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San Francisco Mayor Lee Announces $1.5 Mil in Small Biz Loans
February 3, 2012

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   City & County of San Francisco
   Office of Small Business Presents


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Dear Friend,

Mayor Edwin M. Lee's priority since taking office has been job creation, and a large part of creating jobs in San Francisco comes from the success of our small businesses.  His recent announcement of making $1.5 million dollars immediately available to small businesses in San Francisco through the City's successful Small Business Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) will greatly support business expansion and job creation.  Find out more in the News and Announcements section below.

Please note that all businesses with taxable SF payroll expenses greater than $150,000.00 and operating for any portion of time in 2011 must file their Payroll Tax Expense form by February 29, 2012. Only businesses with payroll greater than $250,000.00 will have to pay 1.5% in payroll taxes. Click here for details regarding the SF Payroll Expense Tax.


Regina Dick-Endrizzi,
Executive Director, Office of Small Business

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 News &  Announcements  SBAC Connection  Small Business  Commission Corner

• Mayor Lee Announces Initiative to Boost Small Business & Create Jobs 

• Mayor Lee Appoints New Small Business Commissioner, Mark Dwight


• SF Energy Watch Neighborhood Campaign in District 8 and 11



• Important: SF Payroll Expense Tax Filings and Payments Due 2/29/12

• Changes to Regulatory Requirements for Massage Establishments

New CA Pregnancy Disability Leave Law (SB 299) Affects Employers with 5 or More Employees

• How to File W-2s, 1099 Forms, and More

• SBAC Regular Office Hours

• Small Business Financing Resources

• Small Business Resources & Workshops
         SBAC logo_transparent_sm 2

• Next Small Business Commission Meeting (2/13/12)

• Steve Adams Unanimously Elected Small Business Commission President


• Small Business Commission and Small Business California Invite You to Learn About Benefit Corporations

• Proposed Small Business Commission Charter Amendment Update

 Upcoming Events  RFPs & Contracting  Opportunities Small Biz Commission Legislative Liaison

• MON. 2/13 - Small Business Commission Meeting

• THU. 2/2 - Urban Solutions Black History Month Celebration

• MON. 2/6 - Renaissance Center Presents: Kickstart Your Small Business

• TUE. 2/14 - Taxes and Your Business, How to Prepare Schedule C

• THU. 2/16 - Maximize Your Web Site Traffic and Sales

• WED. 2/22 - Free Legal Help for Small Businesses (Assistance in Chinese and English) 免費小商業法律諮詢服務

•NEW!SFO Concession Opportunities: Rental Car Center Cafe Lease

• SFPUC Contracts and Bids: Various Opportunities with the SF Public Utilities Commission

• Learn How To Do Business with the City of SF! Free Weekly Workshops Presented by the SF Human Rights Commission

• City and County of San Francisco Contracting Opportunities

• City and County of San Francisco Surety Bond & Finance Program

• Disability Access Improvement Legislation to Help Small Businesses Comply with ADA Laws

• Licensing of Dog Walkers

• Plastic Bag Ban and Checkout Bag Charge Update

• Permitting a Five Feet Ground Floor Height Increase in Selected Zoning Districts

• Formula Retail - Including Financial Services within Definition of Formula Retail

• Ordinance Requiring Security Plans for Commercial Parking Garages and Lots
News & Announcements

• Mayor Lee Announces Initiative to Boost Small Business & Create Jobs
Mayor Edwin M. Lee recently announced that he will make $1.5 million dollars immediately available to small businesses in San Francisco through the City's successful Small Business Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) to support business expansion and job creation.

The Mayor's $1 million budget supplemental leverages Wells Fargo's contribution of $430,000 to the RLF combined with an additional $247,000 from small business loan repayments and the SOMA Stabilization Fund. Wells Fargo funding will be specifically targeted to businesses in low- and moderate-income commercial districts in the Southeast Sector of the City. 

