday February 10, 2010, Third Baptist Church, 1399 McAllister. San Francisco, CA. Rev. Dr. Amos C. Brown, Pastor.  Students assemble 5:00 p.m., Program and Reception 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

The family of The Late Herod Carpenter who worked as a Substitute Teacher until he was 97 years old will be honored.  Dr. Henry L. Augustine, City College of San Francisco will receive The President Barack Obama Award for Excellence in Education.  Educator Erma Adams Retired Parent Liaison will be honored along with The Madame C.J. Walker Home for Girls and Women.  Richard Carranza, Deputy Superintendent and Commissioner Kim-Shree Maufas of the San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education will offer words of congratulations, along with Mr. Hoover Liddell.

The public is invited.  A reception will follow the ceremony in the Fellowship Hall.  All are welcome to come and celebrate the academic achievement of our African American students.  Admission is FREE.  Donations gladly accepted, please make your tax deductible contributions to SFABSE.  Questions, please contact Louis Garrett, Co-Chairperson 515-5732, Virginia Marshall, Chairperson,




Celebrate February and Carter G.Woodson, founder in 1915  of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, by focusing on the importance of books.  Bay Area residents are fortunate to have two  of the nation's oldest, independent, Black-owned book stores  in San Francisco  (1712 Fillmore Street) and Oakland (3900 Martin Luther King Jr  Way).   Meet the third generation of a book-loving family- the Richardsons! And,  when thinking about gifts - for any occasion -


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