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Dressing Up From the Inside/Out Empowers at SF EOC
July 31, 2010

Dressing Up Empowers at EOC
Press Release

EOC LogoEconomic Opportunity Council of San Francisco
1426 Fillmore Street, Suite 301
San Francisco, CA  94115

Phone: (415) 749-5600
FAX: (415) 749-3956

Youth Learn Life Lessons for Success at the EOC's Summer Programs
San Francisco-Economic empowerment is the theme of the Economic Opportunity Council (EOC) this summer as demonstrated in three new programs designed to give young people ages 16-25 a leg up.    The programs that emphasize mathematics, directs youth to engage emerging stem cell research and biotechnology, and the power of personal image, have been well received. This article will focus on the changes being made in young ladies as they embark on personal empowerment.
"Dressing Up From the Inside/Out", is a personal development training that builds skills that will support young adults through a self-empowerment process that will assist them with seeking employment. The training emphasizes the importance of self-esteem, self-awareness, personal grooming, wardrobe planning, interpersonal communication skills and much more. The program was created and implemented by Kelly Armstrong, a 20-year image consultant and instructor.  Fourteen  young women are learning to advance themselves in life by examining and enhancing their lives "from the inside/out."
Kelly Armstrong, Image Consultant and City College Instructor
Kelly Armstrong
"By controlling what they think, loving themselves, setting goals, and taking on life with purpose, these young ladies are building a strong foundation for success," says Armstrong.
The students' classes are based in the executive offices of the Economic Opportunity Council, 1426 Fillmore.  For some it is their first exposure to an office setting.
"We want the young people to feel welcome here and to know this is just the beginning.  They belong in executive suites and the best is yet to come," said Dennis Yee, Economic Opportunity Council Executive Director.
Armstrong's class includes the girl's learning about Maslow's Hierarchy, strategies for developing self-awareness, developing self esteem by combating negative thinking, acting responsibly toward others, making a conscious decision to value self, strategies for stress reduction, overcoming procrastination, wardrobe planning, personal grooming, career development, managing time and achieving goals among other life changing and enhancing topics.
One of the unique aspects of Armstrong's style is to include other accomplished role models. Sylvia Montgomery,Image and Etiquette Consultant of Castro
Sylvia Montgomery, Etiquette Consultant
Sylvia Montgomery
Valley is one of the instructors focusing on business etiquette and social graces.  The power of the power lunch has been explained. Practical information has been shared such as how to eat soup, what flatware to use, how to pass bread to the right and be sure to place bread in the bread dish to the left and all the other nuances that will indicate you are a power player to your perspective boss.  The EOC has contracted with 1300 on Fillmore, a fine dining restaurant in the Yoshi's complex, to give the students the experience of being in a restaurant that a CEO may use to meet and determine if they are the right fit for a position in the company.

At EDD Fillmore One Stop, Eben Green and Darrell Lewis share technology opportunities with youth.
EOC-One Stop Eben Green & Darrell Lewis
A recent real world experience at the Fillmore EDD One stop, gave the students an opportunity to apply for their scan cards that will allow them to utilize the One Stop Center for job searching. One Stop Office Manager, Angela Bedford invited  Eben Green,  and Darrell Lewis, of the Academy of Digital Science to speak with the students about how they can be self empowered through technology. They stressed that  being digitally literate the students can be in touch with the demands in the workforce and it opens them up to an array of possibilities.
Some of the students share how they felt about the field trip:
"While visiting the One Stop, I learned that when an opportunity is available to not just overlook it.  Seek into it and see how far it can take you even if you're not interested in it.  The more experience the better," said 16 year old Ayonna Currington.
"I met people that have made something of nothing and those people were giving us information," said Patricia Edwards, 17
"I am interested in doing Mr. Lewis' and Mr. Green's program because computers really fascinated me, so I'm really thinking about joining their program," said  Da' Jiana Mims,17
17 year old Cleopatra Stevens said of her experience, "I learned that anyone can really do whatever they want and that whenever openings come up for you even if you're not interested, take it.  Also today, I was told how to dress-professionally, what's appropriate to wear for an interview."
Dr. Kim Benton speaks with Youth at EOC's
"Dressing Up From the Inside/Out"
Dr. Kim Benton
"Dressing Up From the Inside/Out," is designed to connect the dots when it comes to practical information.  Dentist, Dr. Kim Benton's recent instruction about oral hygiene is an example.  Dr. Benton's presentation was of great interest as she talked about the rise in oral cancer due to the rise of the HPV virus (human papillomavirus) among young people.  "We're finding that there is a rise in cancer of the mouth among youth due to unprotected oral sex.  Many young people don't believe oral sex is sex and that is a contributing factor in the rise because the HPV virus can be passed during oral sex," said Dr. Benton.  "I was able to share with the girls that they are more valuable than diamonds and they should care for themselves because they are treasures."

From health, to work, to fun "Dressing Up From the Inside/ Out," is helping change young lives. Filmmaker Kevin Epps, of "Straight Outta Hunters Point & Black Rock" fame, is documenting those changes. 
"We're pleased to have our youth work with people like John Templeton, Kelly Armstrong, Raymond Thompkins and others and have their work with our young people memorialized by a Bay Area talent like Kevin," said Darnisha Wright, EOC Deputy Director. "We're working hard at the EOC to give opportunity beyond our core programs of child development, energy assistance and those at the Potrero Hill Family Resource Center.
Filmmaker Kevin Epps (r) Prepares to Document "Inside/Out" One Stop Visit with Video Intern Marvellus Lucus Jr (l).
Click Image to see Filmmaker Kevin Epps' story of students visit with instructor John Templeton to the International Society for Stem Cell Research's Annual Meeting or click or paste in your url.
For more about the EOC visit or call 415 749-5600.

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