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Community News

San Francisco's Small Business Bulletin
April 7, 2011

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   City & County of San Francisco
   Office of Small Business Presents


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Dear Friends,

We are excited to share with you that the Senate passed the 1099 Repeal Act, which will relieve small business owners of the burdensome requirement of filing 1099 IRS tax forms to report all transactions greater than $600. Find out more in the News & Events section.

As we quickly approach the April 18th tax filing deadline, the SBAC Connection section will provide several tax tips and a video to help small business owners. There are also two important City of San Francisco filing requirements that small business owners should pay attention to. The Annual Reporting Form (ARF) for the Health Care Security Ordinance and the 571-L form are both explained below.

Coming next month is the 2011 San Francisco Small Business Week! Find out how you can take part in the week-long celebration where we come together to inspire, educate and connect the small business community!


Office of Small Business Staff

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 News &  Announcements  SBAC Connection  Small Business  Commission Corner

• Mayor Lee Announces Independent Filmmakers Incubator Program

• Senate Passes 1099-Repeal Act to Relieve Small Business Owners of Burdensome Reporting Mandates

• San Francisco Small Business Week: Partnering for Prosperity


• Annual Reporting Form (ARF) for the Health Care Security Ordinance

• 571-L Form - Training Video and Workshop

• Small Business Health Care Tax Credit Video

• Filing Season Tax Tips

• IRS Desktop Calendar Tool

• SBAC Office Hours

• Small Business Resources & Workshops
         SBAC logo_transparent_sm 2

• Next Small Business Commission Meeting (4/11/11)

        SBC Logo

• Small Businesses Commission Recognizes Sheba Piano Lounge


• Small Business Commission Recognizes Natosha Safo


 Upcoming Events  RFPs & Contracting  Opportunities Small Biz Commission Legislative Liaison

• MON. 4/11 - Small Business Commission Meeting

• SAT. 4/9 - Small Business Development Center Chinese Workshop: 三藩市小企業發展中心(以廣東話授課) - 商業策劃工作坊

• WED. 4/13 - Survive and Thrive: Incentives, subsidies, and HR services to help San Francisco businesses get ahead!

• WED. 4/13, 5/11, 6/8 - Free Legal Office Hours

• THU. 4/28 - Financing Your Mobile Food Business Workshop

• MON - SAT. 5/16 - 21 - 2011 San Francisco Small Business Week

• NEW!California High-Speed Rail Industry Forum

• Concession Opportunity at SFO - Retail Leases Phase I Close Date: 6/15/11

• Rec & Parks Mobile Food Facilities RFP

• Learn How To Do Business with the City of SF! Free Weekly Workshops Presented by the SF Human Rights Commission

• Doyle Drive Reconstruction Project - Small Business Opportunities

• City and County of San Francisco Contracting Opportunities

• City and County of San Francisco Surety Bond & Finance Program

• BOS File No. 110330 [Administrative Code - Public Work Construction Contractor/Subcontractor Appeal Hearing Procedures for Non-Compliance with Prevailing Wage Requirements]
News & Announcements

• Mayor Lee Announces Independent Filmmakers Incubator Program
Mayor Lee recently announced an incubator style program for filmmakers in San Francisco through the San Francisco Film Commission. The program will offer affordable office space at 134A Golden Gate Avenue in the Mid-Market area in a communal setting for independent and documentary filmmakers as an incubator space for successful filmmaking.

Tenants will be selected by the San Francisco Film Commission and tenancies are scheduled to begin in May/June. Tenants of the incubator program will also have the opportunity to take advantage of the Scene in San Francisco rebate program, further bolstering the likelihood of independent productions basing in San Francisco. Through this incentive, qualifying productions receive a rebate of up to $600,000 for the cost of fees paid to the City. Films can also benefit from the newly established Vendor Discount Program, offering discounts from 10%- 30% at various businesses including hotels and rental cars.

• Senate Passes 1099-Repeal Act to Relieve Small Business Owners of Burdensome Reporting Mandates
The Senate voted Tuesday to repeal a tax-reporting requirement that was criticized for being too burdensome, especially for small business owners. The 87-12 vote sends the measure to President Barack Obama, who is expected to sign it.