Mayor Lee made the announcement at Brenda's French Soul Food at 652 Polk Street. Brenda's is a recipient of a Working Solutions small business loan, and benefited from the City's SF Shines Facade Improvement Program, which provides small grants to businesses in a number of low- and moderate-income neighborhood commercial districts.  With funding from Opportunity Fund and Wells Fargo, Brenda's opened on Polk Street in August 2007.  Her business was an instant success, often bursting at the seams with people waiting for a table.  With financial assistance from the Revolving Loan Fund and assistance from the Office of Small Business, Brenda's expanded to the vacant Laundromat next door, doubling the space and capacity of the business in 2011.  The Office of Small Business worked with Brenda's to apply for financing and secure the necessary permits and licenses.  

The City's Revolving Loan Fund, managed by the Office of Economic and Workforce Development and administered by TMC Working Solution, was launched in July of 2009 with the intention of creating jobs and increasing access to capital.  To date, OEWD and TMC have successfully administered the entire $670,000 loan fund, and have supported 27 San Francisco small businesses and have generated 73 jobs. Click here for more information on the RLF.

• Mayor Lee Appoints New Small Business Commissioner, Mark Dwight
Mayor Lee recently appointed Mark Dwight to the San Francisco Small Business Commission.
Mark Dwight is the founder and CEO of Rickshaw Bagworks, a San Francisco-based manufacturer of messenger bags, computer carrying cases, bicycle packs, and urban lifestyle luggage. Rickshaw manufactures its own products in its own factory in the Dogpatch neighborhood of San Francisco. Since its founding in 2007, Rickshaw has grown to 22 full-time employees. Mark is also the founder and Chairman of, an organization supporting San Francisco-based manufacturers and promoting job growth in the local manufacturing sector. Prior to founding Rickshaw, Mark was the CEO of Timbuk2 Designs (2002-2006), also a San Francisco-based luggage manufacturer. Before he started designing and making bags, Mark spent 18 years working in various Silicon Valley technology companies, including Cisco Systems (1997-2001).

Prior to founding SFMade, Mark served on the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce (2004-2011). Mark also served on the Backstreets Business Advisory Board (2005-2007), sponsored by Supervisor Sophie Maxwell, which produced a report with policy and land use recommendations for the City of San Francisco relating to businesses in the production, distribution and repair (PDR) sectors. Mark was born in Palo Alto, and raised in Los Altos. Mark has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (1982) and an MBA (1989), both from Stanford University. Mark lives in the SOMA neighborhood, and has been a San Francisco resident since 2002.

The Small Business Commission (SBC) oversees the Office of Small Business, which is the City's central point of information and referral for entrepreneurs and small businesses located in the City & County of San Francisco. By championing "business-friendly" policies, marketing the contributions of the small business sector, and developing appropriate assistance programs, the SBC and Office of Small Business work to support and enhance an environment where small businesses can succeed and flourish. The SBC reviews pertinent small business legislation and policy matters and makes recommendations to the sponsor of the legislation, including the Mayor, Board of Supervisors, or other City Agencies.

• SF Energy Watch Neighborhood Campaign in District 8 and 11
Be on the lookout for SF Environment representatives, who will be visiting The Castro, Noe Valley, Glen Park, The Excelsior, Outer Mission, OMI, and Upper Market starting in February to help businesses cut energy costs through the SF Energy Watch program. Thousands of businesses have already reduced costs through this program. To read about different energy efficiency projects implemented by various local businesses and organizations visit

To schedule a free assessment and learn how you can save energy and money, call the SF Energy Watch hotline at (415) 355-3769. SF Energy Watch is a partnership between PG&E and the City of San Francisco funded by the California ratepayers.

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SBAC Connection

• Important: SF Payroll Expense Tax Filings and Payments Due 2/29/12
All businesses with taxable SF payroll expenses greater than $150,000.00 and operating for any portion of time in 2011 must file. Click here for details. 

