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Minority Groups Call for Investigation of Silicon Valley Companies for Discrimination of Women & Minorities
March 5, 2010

Experiences in Silicon Valley and Northern California by Wright Enterprises, a Black female-owned business, leads the president Jackie Wright to give additional observations that affirm the need for the actions described in the News Release from the Black Economic Council.  In the hotbed of so called multiculturalism the discriminatory realities reminds one of the South thirty years ago.

As a level playing field is attempted consider the following points:

"The reference to Blacks or African Americans may need to be changed to include "descendants of former slaves."  In the diversity game, corporations hire S.E. Asian Indians, Asians, Blacks from Africa, Latinos etc. and declare they are diverse as they shut out Blacks-descendants of former slaves.   As a result,  the check Dr. King spoke about in "I have a Dream" comes back insufficient once again. 

I have a great deal of respect for the Latino social justice efforts.  When the whole bilingual movement started our Latino brothers and sisters had the foresight to include "bilingual and bicultural" in public discourse so that their people were not cut out by people who learned their language.

The FCC needs to investigate broadcasters because diversity on air and behind the scenes is dismal.  Broadcasters are responsible in a large part for creating and perpetuating the mind-set that allows corporate executives to feel comfortable and justified in not hiring people of color.

I believe there is room for everyone and I do not bemoan immigrants being hired, but not at the expense of "the descendants of former slaves" who opened the door for them to receive social justice in this country.... and not when they come to the country we helped build and act more racist than White Corporate America.  I was just at an event in Silicon Valley last Thursday in a room of about 200 mostly White executives, of all the high level tech execs I interviewed, an immigrant from Southeast Asia was the most arrogant, intolerant, dismissive and disrespectful.  This was not an unusual occurrence.

Dr. Jerry Kang says television news perpetuates racism.

The cultural prejudices that immigrants bring from their countries coupled with the racism that already exists must be checked, along with whitewashed minority executives.

Instead to fighting over the minority slice of the pie, we should be growing the pie.  It's in the best interest of everyone to do so."

Jackie Wright
415 525 0410


March 2, 2010



Minority Groups Seek FCC Investigation of Silicon Valley Giants that Discriminate Against Minorities and Women

The Black Economic Council joined by Latino Business Chamber of Greater LA and Mabuhay Alliance formally requested an investigation by the FCC on Silicon Valley Corporations for discrimination against minorities and women

The request is the San Jose Mercury News investigation reported on February 14, 2010 entitled, "Blacks, Latinos and Women Lose Ground at Silicon Valley Tech Companies."  The data collected or attempted to collect from the giant Silicon Valley companies that often seek preferences and favorable treatment from the FCC include: AMD, Apple, Calpine, Cisco Systems, eBay, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Oracle, Sanmina, Solectron, Sun Microsystems, SYNNEX and Yahoo

The data demonstrates that Silicon Valley giants have:

·         The lowest employment rates for African-Americans among Fortune 500 corporations-1.5%;

·         The lowest employment rates for Latinos of any Fortune 500 corporation doing significant businesses in California (4.7% for Latinos vs. a Latino population in California of 38%); and

·         One of the lowest rates amongst Fortune 500 corporations for women--24% (According to the US Department of Labor statistics women constitute 50.3% of the non-agricultural workforce and 51% of recent college graduates.)

Even more disturbing is that these Silicon Valley technological giants had substantial declines in the percent of African American, Latino and women management workers: 30% decline over a five year period among Blacks, 25% over a five year period among Hispanics and an almost 20% decline among women.

Similar exclusions exist among many Asian American subgroups.  However, Silicon Valley has hidden this discrimination through a lack of transparency and manipulation of data.  For example, Silicon Valley improperly includes the huge number of H1-B foreign workers within its Asian American category.  Upon information and belief, we are prepared to prove that two of the largest Asian American groups, Vietnamese-Americans and Filipino-Americans, are discriminated against.  Similarly, we are prepared to show that Samoan, Thai, Cambodian and Hmong Americans are discriminated against.

