San Francisco-
Recently Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. was in San
Francisco at Third Baptist
Church headed by San Francisco NAACP President Reverend Amos Brown to
address issues of major concern for Blacks and low -income
residents. His presence preceded by a few weeks the
Blacks In Philanthropy conference "State of the
Race: Investing in Black Communities" which honored several philanthropists
that had laid the groundwork for community improvement. There was synchronicity among the top
concerns of both meetings.
NAACP Communications Chair/Filmmaker Jacquie Taliaferro, Reverend Jesse Jackson, and Artist Eugene White at
Third Baptist Church, San Francisco  |
At the top of Jackson's list of concerns is our economy. Economic business opportunities and
jobs are at the center of his focus. Reverend Jackson had several meetings set up with high level bank
executives to discuss the abnormal amount of Black and Brown folks homes in
foreclosure. As I access the
"Predatory Lenders"who
set up this disastrous economic formula
robbing Americans of the American Dream are now "Predatory Buyers." In
addition to being behind the cloistered walls of corporations, you can
see the "Predatory Buyers" gathered at court houses and city halls
across the nation ready to swoop in to make "a killing" as they take
American homes and dreams without resistance.
The greedy rich are now richer putting
yet a darker malignant tone to the melody
"Ain't We Got Fun" as "the rich get richer and
the poor get poorer." Unless there
is a wake up among the people and the servants of the people (local, state and
national legislators) we will hear that refrain and experience the backlash for
years to come.
Stories have come forth of the illegal paperwork and
contrived formulas that had people in loans they couldn't afford with balloon
payments that forced them into bondage of getting a second and third job and in
many cases they still could not make the payments. So the hopeful homeowners were used to generate money on
property they in reality really only rented with the land going back to the
banks and foreign investors who keep the land, losing nothing while hopes and
dreams of many American people have been squandered and crushed. The financial institutions and foreign
investors are able once again to set up shop for the next group of vulnerable
American dreamers.
The benignly sinister attitude of far too many in the
finance world-"you should have known better than to sign a loan you couldn't
afford" and the horrible job market- unemployment at 9.6 percent with a rate of
50% for Black males sets up what many economists call "The largest land grab
since Reconstruction."
Reverend Jesse Jackson's visit was welcomed, however as
fellow journalist Tavis Smiley pointed out "Reverend Jesse Jackson is like a
flash light. He comes and sheds
light on the subject and then leaves. It is up to you to take advantage of his presence, news coverage etc.
and work to make what changes are necessary."
I saw this phenomenon at work first hand when Agora headed
by Black filmmakers invited Reverend Jackson with his film "Country Preacher"
to the Cannes International Film Festival in France. After the Agora film showcases, he spoke with festival
organizers and asked them to include us with the festival. They were very nice at the meeting but
the following year they tried to dismantle us.
Our presence at the Cannes International Film Festival this year is testament that we will prevail to one day control and tell our own
Reverend Jackson's visit to San Francisco signaled that
it is time to turn the tables on "Predatory Buyers" and "Predatory
Reverend Jackson is a starting point. We must finish the task!