- If your payroll expense in the last fiscal year was less than or equal to $150,000.00 and your business received a filing notification in the mail, you do not have to file anything unless you are claiming an exclusion or credit.
- If your payroll expense in the last fiscal year was greater than $150,000.00 but less than or equal to $250,000.00, you are required to file. However, you qualify for the Small Business Exemption, which means you will owe nothing if you FILE ON TIME. Late filings are subject to penalties, interest and fees.
- If your payroll expense in the last fiscal year was greater than $250,000.00, you must file here and pay 1.5% of your total SF payroll.

Please note the following:
Statements must be filed online and transmitted before midnight 02/29/2012
    - Payments must be received or postmarked on or before 02/29/2012
    - Penalties, interest, and fees will be imposed after 02/29/2012

• Changes to Regulatory Requirements for Massage Establishments
Beginning January 1, 2012, massage establishments who employ only state certified practitioners are exempt from SF Department of Public Health's Massage Establishment Permit requirements. Operators of exempt establishments must fill out the Declaration of Exemption from Massage Permit Requirements Form and provide copies of the state certification for all practitioners. State certified massage practitioners are exempt from San Francisco practitioner license requirements. Click here for details.

• New CA Pregnancy Disability Leave Law (SB 299) Affects Employers with 5 or More Employees
SB 299 requires all employers with five or more employees to continue to maintain and pay for health coverage under a group health plan for an eligible female employee who takes pregnancy disability leave up to four months in a 12-month period. The benefits are at the same level and conditions as if the employee had continued working during the leave. Click here for details.

• How to File W-2s, 1099 Forms, and More
Did your small business hire employees for the first time in 2011? Did you use the services of an independent contractor? Or do you simply need a refresher on the ins and outs of wage reporting season?
Here's what you need to know about your annual employer reporting obligations.

• Small Business Assistance Center Regular Office Hours
Services are available by phone, walk-in, and by appointment, M-Th, 8am-5pm, and by appointment only on Fridays.

• Small Business Financing Resources
Please click HERE for a list of nonprofit small business lenders.

• Small Business Resources & Workshops
Please click HERE for a list of small business resources and workshops.

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Small Business Commission Legislative Liaison

• Disability Access Improvement Legislation to Help Small Businesses Comply with ADA Laws
Introduced by President Chiu, Board of Supervisors File No. 111047 [Administrative, Planning, and Campaign and Governmental Conduct Codes - Disability Access Improvements for Small Businesses and Landlord Obligations] amends various codes to 1) bring ground floor entrances to, and exits from, the building into compliance with applicable state and federal disability access laws; 2) inform small business tenants of the potential legal and financial liabilities for failure to comply with those laws; 3) include in any new or amended leases a provision addressing the respective obligations of the landlord and small business tenant to bring the leased premises into compliance with those access laws; 4) require the City to give priority to building permit applications for work to bring space leased to small business tenants into compliance with those access laws; 5) allow small self-service restaurants and retail coffee stores to exclude the square footage of floor area required for disabled access from the calculation of maximum allowable square footage. 

This ordinance is tentatively scheduled to be heard at the Commissions February 13, 2012 meeting.  Please call the Commission Secretary at 415.554.6408 for more details.

• Licensing of Dog Walkers
The ordinance proposing professional dog walker regulations, introduced by Supervisor Wiener, was passed 11-0 by the Board of Supervisors at their January 31, 2012 meeting.  This new law will license and regulate commercial dog walkers while on park property.  Significant debate took place over the number of permitted dogs would be allowed to be walked and the SBC is pleased to announce that Supervisors agreed with the Commission and voted to allow a limit of 8 dogs.  These working class, typically self employed jobs, require business owners to pay their own taxes, operating expenses, vehicle and gas fees (which are among the highest in the country,) taxes, insurance, health care and other costs.  Furthermore, by accepting the limit of 8 dogs, the Board of Supervisors prevented a further 15-30% reduction in come that would have resulted from a limit of 6 or 7 dogs.  The Supervisors are to be commended for their votes.  In particular, we would like to thank Supervisor Wiener, the legislation sponsor for his hard work and thoughtful process in developing the ordinance.

