Journalist Belva Davis Moderates Tonight's SF Bay Area Affiliate of
Rainbow P.U.S.H Candidates Forum 6 p.m. at Calvary Hill Community
Church-Friday, October 21
Belva Davis Host of "This Week in Northern California." Photo by Greg Habiby
Belva Davis, the first Black female reporter in the West, the author of recent book "Never in My Wildest Dreams"
and host of KQED's "This Week in Northern California" will moderate the
San Francisco Bay Area Rainbow PUSH Coalition second annual
Candidates' Forum. Ms. Davis, having recorded an interview with
recently retired journalist Jim Lehrer
of PBS' News Hour whose work has spanned five decades, as a result is
free to moderate for the Rainbow P.U.S.H. forum. Her show airs every
Friday night at 7:30 p.m. Organizers
say the purpose of the forum is to give voters an opportunity to hear
from candidates for Mayor, District Attorney and Sheriff of San
Francisco. Also the public will hear from the Department of Elections
explaining ranked choice voting and volunteers will register people to
vote. Monday, October 24 is the last opportunity to register for the
upcoming election. The public is invited to Calvary Hill Community Church, 141 Industrial Street in San Francisco, CA 94124, 6 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Confirmed participants to date as of this morning include: Sherriff's candidates: Chris Cunnie, Ross Mirkarimi, and Paul Miyamoto;District Attorney candidates: Sharmin Bock, Bill Fazio, and Trinh Vu Vuong; Mayoral candidates: Jeff
Adachi, Michela Alioto-PierMayor, Cesar Ascarrunz, John Avalos,Terry
Joan Baum, David Chiu, Paul Currier, Dennis Herrera, Emil
Lawrence,Wilma Pang, Joanna Rees, Phil Teng, and Leland Yee. "We are honored to have the highly accomplished and compassionate  |
Rev. Dr. Joseph Bryant, Director S.F. Bay Area Rainbow P.U.S.H. Affiliate
veteran journalist Ms. Belva Davis moderate and we are pleased to be
convening this meeting between the community and the candidates " said
Reverend Dr. Joseph Bryant, San Francisco Bay Area Rainbow PUSH
Affiliate Director and Senior Pastor of Calvary Hill Community Church.
"This will not be a debate. Candidates will each be given ample time
to present their platforms to the public in a conversational way,"
added Dr. Bryant. After
the formal presentations, the public will have an opportunity to speak
directly with candidates during at the "meet and greet" that will begin
at approximately 7:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. |