Black History Month on

Every month is "Black History Month" at Nonetheless they recognize that hundreds of thousands of our visitors specifically seek out the website for information on African American history during the month of February. They have gathered much of that data that may be helpful for teachers, students, and the general public who want to participate in the various celebrations or commemorations or who simply want to use that time to reflect on the history of black people. Those resources appear below:
Black History Month Special Feature 2012:
Scientists and Technicians of the Manhattan Project, 1941-1945.
Creating Black History Month
The History of Black History Month by
Daryl Michael Scott, Vice President of Programs, Association for the
Study of African American Life and History, Department Chair, History,
Howard University
The Association for the Study of African American Life and History: A Brief History by Malik Simba, California State University, Fresno
Dr. Carter G. Woodson by Dr. Pero Gaglo Dagbovie, Michigan State University
Video of the Life of Carter G. Woodson by the University of Virginia
Celebrate the Triumph of Ordinary Black Americans by Dr. John H. McWorter, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute for PolicyResearch
Major Books on Black History Month
Other Pioneers in African American History
Dr. John Hope Franklin
Dr. Lorenzo Greene
Sara Jackson
William C. Nell
Dorothy Porter Wesley
George Washington Williams
Favorite pick from Jean Damu--
Resources for Black History Month
Association for the Study of African American Life and History
National Visionary Leadership Project
Black History Month at
U.S. Government Resources for Black History Month
Gale-Cengage Learning: Free Resources for Black History Month
National Center for the Humanities--Black History Month
African American History Month
A&E Black History Month
Westfield State College Ely Library--Black History Month Web Resources
Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project--For Teachers
Citizenship and Immigration Canada--Black History Month
Duke University Medical Center--Black History Month: A Medical Perspective
U.S. Census Bureau--Black (African-American) History Month
General Board of Discipleship, United Methodist Church
Infoplease - Black History Month
Black History Month in Great Britain