Keynote Speaker:
Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, President, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition

Reception, Panel Discussions and Public Forums
National Press Club
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor - Washington, DC 20045
Friday, June 17, 2011
Light Refreshments - 12:00-12:30
Forum and Panel Program - 12:30-3:30
Convened by the Institute of the Black World 21st Century in Conjunction with the Black Family Summit
The Call to Action:
Confronting the State of Emergency in Black America:
Holistic Strategies to Heal Black Communities
Dr. Ron Daniels, President, Institute of the Black World 21st Century

Rick Adams, Board Chairman, Institute of the Black World 21st Century
Leonard Dunston, Convener, Black Family Summit, IBW Board Member
Invited for Greetings: Mayor Vincent Gray

Dr. Elsie Scott, President, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.

Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member, House Judiciary Committee

U. S. Rep. Robert C. "Bobby" Scott, Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security

Putting Human Faces on the Impact of Drugs and the War on Drugs on Black Communities: Testimonials from Affected Persons
Cassandra McLean-Smith
Lawrence Garrison
Dr. Edwin Chapman, MD, Medical Director, Washington, D.C. Drug Treatment Center
Kinaya Sokoya, Executive Director, D.C. Children's Trust Fund
The Devastating Impact of Drugs and the War on Drugs on Black Communities
Creating Just and Humane Alternatives to a Failed Strategy
Moderator, Attorney Nkechi Taifa, Senior Policy Analyst, Open Society Institute

Deborah Small, Director, Breaking the Chains: Communities of Color and the War on Drugs

Rev. Dr. Frank Tucker, Chairman, Greater Washington, D.C. Area National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS
Dr. Benson Cooke, President, National Association of Black Psychologists
Sanho Tree, Fellow and Director, Drug Policy Project, Institute for Policy Studies
Judge Arthur Burnette, Director, African American Drug Policy Coalition
Jasmine Tyler, Deputy Director of National Affairs. Drug Policy Alliance
Robert Rooks, NAACP Criminal Justice Director
Neill Franklin, Executive Director, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Tara Young,