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Community News

NCIC Board President Honored by "Lend A Hand Foundation"
July 6, 2011

Northern California Interreligious Conference

4335 Virginia Avenue

Oakland, CA  94619



For Immediate Release 

June 29, 2011

Jackie Wright



Known for community leadership, including Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. January 2011 with the community engagement campaign "Take Back High Street Block by Block March & Clean UP," Brown is among eight leaders to be recognized by The Lend A Hand Foundation June 19.
(OAKLAND, CA)  Lend a Hand Foundation of Oakland, used the occasion of Father's Day to honor the Reverend Greggory L. Brown, President of the Board of Directors of the Northern California Interreligious Conference (NCIC) and Pastor of Miracles of Faith Community Church based in the High Street area of Oakland with it's "Our Humble Humanitarian Award."
Reverend Greggory L. Brown
The Lend A Hand Foundation Men of the Year Awards/ Gospel Extravaganza 
with its theme "Fulfilling the Needs of Others" was held Sunday, June 19 at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Oakland. Other honorees included:  The Honorable Keith Carson, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Tom Guarino, Pacific Gas & Electric, Mr. Eathen Gums, Jr., Elmhurst Community Leader,Reverend Dr. Charley Hames, Jr., Beebe Memorial Cathedral, Mr. Larry Hendricks, Oakland Firefighters Random Acts, Bishop Bob Jackson, Acts Full Gospel Church, and Reverend Raymond E. Lankford, Healthy Communities, Inc.  Also, Mecca Shrine Temple No. 20 were given the Organization of the Year Award and The Iron Souls
 will receive the Volunteer of the Year Award.

"Having walked arm and arm with Gregg in Phoenix during last year's protest against Arizona's inhumane immigration law, it's so rewarding to see that the community is recognizing him as a 'Humble Humanitarian,'" said affordable housing advocate, Reverend Phil Lawson, Vice President, NCIC Board of Directors and Interfaith Program Director for East Bay Housing Organization (EBHO).


"The Take High Street Back Campaign that garnered media attention as the Mayor of Oakland Jean Quan, joined with our NCIC President, Desley Brooks, Rebecca Kaplan, Libby Schaaf, Larry Reid, Ignacio De. La Fuente, Courtney Ruby, Krista Gulbransen and the community, is a growing example of Gregg's efforts to give voice to NCIC's mission to work for equality for all people no matter what religion or lack thereof," said Lloyd Hanson, Vice President, NCIC Board of Directors.  "It's inspiring to see one of our own honored with so many great people who are giving of themselves to help others."

Rev Brown_Dee_Johnson-MOTY_Awards_96dpi
Rev. Brown with Dee Johnson
at the MOTY Awards

"I commend Dee Johnson (Lend A Hand Foundation, Founder and Executive Director) and the volunteers of the Lend A Hand Foundation for seeing the value in a man and organization that has given a voice of compassion and strength while asking for accountability in the cases of Brandon Morris, Oscar Grant, Darnell Barr, the first homicide of this year and others who have died too young and needlessly, " said Reverend Brandon Rheems, NCIC Board Member and Pastor of Center of Hope Community Church.


"This is a great honor and I thank Dee Johnson, the board and friends of Lend A Hand Foundation," said Reverend Greggory L. Brown.  "I am humbled, encouraged and revitalized by this award to continue my service to our young people that has spanned my more than 40 years of work beginning with the Arthur Ashe Foundation's youth programs."


The Lend A Hand Foundation Men of the Year Awards/Gospel Extravaganza with its theme "Fulfilling the Needs of Others" was held at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral Center, 4700 Lincoln Avenue in Oakland.  Mistress of Ceremonies, Bay Area Radio Personality, Miranda Wilson  orchestrated the flow of the program of awards with entertainment by the Scott Percy Trio, Dorothy Morrison, Pastor William Combs, Shailla Head, Anointed Expressions and other special guests. 

Mrs. Brown, Rev Brown & Councilwoman Rebecca Kaplan_5x3
(From left) Mrs. Mary Brown, Rev. Brown and Oakland City Councilwoman Rebecca Kaplan

For more information visit call 510 553-1262 or email



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