The bill repeals Section 9006 of last year's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in which business owners, starting next year, were going to be required to use 1099 IRS tax forms to report all transactions greater than $600. It also repeals a requirement passed in the small-business lending bill in which people receiving rental income must distribute and file 1099 forms on payments made in excess of $600 annually. Read more...

• San Francisco Small Business Week: Partnering for Prosperity (May 16-21)
San Francisco Small Business Week is an opportunity to celebrate the innovation and impact small businesses make in San Francisco every day.

**Flavors of San Francisco, May 16, 2011, Metreon, Cityview Room
Start off San Francisco Small Business Week 2011 with a bang on Monday night, May 16th, from 5:30 to 8:30, at this gala kick-off event! Join the festivities at Flavors of San Francisco for a fun filled free celebration in the City View Room at the Metreon. Meet and mingle with more than 1,000 small business owners and community leaders, connect with dozens of business resources, and savor and sample food from San Francisco's local restaurateurs. Flavors of San Francisco isn't just about the food; this event promises to deliver! You'll meet dozens of small biz resources and more than 30 restaurants. Catering companies and wine bars will serve food and drink to liven up the conversation! 

**Small Business Conference & Workshops, May 17, 2011 (Registration will begin on 4/20/11)
There will be more than 30 free workshops and seminars for small business owners on topics including finance, green business, marketing, technology, self-employment and more! This year, we'll be hosting most of these sessions at a one-day conference at San Francisco State University's Downtown Campus in Westfield Center.

**Shop Local in the Neighborhood: Saturday, May 21st
Through our partnership with San Francisco Merchant Associations and SFMade, we celebrate our local business corridors with special sales and activities in neighborhoods all across San Francisco. 

**Merchant Association Mixers
Local Merchant Associations, in partnership with San Francisco Small Business Week, host local networking events to connect small business owners and celebrate their own unique neighborhood.

**Nominate and Vote for your Favorite SF Small Business
Do you have a favorite small business that you want to recognize? Every day, small businesses contribute to the economic vitality and overall uniqueness and diversity of our great City! Let's celebrate them by submitting your nominations today! To nominate a small business, send an email to
    Nominee Criteria:
      -Less than $5M annual revenue 
      -Less than 100 full-time employees 
      -In business for more than 2 years
    Voting Rounds
    Accepting Nominations: April 1-April 10 at midnight
    Voting on Top 49  businesses: April 18-May 1
    Voting on 7 finalists: May 2-10

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SBAC Connection

• Annual Reporting Form (ARF) for the Health Care Security Ordinance
The San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance (HCSO), codified at San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 14, requires covered employers to provide information to the Office of Labor Standards Enforcement (OLSE) on an annual basis regarding compliance with the HCSO's employer spending requirement.

To avoid penalties and other corrective action, "covered employers" must submit the 2010 Annual Reporting Form (ARF) by April 30, 2011.  (If you employed fewer than 20 persons - including those employed outside of San Francisco - in each of the four calendar quarters of 2010, you are not a "covered employer" under the HCSO and should not submit the 2010 ARF.)

In order to streamline this annual reporting process, the OLSE simplified the ARF this year and has made it available for online submission!  Please visit the OLSE's website at to access the instructions and technical requirements, and to submit the ARF.

If you have any questions about the 2010 ARF or your legal obligations under the HCSO, you can visit the OLSE website to access the text of the HCSO, the implementing regulations, a "Frequently Asked Questions" document, and other helpful forms and updates.  You can also contact the OLSE by phone at (415) 554-7892 or by email at

• 571-L Form - Training Video and Workshop
Owners of all businesses must file a business property statement each year with the Assessor's Office detailing the cost of all their supplies, equipment, and fixtures at each location. Click here for FAQs about the form, watch a training video, and attend a workshop on "How Do I Fill Out a 571-L Statement?" on Tuesday, 4/26/11, from 5:30 - 6:30PM. To RSVP for the workshop, please call 415-554-5563.

• Small Business Health Care Tax Credit Video
The small business health care tax credit webinar is now available in the IRS Video Portal. Click here to watch the archived video.