Under the regulations, in order to become licensed, commercial dog walkers who are new to the business or have been registered with the City for less than three years must undertake 20 hours of classroom and hands-on training or complete 40 hours of practical experience working with another dog walker.  Licensed dog walkers must carry $1 million of liability insurance and additional applicability requirements will apply, including a permit fee not to exceed $250 and an annual license fee not to exceed $100.    

Once permitted, a number of regulations will apply, including:

· A permittee can not walk more than 8 dogs at one time;
· A permittee will need to have a leash for each dog, and follow all applicable on-leash rules;
· A permittee will need to clean up after any dogs he or she is walking;
· Once a year, a permittee will need to distribute to his or her current clients informational materials on dog licensing;
· A permittee will need to carry his or her permit on their person and produce the permit for inspection upon request by any enforcement officer
· A permittee will need to either carry dog walking safety equipment, such as canine first aid supplies, or have equipment at a nearby location; and,
· A permittee will need to either carry sufficient drinking water for the dogs, or have drinking water available at a nearby location.

These rules and regulations will take effect on January 1, 2013.  Criminal charges or administrative fines may apply for violation of the code.  Additionally, Animal Care and Control will maintain, on its website, a list of all persons who had violated the ordinance three or more times during the last 12 months. 

• Plastic Bag Ban and Checkout Bag Charge Update
BOS File No. 101055 [Environment Code - Checkout Bags and Checkout Bag Charge] will ban the use of plastic bags at retail and eating establishment and require at fee to be charged for compliant bags, which include paper and compostable products.  The new proposed requirements include:

· Beginning October 1, 2012, no store shall provide plastic bags.  No store shall provide a recyclable paper bag or reusable bag to a customer at the point of sale unless the store charges a checkout bag charge of at least 10 cents.
· Beginning October 1, 2013 the above regulations shall apply to all food establishments (restaurants) and will include a 10 cent fee on compostable bags in addition to paper bags.
· Detailed specifications apply for paper bags, composted bags, and reusable bags.

Earlier versions of the ordinance included a provision that the fee for compliant bags would be raised to 25 cents in 2014.  The SBC recommended approval of this ordinance at our November 14, 2011 meeting with a recommendation that the effectiveness of the 10 cent fee be analyzed to determine if the 25 cent charge was necessary.  The 25 cent fee increase has since been eliminated.  The Board of Supervisors instructed the Department on the Environment to conduct additional business outreach before the Board takes action.  Action is currently schedule to be taken at the Boards February 7, 2012 meeting. The SBC has requested that Department of the Environment also conduct consumer outreach so that businesses are not placed with the sole burden of educating consumers. Also, please note that the Commission has confirmed that the fees charged for paper checkout bags are not taxable.  The Commission is currently requesting a determination on compostable bags.  Click here for the special notice of determination provided by the State Board of Equalization.  For more information on the proposed ordinance or to request a presentation, contact the Department of the Environment at 415.355.3700.

• Permitting a Five Feet Ground Floor Height Increase in Selected Zoning Districts
This proposed ordinance, BOS File No. 111247, is sponsored by Supervisor Eric Mar and will provide for an extra 5 feet for ground floor uses in various zoning districts.  This height exception will allow the permitted height of buildings to be raised an additional 5 feet for projects that have ground floor retail or other active uses, as defined in the planning code, that are oriented to public access and primarily to walk-up pedestrian activities. The purpose of this height exception is to encourage generous ground floor ceiling heights for commercial and other active uses, encourage additional light and air into ground floor spaces, allow for walk-up ground floor residential uses to be raised slightly from sidewalk level for privacy and usability of front stoops, and to create better building frontage on the public street.

