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Battle Scars Heal On Old Battlefield in Gettysburg
October 6, 2011


For Immediate Release

October 6, 2011                                                                      


Lane Ramsdell,

National Director

114th Aviation Association

254-289-2807(cell/on ground in Gettysburg)

Jackie Wright,

415 525 0410



Battle Scars Heal On OLD Battlefield in Gettysburg, PA


Viet Nam Veterans of the 114th Aviation Company hold reunion

amid historical Civil War Battlefield.


Gettysburg, PA-Four weeks, before Veterans' Day, thirty-eight years after the mission of the 114th Aviation Company ended in Viet Nam, soldiers of the "one-fourteenth" gather on fields of a war that took place almost 150 years ago.  Nearly one hundred people will take part in the 114th Aviation Company's Biennial Reunion, going on now through Sunday, October 9 at the Wyndham Hotel, 95 Presidential Circle - 1600 York Road in Gettysburg, PA.


For one fallen Viet Nam Hero's daughter, Jackie Wright (58), the significance of the 114th being in Gettysburg is almost palpable during this time in U.S. History as the country struggles with two wars and economic woes.  "The words of President Lincoln says it best, 'It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,'" Wright quoted. "The soldiers of the one fourteenth and their families who gave the full measure of devotion for this country are acknowledging the sacrifice of soldiers of the past, honoring their work and that of present and future soldiers."


Wright, who lives in San Francisco and who came across the 114th Aviation Website over the Internet is hoping that a broadcast station or one of the networks would cover this weekend's reunion so that she can possibly use the footage for a documentary, "Journey to Healing: Old Soldiers Stories" to be used as a reconciliation medium for families effected by war and for families experiencing PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in urban neighborhoods.


"Having just found out about the reunion, I will be trying to the last minute to make it to Gettysburg, said Wright. Via technology and the Internet, I found out about the 114th Aviation Company Website and met soldiers like Charlie Brown, Jim Haslitt, Noah Dillion, Terry Dell, John Nichols, Jeff Carr and others over the Internet.  I have yet to see them in person. They shared history I did not know like the fact the "Shannon Wright Compound" in Vinh Long, South Viet Nam was named in part in honor of my father and that he named the "Cobra" fighting helicopter." 1Lt. Kenneth A. Shannon was also honored by the 114th.

Wright pointed out that it is of note that the 114th is having it's gathering as media covers the recent Pew Research Center's poll that yielded stories that 1 in 3 Vets thinks the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are not worth fighting.  The Christian Post reported the following: "Vets See Iraq, Afghan Wars as Wastes." Michael O'Hanlon, senior fellow at the Brookings Institute, finds this headline misleading. The main point of the poll, O'Hanlon said, is that the veterans think the wars were "not worth the price." "This is much different than saying they were a waste," O'Hanlon said.  

Wright continued, "One of the statistics that stood out for me is that soldiers and people surveyed that had lost a loved one felt the wars were worth fighting more than those who had not experienced serious injury, or loss of comrades or a loved one," said Wright.  "Having lost my 31 year-old dad in the Viet Nam War March 9, 1964, on a mission to escort Secretary of Defense McNamara, two weeks before he was to returned home, I so understand that pain of not wanting such a sacrifice to be in vain.   These 48 years later I still cry and at times I scream.  The words from the Gettysburg Address are so prophetic 'that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain,'" Wright added.  She noted that an 18 year-old PFC John Francis Shea of Willimantic, Connecticut also died in tragic incident.


The importance of what is happening as old soldiers gather in Gettysburg is magnified as the nation and the world mourns the loss of Steve Jobs, according to Wright.  "It was with an Apple laptop that I was able to find out about my father's historical contribution and that of his fellow soldiers in Viet Nam, so I grieve with the Jobs Family, Apple and all those who love innovation and seeing vision fulfilled.  I further realize soldiers past and present have kept this country safe so that people like the late Steve Jobs, Indra Nooyi, Larry Ellison, Paul Otellini, Lynn L. Elsenhans, scientists, businessmen, teachers and so many others can have the freedom to accomplish greatness because of the great sacrifice of the soldiers of this country.  So the gathering of Viet Nam Vets in Gettysburg is very significant," stated Wright.


The 114th Aviation Reunion participants are scheduled to visit the Gettysburg battlefield on Friday, October 7 beginning at 8 a.m.  For more information, Lane Ramsdell, 114th Aviation Association National Director can be reached by cell at 254 289-2807, Charlie Brown, Nominating Committee Chairman or Jim Haslitt, Database Manager can be reached at the host hotel, The Wyndham, 717-339-0020.


For more information about the 114th Aviation Company Visit: For information about "Journey to Healing" visit:


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