Jacquie Taliaferro, Filmmaker, LaHitz Media
Commentary: Hollywood, "Red Tails," Tuskegee Airmen & MLK Jr. 1/15/2012 Midday
is now midnight and the smell of burning bright lights and fresh brewed
coffee is in the air, cables are taped to the floor, a young Black
woman wearing a utility belt makes the final adjustments on the lights
and returns to the soundboard. The director sets up the scene with the
actors and gets behind the camera and calls "action!" This is an example
of one of the two-dozen Black Independent Films or video productions
going on in the San Francisco Bay Area at any given time. Pixar,
George Lucas, Phil Hoffman, Francis Ford Coppola, Robin Williams, Sean
Penn, all do on-going projects in San Francisco. They all share, "We
are independent of Hollywood" vibe. Too often, we hear Black Hollywood
actors, directors, etc. talking and writing about the lack of
opportunities. Now looking at the relationship between the Black
Filmmakers in San Francisco Bay Area, Hollywood is like the United
Nations. There is little to no interaction, let alone co-productions. In
Hollywood you can get a meeting and make "The Help," "Precious" and
"Driving Miss Daisy or some other 'Mammy'-"I don't know nothing 'bout
birthing no babies" movie. To my knowledge, here in the Bay Area no
Black producers or filmmakers are cutting deals for films. Network TV
outlets are no better, ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX along with the San
Francisco Chronicle and San Francisco Examiner newspapers have very few
Black people on staff. All of them are losing market share to social
media like "Facebook, Twitter, Huffington Post, YouTube and other
Internet-based information delivery systems. When it comes to Black
talent, the Internet-based companies mirror the conventional media
companies. I was recently at Twitter and after encountering over 100
employees, my eyes only saw one Black employee. The whole truth cannot
be told, if there is not representation from all segments of society at a
media company. The sad state that most one or two Blacks at a media
outlet find themselves in, is that they must give the same white-washed
stories as the majority or they're "outta there lickety-split." Sean
Penn was at the 2011 Cannes International Film Festival doing a
fundraiser for "Haiti," not Morgan Freeman, not Oprah Winfrey, not
Denzel Washington, not James Earl Jones. It was great that he was doing a
call for action for Haiti and since the majority of the people he was
appealing to, 99% of the 1% looked like him; he was probably the
appropriate spokesperson. So on one hand, he appeals for the sake of the
people of Haiti, but closer to home, his actions hurt the opportunities
for Black independent filmmakers and others here in the Bay Area.
Penn's public service announcement in 2004 against Prop. L (which would
have provided distribution locations using all the underused theaters in
the City for independent filmmakers and added entertainment commerce to
the region) shut down those efforts to the glee of established theater
owners. To this day, many of the theaters are boarded up, just sitting
there. It's a shame Penn and the opponents to Prop. L just shut the
effort down without providing any alternatives. Years later, potential
commerce lay fallow. Hollywood
and those doing well by the system are not welcoming to potential
competition. Recently, a director friend of mine told me he ran into
Robin Williams and said "Hey, I'm shooting a film here in San Francisco
and..." before he could finish Robin said, " I can't help you, Man" and
quickly walked away. I am sure he gets people asking him for help all
the time. Except, this was an award-winning stage director who helped
launch the careers of Terri J. Vaughn (Steve Harvey Show and most
recently in Tyler Perry Films) and Kellita Smith (Bernie Mac Show, Jamie
Foxx Show and Hair Show with Mo'Nique). And he has two feature films
under his belt. I could go on with similar stories, however "you get the
picture," pun intended.  |
Jacquie Taliaferro Interviews Method Man of "Red Tails" at Lucas Films' Screening. Click Image & see interview.
met George Lucas three times; first at the Danny Glover event to fight
hunger. He was all the way hip. We met again in Cannes when he screened
Star Wars. I never liked Star Wars from the beginning-- that image of
Darth Vader with James Earl Jones voice was a big turn off-a kind of
twisted subliminal message of the dark evil Black man, in my opinion.
