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Former San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. Makes Multicultural Call for NAACP
September 24, 2010


Former San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr.
Makes Multicultural Call for NAACP 

Press Release For Immediate Release
                                                               NAACP Logo


Jacquie Taliaferro,
San Francisco
NAACP Communications Chairman
Jacquie Taliaferro, Founder, LaHitz Media

Dear Friends,

Take a moment to review the public service announcement from former San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr.  The NAACP has  made our country stronger.  You are invited to join the on-going work of the NAACP.  When we consider the legacy of people like Harry T. and Harriette Moore, Viola Gregg Liuzzo, Rabbi Everett Gendler and others we are reminded that we cannot rest on Civil Rights laurels.  Consider joining a NAACP Chapter near you to help make a historic difference.  The San Francisco Chapter of the NAACP One Dream One Nation Freedom Fund Gala is November 6th.  Your presence can help make a difference.  Join us.

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr.
Click Image to see NAACP Public Service Announcement
Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr.

The local television and radio stations have received the public service announcement.  If you are not hearing or seeing the psa, make sure you email or call your local station.  If they are in need of another copy, they can contact the NAACP at 415 922 0650 or  LaHitz Media at 415 821 1111.

If we the people don't call media into accountability, much social justice ground will be lost.


Jacquie Taliaferro
For media inquiries,contact Jacquie Taliaferro, Chairman of Communications, San Francisco NAACP directly at

Founded in 1909, one hundred years ago, in the home of William English Walling the NAACP was conceived following the lynching of two elderly black men and two days of rioting in Springfield, Illinois.  During its hundred years, the NAACP has repeatedly changed America for the better, and not just for black people, but for all people.  Visit for more information. or call 415 821-1111.

1290 Fillmore Street ● San Francisco, CA 94115 ● Suite 109 ● (415) 922-0650 ● Fax: (415) 922-3181
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