• Formula Retail - Including Financial Services within Definition of Formula Retail
BOS File No. 120047, also introduced by Supervisor Mar, will include banks and other financial institutions in the list of business types that are subject to the City's formula retail controls.  Currently these types of businesses are excluded from the requirements.  By adding banks and other financial institutions to the City's formula retail controls, a conditional use authorization will be required for these types of businesses to locate to Neighborhood Commercial Districts and other selected parts of the City.  This ordinance is tentatively scheduled to be heard at our March 12, 2012 Small Business Commission meeting.

• Ordinance Requiring Security Plans for Commercial Parking Garages and Lots
BOS File No. 111077, introduced by Supervisors Chiu and Wiener, would require a commercial parking permit applicant to include as part of the application a security plan for the parking garage or parking lot. The plan would need to meet minimum requirements set in the ordinance or by the Chief of Police in rules promulgated (rules that the Chief adopts) after a public hearing, and be reasonably calculated to protect individuals and vehicles in the parking garage or parking lot and within 25 feet of any pedestrian or vehicular entrance or exit to the parking garage or parking lot.

If any entrance to or exit from the parking garage or parking lot was within 1000 feet of any entrance to or exit from a business operating under a Place of Entertainment or an Extended Hours Premises permit issued by the Entertainment Commission, the security plan must provide for an attendant, security guard or other individual to remain at the garage or lot until 3:00 a.m. This requirement will not apply if the entrances and exits to the lot can be closed and secured so that vehicles may not enter or exit the garage or lot. 

Other examples of components in the security plan may include; additional lighting, security cameras, emergency call boxes or phones, mirrors, barriers and other physical improvements. 

This ordinance was heard at our January 9, 2012 Commission meeting.  The Commissioners continued the matter to our February 13 meeting in order to receive more information from the legislative sponsor.  For more information, contact the Commission Secretary at 415.554.6408.

For more information on ALL of the above ordinances, including legislative digests and the text of each ordinance, go to our Legislation for Small Business Commission Review Page.  We appreciate your comments.

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Small Business Commission Corner

• Next Small Business Commission Meeting (2/13/12, Room 400)
The Small Business Commission will meet on Monday, February 13, at 5:30PM in Room 400. Agendas will be available on the Commission website by the Wednesday prior to the meeting.

• Steve Adams Unanimously Elected Small Business Commission President
The Office of Small Business congratulates Small Business Commissioner, Stephen Adams, for his unanimous selection by the Commission to serve as President of the Small Business Commission in 2012.  Commissioner Adams, appointed in 2010 by Mayor Gavin Newsom, previously served as Commission Vice-President. 

Commissioner Adams manages the San Francisco branch network for Sterling Bank & Trust, and is known for his accomplishments and advocacy in community organizations throughout the City.  As Board President of the Merchants of Upper Market and Castro since 2007, Commissioner Adams worked for years to improve the business climate in the Upper Market and Castro Neighborhoods.  He has also served as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Project Open Hand, and was on the board of the Golden Gate Business Association for several years.

• Small Business Commission and Small Business California Invite You to Learn About Benefit Corporations

Have you heard the news about a new type of corporation in California that makes positive social and environmental impacts while looking out for their bottom line? The Small Business Commission and Small Business California would like to invite you to an event that discusses B Corporation, benefit corporation, and resources available in San Francisco. Food will be provide by La Cocina.
Where: The Hub SF (901 Mission St., 94103 at 5th and Mission)
When: February 27, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Click here to register.

• Proposed Small Business Commission Charter Amendment Update

At the request of the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors continued the proposed Charter Amendment that "Analyzes Legislation that Creates Net Job Loss" to the call of the chair.  Supervisors stated that they continue to support the Mayor in his goals to create jobs and limit job losses.  The Commission looks forward to further discussions with both the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors on how to accomplish these goals.

*Please contact Chris Schulman, Small Business Commission Secretary by email at, or by phone at 415.554.6408 with questions, comments, or feedback regarding legislations and how they affect your small business.