• Filing Season Tax Tips
Tax Tip 2011-45, Seven Tips about Rental Income and Expenses
Tax Tip 2011-51, Health Insurance Tax Breaks for the Self-Employed
Tax Tip 2011-53, Work from Home? Consider the Home Office Deduction

• IRS Desktop Calendar Tool
Install the IRS Calendar Connector and access Important Tax Dates for Small Businesses right from your desktop, even when you're offline. As new events are added, they will be automatically updated via the desktop tool. This customizable tool allows you to specify what types of events you wish to view (general, employer, excise, or all) and how you want them displayed (by day, week or month). Click here for the calendar tool.

• Small Business Assistance Center Office Hours
Services are available by phone, walk-in, and by appointment, M-Th, 8am-5pm, and Fridays by appointment only.

• Small Business Resources & Workshops
Please click HERE for a list of small business resources and workshops.

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Small Business Commission Corner

• Next Small Business Commission Meeting (4/11/11, Room 400)
The Small Business Commission will meet on Monday, April 11th at 5:30PM in Room 400. The agenda will be available on the Commission website.

• Small Businesses Commission Recognizes Sheba Piano Lounge
On Monday, March 14, 2011, the Small Business Commission acknowledged the contributions that Netsanet Alemayehu and Sheba Piano Lounge have made to both the Fillmore Street corridor and the City of San Francisco. Recognized for its outstanding Ethiopian Cuisine, Sheba is a crucial part of the Fillmore entertainment district. By providing live music every night of the week, the restaurant both injects energy into the neighborhood and supports local performers by providing a venue to perform. The business is also community oriented and Netsanet often donates food for community events in the Fillmore. Sheba truly embodies what a restaurant and its proprietor can do to help keep a community strong!

• Small Business Commission Recognizes Natosha Safo
The Small Business Commission also acknowledged the contributions that Natosha Safo of the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) has made to the San Francisco small business community through her work in promoting and administering the Enterprise Zone program. Since she began her tenure at OEWD in 2008, the number of businesses approved for the Enterprise Zone program in San Francisco has more than doubled from 439 to 983.  Natosha's ability to distill details to end users, explain how the program works, along with her professionalism, have helped accomplish this feat. Because of her high level of customer service, the SBC recognizes Natosha as a role model to all other City employees.

*Please contact Chris Schulman, Small Business Commission Secretary by email at, or by phone at 415.554.6408 with questions, comments, or feedback regarding legislations and how they affect your small business.

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Upcoming Events

• MON. 4/11 - Small Business Commission Meeting
5:30 PM, City Hall, Room 400. Click here for the 
Meeting Agenda  

• SAT. 4/9 - Small Business Development Center Chinese Workshop: 三藩市小企業發展中心(以廣東話授課) - 商業策劃工作坊
日 期:2011 年 4月9日 (星期六), 時間:上午9:30  至  下午12:30, 地點:三藩市市立大學華埠北岸區分校206室(940 Filbert 街  近Taylor 街), 費用:每課$10, 查詢詳情,請致電(650)296-0480 / (415)841-4056與 廖先生 聯絡

• WED. 4/13 - Survive and Thrive: Incentives, subsidies, and HR services to help San Francisco businesses get ahead!
9:15am - 10:30am
Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, 1500 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA
At the workshop, employers will learn about:
· Tax credits and incentives to reduce the cost of hiring new staff.
· Customized and on-the-job-training subsidies to help respond to changing technologies and market conditions.
· Accessing qualified job candidates through the One Stop Career Link system.
· Assistance with employee transitions during times of downsizing.
Attending employers need to register at

• WED. 4/13, 5/11, 6/8 - Free Legal Office Hours
Urban Solutions has partnered with law firm Hanson Bridgett to provide Legal Office Hours to entrepreneurs. Through Legal Office Hours, clients can make an appointment with Urban Solutions for a free 20-minute session with a lawyer from Hanson Bridgett. Legal Office Hours session will be held February 9th, March 9th, April 13th, May11th and June 8th. Call (415) 553-4433 x 101 or email with questions or to reserve an appointment. Space is limited, call today!