Plus Black men, we have our own princesses to save. The third time we
met was at the Red Tails Screening in December. He was standing outside
as the film was ending and I asked him if he was nervous and he calmly
replied, "No, I've been to lots of my films' screenings." Yeah, well 95%
of the filmmakers I know including myself would be sweating like Newt
Gingrich at a Black Panther Party meeting. I was standing two feet from
him and I could tell George was confident. My
guess is that "Red Tails" will be spectacular. The flying scenes from
"Star Wars" will simply be transformed into WWII aerial dynamics. There
are some super examples of great WWII movies: "From Here to Eternity,"
"The Guns of Navarone," "The Longest Day," "Stalag 17," "Patton," "Au
Revoir, Les Enfants," "The Dirty Dozen," "Casablanca," "Saving Private
Ryan," "Schindler's List," "The Great Escape," "The Bridge on the River
Kwai," "Das Boot," "Battle of Britain," "Cross of Iron," "Empire of the
Sun," "Come and See," "Hell in the Pacific" and the list goes on.  |
"Red Tails"-Tale of the Tuskegee Airmen by LucasFilm. Click image for movie trailer.
will most likely outdo them all with that magic (Industrial Light and
Magic) technology. He has the money and power to hire the best writers,
directors and actors. There are many books out on the Airmen so that
story almost writes itself. During the recruitment of the Tuskegee
Airmen, only the top 1% of the talent was chosen. Eleanor Roosevelt took
to the skies with a Tuskegee pilot before Secret Service could stop
her. Upon landing, she immediately called her President husband saying "
These men can fly. Fund the Program!" I
think George Lucas is a good guy in a notoriously unscrupulous
business, trying to do the right thing. Hiring a Black Director and
writer was the right thing, unlike Steven Spielberg with "The Color
Purple" and "Amistad," Francis Coppola's "Cotton Club," and Oliver
Stone's "Any Given Sunday," for which he never credited Jamie Williams,
the former 49er and now Director of Athletics at Academy of Arts
University. Stone additionally moved away from "right" when he cast two
White men in his 9-11 Movie, "World Trade Center" that was based on the
action of two real life people, one of which was Black. Moving
from Hollywood and any expectation of "right," the bottom line is we
must build our own studios, networks and social media companies and
bring our own money back to our communities now. On
1-15-12, the actual birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and on the
observed MLK Jr. holiday there will be numerous celebrations and
commencements around what he stood for-human rights, equal rights, peace
and many other super things. However, the two things that brought him
the most heat-protest against the war in Viet Nam and economic
inclusiveness- are overshadowed. His rallying at the grassroots level
marching with sanitation workers and organizing for economic justice was
shut down and the celebratory band plays on without one note of
emphasis on economic justice. Booker T. (Taliaferro) Washington,
founder of Tuskegee Institute, emphasized entrepreneurship and, economic
justice and self-reliance as a predecessor to King. In
the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Harriett Tubman, Sojourner
Truth, and Gordon Parks (He was the first person I met with a Tuskegee
Airmen script), let's pick a war and stop it. And then pick another and
another, until they are all gone. And for a whole week starting Sunday,
January 15 go and support a Black artist's film, video, theater, art,
spoken word, museum, etc...putting the money into that artist's hands.
Let's start paying ourselves first by spending our dollars at our businesses. According to the Nielsen and NNPA "State of The African American Consumer," Blacks would be the 16th largest nation in the world. This commentary is food for thought: http://www.wrightnow.biz/apps/articles/default.asp?articleid=75705&columnid=
Economic empowerment begins at home.
Related Links: LaHitz Media and Method Man at "Red Tails" Screening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5WYAJQhAWw LaHitz @Cannes-Maybach Foundation Fundraiser  |
Jacquie Taliaferro of LaHitz Media @ Maybach Foundation Fundraiser 2011 Cannes International Film Festival. Click Image for video.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0GTCQVwCQU&feature=player_embedded LaHitz@Cannes: "African Diaspora Unity at Cannes" http://sfbayview.com/2011/african-diaspora-unity-at-cannes/ LaHitz@Cannes Sojourner Truth Award http://blip.tv/lahitz-and-we/eriq-ebouaney-receives-lahitz-award-cannes-international-film-festival-2166410
LaHitz Media Redux: Interviews Harry Belafonte in Sheryl Lee Ralph's Jamaica about classic "Carmen" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6-bw7JeFm0&feature=related On another note, "Go 49ers!" Being a San Francisco Native what can I say! Go
Niners! LaHitz Media Prophesies Vernon Davis' Coming Prowess-(Vernon
Davis' Game-winning TD -1-14-12 thrust Niners into the NFC Championship) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBmdWUPlCns 9/11 -Niners vs. Seahawks & Community http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkUiW4JNWac&feature=related OTHER COMMUNITY NEWS |