International Black Women's Film Festival Call for Film Submissions!
Less than 24 hours for Early Bird Deadline! Regular Deadline is March 10, 2012
You have less than 24 hours to take advantage of the Early Bird Deadline for the 10th International Black Women's Film Festival!
If you've had problems using the form for payment processing, there's a ONE-CLICK button at: http://www.ibwff.com/festival/for-filmmakers/submit-your-film/ . Please feel free to use it to pay the film festival directly using the secure, third-party payment gateway PayPal. (*You do not
need a PayPal account to pay with a credit card, but may need an
account to pay using your bank account. Or, you can just wait for an
invoice on February 1, 2012.)
The International Black Women's
Film Festival is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2012 and is seeking
shorts, features, documentaries, animation documentaries and
experimental film submissions for consideration for screening.
Independent films no older than three years old, regardless of country
of origin. (International films must be sub-titled in English or speak
the English language.)
Absolutely NO explicit adult films.
The Early Bird Deadline is only $10.00!
should prominently feature a Black woman(en) or should be directed by a
Black woman. Submissions must be in DVD format Deadlines, Entry Forms
& Details: festival.ibwff.com There is no submission fee for previously accepted filmmakers, unless your submission is late.
DVDs can be sent to: International Black Women's Film Festival c/o Adrienne Anderson 548 Market Street,#38322 San Francisco, CA 94104
Download the PDF press release or forward to your friends!
FREE Movies + Panel Speakers
Celebrate Black Heritage Month with 3-Film Series from the IBWFF
San Francisco Public Library is sponsoring a series of films programmed
by the founder and programmer of the International Black Women's Film
Festival, Adrienne Anderson. Panelists are international and Bay Area
artists, filmmakers, performers, activists and actors. Panels will be
moderated by International Black Women's Film Festival founder and
director Adrienne Anderson. (*Below are the confirmed panelists.
Tentative panelists may be added before the event.)
These fantastic films are FREE and OPEN-TO-THE-PUBLIC!
Click to download the PDF schedule
or print out this email. Share with your family or come on out and
enjoy a day in the City of San Francisco. The films are just as
entertaining as the street-life around Civic Center...so you won't be
All screenings will happen at the beautiful Koret
Auditorium at the Main Library, and one screening will happen at the
historic Western Addition Branch in San Francisco!
Can't wait to see you there!! (See schedule below and SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS!)
Sponsored by

Thursday February 9, 2012 2-5 p.m.
Koret Auditorium, Main Library, Lower Level, 100 Larkin St. (at Grove) (415) 557-4277
FREE MOVIE: Rize (86 mins., director David LaChappelle)
how youth transform their existence through artistic expression and
movement. Filmed and directed by surrealist celebrity photographer David La Chapelle.
FREE Panel Discussion: "Can Hip-Hop Be an Agent for Change?"
Does the allure of financial reward undermine hip-hop's potential to be an agent for
change? Panelists discuss how and if hip-hop can become an agent for
change to combat sexism, racism, homophobia and as an arbiter for positive change.
Feb 9th Panelists:
 Zakiya Harris Grind for the Green
 Sonia McDaniel Black College Expo
Western Addition Branch Library, 1550 Scott St. (at Geary) (415) 355-5727
FREE MOVIE: Hollywood Shuffle (78 mins., director Robert Townsend)
 An actor limited to stereotypical roles because of his race, dreams of making it big as a highly respected performer. The film takes a satiric look at Blacks actors in Hollywood.
FREE Panel Discussion: "How Casting Can Change Perception"
Panelists will discuss how something as simple as casting a Black person in a lead can change the dynamics and image associated with that individual. Enjoy a celebration in honor of Toni Morrison's birthday!
Feb 18th Panelists:
 Kathleen Antonia Stage, Television and Film Actor AFTRA, Commercial, Equity, Hosting, Models, Print, SAG, Theatrical, Voice-Overs
 Velina Brown Stage, Television and Film Actor Director, Singer, Coach, and Columnist
Koret Auditorium, Main Library, Lower Level, 100 Larkin St. (at Grove) (415) 557-4277


Almost Everyday (Quase Todo Dia) 18 mins. director Gandja Monteiro)
Short - Brazil (Portugese with English sub-titles) A single mother in Rio struggles to keep herself and young daughter safe on the streets.

My Escape With Biko The Balloon Deity (5 mins. director Devin Cain)
Short Experimental - USA Follows the story of a troubled girl who runs away with balloon god. (*Images may be visually disturbing for children under 16 years old. Please use your best judgement.)

Ebony Goddess: Queen of Ile-Aiye (20 mins. director Carolina Moraes-Liu)
Short Documentary - Brazil (Portugese with English sub-titles) Cultural
Club, Olodum, instills positive self-esteem in their local Black
Brazilian community. African drum beats, African dance and the beauty of

Irony of a Negro Policeman AKA Roll Call (2 mins. director Shy Pacheco Hamilton)
Short Experimental - USA
FREE Panel Discussion: "Art as Film and the Black Image"
African American experimental and non-American filmmakers discuss their work and how they translate complex ideas using images or themes that impact Black people throughout the world.
Feb 28th Panelists:
 Shy Pacheco Hamilton Experimental Filmmaker, Producer and Artist
 Carolina Moraes-Liu Documentary Filmmaker and Award-winning Producer