• FRI. 4/22 Earth Day Solutions Salon
Join a group of fellow green business leaders for an entirely different kind of workshop. In this highly interactive, intimate session, attendees will have the opportunity to talk about themselves, their organizations, and most importantly, their current needs. Come prepared to talk about the most significant challenge or need currently facing your organization, and witness the power of community in action as our seasoned facilitators ensure that everyone leaves with their needs for resources, contacts and ideas fulfilled.
Bring your experiences, challenges and a brown bag lunch! This event is FREE.
When: Friday, April 22nd
          12pm - 1:30pm
Where: HUB SOMA: 901 Mission Street, SF, CA
           Board Room

• THU. 4/28 - Financing Your Mobile Food Business Workshop
Join a Panel of Finance Experts Sharing Secrets & Strategies about SBA Loans, Alternative Small Business Loans & Government Loan Funds
Facilitated by Gwendolyn Wright of The Wright Consultants
Special Guests-Gail Lillian of Liba & Daniel Gutierrez of 51st State
When: Thursday, April 28th 2011 from 5:30pm-7:30pm
Where: 275 Fifth Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94103
Cost:  Only $10
To Register:

• MON - SAT. 5/16 - 21 - 2011 San Francisco Small Business Week
Celebrate the contributions of San Francisco small businesses! Connect with more than 4,000 members of the small business community! Focus on making your business soar! Learn about best practices and innovative technology. Join this inspiring free annual event that honors small business' contribution to San Francisco's prosperity.

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RFPs & Contracting Opportunities

• NEW! California High-Speed Rail Industry Forum
The California High-Speed Rail Authority will host an industry forum at the Los Angeles Convention Center April 12, 2011, to give businesses an opportunity to get an in-depth project update, learn more about the upcoming procurement process and hear from Authority and California leaders. Those interested in attending should register online by April 7 at
The forum follows the High-Speed Rail Authority's recent request for expressions of interest, which drew about 1,000 responses from companies in California and all over the world who envision participating in some way in the state's high-speed rail project, the largest infrastructure endeavor underway in the nation.
Hundreds of private sector firms are expected to gather for this opportunity. Companies who are interested in submitting proposals as prime contractors have been invited to host kiosks at the forum in order to meet with small businesses that may be interested in subcontracting with them.


• Concession Opportunity at SFO: Retail Leases Phase I - Close Date: 6/15/11
The San Francisco Airport Commission is preparing to undergo the Request for Proposal processes for six retail leases.  Please visit us at to view the summaries for the proposed terms of the leases.  Please advise us of your interest by submitting the response form by email (preferred), fax, or mail.

• Rec & Parks Mobile Food Facilities RFP
The Recreation and Park Department has issued an update for the Request for Proposals to solicit proposals from qualified respondents to manage and operate specialty food pushcart concessions within properties under the jurisdiction of the Department. Click here for details.

• Learn How To Do Business with the City of SF! Free Weekly Workshops Presented by the SF Human Rights Commission
The workshops are FREE and held EACH WEDNESDAY of the month at 1485 Bayshore Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94124. Reservations are not required, but highly recommended. Click here for details.

• Doyle Drive Reconstruction Project - Small Business Opportunities

• City and County of San Francisco Contracting Opportunities
Visit and click on Bids and Contracts Database and Required Vendor Forms.

• City and County of San Francisco Surety Bond & Finance Program
For more information, contact: Nancy Owens, Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services, 417 Montgomery Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94104. Phone:  415 986-3999

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Small Business Commission Legislative Liaison

• BOS File No. 110330 [Administrative Code - Public Work Construction Contractor/Subcontractor Appeal Hearing Procedures for Non-Compliance with Prevailing Wage Requirements]
The proposed Ordinance would amend Administrative Code §6.22 by amending Subsections 6.22(E)(8)(b) and (c) to improve the administrative hearing process by further clarifying and specifying due process procedures and efficiencies for the public work contractor prevailing wage hearings, including an opportunity to meet and confer before proceeding to hearing; and to provide the Controller more flexibility in appointing hearing officers, by utilizing Administrative Law Judges and lawyers.  This item will be heard at our April 11, 2011 SBC Meeting. Click here for details.

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Remember to Shop Local in San Francisco!

Contact Us:
Small Business Assistance Center
City Hall, Room 110
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102
Monday through Thursday 8AM to 5PM, Friday by Appointment Only.
Phone: 415-554-6134

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