Hey guys,
I'm so glad that thousands of you have decided to come out and see the live DVD taping of my two new plays, AUNT BAM'S PLACE and I DON'T WANT TO DO WRONG.
Ms. Ella (Cassi Davis) is going to be in rare form in AUNT BAM'S PLACE
on Tuesday and Wednesday then on Friday and Saturday, Palmer Williams
Jr. (Floyd) and a new find of mine, Ms. Patrice Lovely are going to make
you laugh until you hurt in I DON'T WANT TO DO WRONG.
I'm telling you, they couldn't even get through the table read, they
were laughing so hard. Again only $25, at the Cobb Energy Centre in
Atlanta, Georgia on August 30th-31st & September 2nd-3rd. This will
be the most fun you and I probably have had in a while. Come laugh with
Had to tell you this.
I saw a movie called, THE HELP that opens this Friday.
I must say, I really enjoyed it! I love looking back and seeing how far
we've come. And the performances in this film are stellar. Ms. Cicely
Tyson was exceptionally Cicely. Viola Davis, this woman is remarkable.
Octavia Spencer, she was like watching joy rise on the screen.
You know I don't recommend a lot of movies, so this one has to be
special, right? Well it is! Go see it if you can this weekend. THE HELP!
I really enjoyed it.