Using eBay as a typical example, it employs only 2% Blacks, 4% Latinos and 37% women.  Its percentage of women declined by over 15% between 2000 and 2005 and its percentage of Latinos was cut in half from 2000 to 2005 according to the San Jose Mercury

As the FCC is aware from the prior filing by Mabuhay in October 2009 with the FCC, many competitors to Silicon Valley that use the same worker pool have far better records.  This includes Verizon, AT&T and the newest competitor Wal-Mart.

Google and Others Censor Data

According to the San Jose Mercury data, Google, Apple and other transparency proponents refused to provide data that they are required to keep by the EEOC.  Sadly, when the San Jose Mercury sought to secure this data, Google, Apple and others blocked the San Jose Mercury from securing the data.


These efforts at censorship of unfavorable employment data and efforts similar to these, appear to be in conflict with Silicon Valley's regulatory requests predicated on the need for transparency and open networks.

Refusal to Contract with Women and Minority Owned Businesses

The Black Economic council, Latino Business Chamber of Greater LA and Mabuhay Alliance are prepared to prove that the Silicon Valley technology giants do not provide a fair share of small business contracts to Blacks, Latinos, women and most Asian American owned businesses.  We have also previously provided to the FCC data from Silicon Valley competitors that demonstrate the contract success of these competitors.

No Transparency and Little Philanthropy to Underserved Communities

Today, most Fortune 500 corporations provide comprehensive data on their philanthropy to underserved communities including philanthropy enhancing broadband access to underserved communities.  This list of transparent companies includes many competitors and potential competitors of these Silicon Valley companies such as Wal-Mart, which has philanthropic grants of almost $500 million a year.  In contrast to these competitors, few, if any Silicon Valley companies provide any transparency as to their philanthropy. 

Further, many Silicon Valley companies in comparison to their competitors, provide few grants to minority nonprofits.  For example AT&T and Verizon provide over 80% of their philanthropy to underserved communities with a heavy focus on minority led nonprofits.

2.  Minorities Request Immediate FCC Investigation

The request made by the minority groups to the FCC includes the following

A)    Silicon Valley companies that discriminate against, exclude or fail to hire from the vast majority of our nation's workforce be denied by all federal regulatory agencies any competitive advantages.

B)    All Silicon Valley companies benefiting from FCC actions or participating in FCC filings or hearings should be required to document in a public and transparent fashion that they are truly transparent and equal opportunity employers before they engage in competitive battles against equal opportunity employers.

C)     Public hearings to be held in the Silicon Valley within 45 days on this subject.  All major Silicon Valley CEOs should be required to appear and provide comprehensive data 10 days in advance of the hearing.

3.  Additional Actions Sought by the Aggrieved Parties

Separate from this action:

·         Filing with the Black, Hispanic and Asian Pacific Caucus chairpersons a request for a joint Congressional hearing by the three minority caucuses. 

·         Similar requests will be filed with the 17 women US Senators including the two Senators from California, Senators Boxer and Feinstein.

·         The Department of Justice, through US Attorney General Eric Holder and Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Tom Perez, will be requested to conduct a comprehensive investigation and immediately secure and make public all data for the years 1999 through 2009.  The requests will be for this data to be broken down by race, ethnicity and gender including subgroups for Asian Americans.

·         The Department of Justice and the EEOC will be asked to conduct similar investigations and to make the data readily available.

On behalf of 110 million US minorities and a workforce that is now a majority of women, including a majority women college graduates including at the graduate school level, The Black Economic council, Latino Business Chamber of Greater LA and Mabuhay Alliance urge that all the actions set forth in their formal complaint to the FCC Commissioners, be commenced within 30 days.

About the Black Economic Council (BEC)

The Black Economic Council (BEC) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization created to provide Black Americans an economic platform that facilitates business formation, job creation, access to capital, home ownership, affordable housing, financial fitness and equal opportunity for employment in the workforce. The mission of the BEC is to promote the self-sufficiency of Black-American communities through structured economic development.


Yolanda Lewis, Director of Technology

Black Economic Council

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