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RFPs & Contracting Opportunities

• NEW! Concession Opportunities at San Francisco International Airport: Rental Car Cafe Lease
San Francisco International Airport is preparing to conduct the competitive selection processes through a Request for Proposal for a Food and Beverage Lease at the Rental Car Center. Staff invites you to attend the informational conference scheduled for Thursday, March 1, 2012 at 10:00 a.m., International Terminal - G Side Pre-Security Administration 5th Floor - Conference Room 28R at San Francisco International Airport.
This is a time when staff discusses the desired concepts, minimum qualification requirements and addresses any questions relating to the food and beverage lease.  Written comments and recommendations will be accepted until 12:00 p.m., Thursday, March 15, 2012.
Please visit our website at  For additional information, please call Sharon Perez, Principal Property Manager, Revenue Development and Management, at (650) 821-4500.
Click here for details.

• SFPUC Contracts and Bids: Various Opportunities with the SF Public Utilities Commission
Click here for details.

• Learn How To Do Business with the City of SF! Free Weekly Workshops Presented by the SF Human Rights Commission
The workshops are FREE and held EACH WEDNESDAY of the month at 1485 Bayshore Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94124. Reservations are not required, but highly recommended. Click here for details.

• City and County of San Francisco Contracting Opportunities
Visit and click on Bids and Contracts Database and Required Vendor Forms.

• City and County of San Francisco Surety Bond & Finance Program
For more information, contact: Nancy Owens, Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services, 417 Montgomery Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94104. Phone:  415 986-3999

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Upcoming Events

• MON. 2/13 - Small Business Commission Meeting
5:30 PM, City Hall, Room 400. Click here for the Meeting Agenda 

• THU. 2/2 - Urban Solutions Black History Month Celebration
6-8 p.m.
KPIX/KBCW Studios, 855 Battery St.

Network with and pitch your stories to the CBS 5 news team and staff from "Bay Sunday", "Eye on the Bay", "Black Renaissance", and "Bay Area Focus." Reporter Christin Ayers emcees this special event. Food and drink will be provided. This is a FREE event. RSVP is required.

• MON. 2/6 - Renaissance Center Presents: Kickstart Your Small Business
This workshop helps prepare attendees to embark on the journey of entrepreneurship. Covered are topics like 5 common misconceptions about small business owners, the 7 keys to success, local resources and the services Renaissance provides to help your business get going and growing.

Sign up: Renaissance Center
When: Monday, February 6th, 6pm to 7:30pm
Where: Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, 275 5th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 Cost: FREE

• TUE. 2/14 - Taxes and Your Business, How to Prepare Schedule C
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM, 455 Market Street, Suite 600, SF

Review what the IRS wants to know from you and how to report it on the Schedule C for your business. This is a class for business owners who need a basic understanding of their 1040 Schedule C tax forms. We'll also talk about what to do with the numbers once you have them. We don't guarantee you won't get audited, but this class will make it less likely. Click here to register.

• THU. 2/16 - Maximize Your Web Site Traffic and Sales 
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, 455 Market Street, Suite 600, SF

In this class, learn to ensure the highest placement on search engines; how to use Web analytics to keep your customers on your site; and how to convert site visitors into paying customers.  Presented by the SF SBDC.  Registration fee $35 in advance, $40 at the door. Click here to register.

• WED. 2/22 - Free Legal Help for Small Businesses (Assistance in English and Chinese) 免費小商業法律諮詢服務
Legal assistance in English and Chinese available for any business related matter except litigation and bankruptcy. 4th Wednesday of every month, 5:30 pm to 7:30pm. SF Small Business Development Center, 300 Montgomery Street, Suite 789, San Francisco, CA 94104. For appointments, please contact Lawrence Liu,, 415-841-4056 or 650-296-0480.

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Remember to Shop Local in San Francisco!

Contact Us:
Small Business Assistance Center
City Hall, Room 110
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102
Monday through Thursday 8AM to 5PM, Friday by Appointment Only.
Phone: 415-554-6134

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1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
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San Francisco, CA 94102

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