Dear Friend,
Everyday we hear about assaults on shared community media spaces: KUSF in San Francisco. KCSM-TV in San Mateo, the Community Media Center up in Santa Rosa, and even something as mainstream as KG0-FM - and every day we get asked to help fight off these incursions.
But we can only do it if you join us.
That is why I am writing to ask you to to become a Media Alliance member for 2012, or if you already are, to consider an extra year-end donation to keep media activism alive in the Bay Area.
In a year where so much of the news has been horrible, a president continues to disappoint, and the people have risen to occupy public spaces and demand justice for all, the content and make-up of the media that tells our shared stories is crucial.
But these are not the sort of struggles big money is going to support. The only way we can say yes and keep on saying yes when the phone rings yet again with a community media disaster, is if we know you have our back.
Tell us not to say no by making a donation today.
This is a great time to join.
The failure of the AT&T / T-Mobile merger represents history - a major media merger fought and defeated by the public interest community.
There is momentum to reclaim our media before it is too late. Won't you be a part of it?
Standard memberships are $50, and Professional memberships at $95 include the Jobfile Bulletin, a great present for an out-of-work friend.
Towards peace and justice.