Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight |
Press Release |
For Immediate Release |
Dr. Benda Wade interviews Carl Lumbly on Black Renaissance Sunday at 8 a.m.
Dr. Brenda Wade Expert for ABC, CNN, CBS, NBC & Host of Black Renaissance
Are you looking for inspiration, better
health, news you can use and the latest on entertainment and the art
scene? Whether you are black, white, gay or straight, you will find
this multicultural show uplifting and exciting. Join Dr. Brenda Wade
and her special guests THIS SUNDAY, February 19th at 8:00am PST as I
host Black Renaissance on CBS/CW Network Cable 12, Channel 44. Actor,
Carl Lumbly, a true master of his craft, will give you a sneak peak at
his starring role in the new Lorraine Hansberry Theatre production Blue
Orange. Click Here for Details
Actor Carl Lumbly, star of Blue/Orange currently playing at the
Lorraine Hansberry Theatre celebrates the opening season of the Lorraine
Hansberry with actor Delroy Lindo. In addition to seeing Blue/Orange support the production with a tax-deductible gift at http://www.indiegogo.com/Blue-Orange
More Great News from the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre
The Lorraine Hansberry Theatre is not only in production of its
play "Blue/Orange" featuring Carl Lumbly, of Alias and Cagney and Lacey
fame, partnering with michaelD.Communications, Visa, Foley &
Lardner LLP, the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre dovetails on "Redtails" to
honor the Tuskegee Airmen and their role in history with the
documentary, "Double Victory." Tuesday, February 21, the evening
begins with a special FREE screening of the Lucasfilm Ltd. documentary
Double Victory, which spotlights the historic role of the Tuskegee
Airmen during World War II, revealing the ways these pioneering African
Americans bravely fought a war on two fronts: fascism abroad and
racial injustice and inequality at home. A panel discussion follows the
screening, featuring members of the Tuskegee Airmen, moderated by
veteran TV news personality, Barbara Rodgers. Tickets were going
fast. The event may be sold-out--or should I say freed-out :) The
Lorraine Hansberry Theatre is in an exciting new location: 450 Post
Street, in the heart of Union Square. Powell Street BART makes it very
accessible. Support the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre's current production, "Blue/Orange". Click here: http://www.indiegogo.com/Blue-Orange. From $10-$10,000, a tax-deductible gift of any size makes a difference!
| Other Community News
Dr. Joseph Bryant Jr., Director of San Francisco Bay Area Rainbow
P.U.S.H., Senior Pastor of Calvary Hill Community Church in San
Francisco Bayview Hunter's Point Neighborhood, joins with National
Rainbow P.U.S.H. Founder Reverend Jesse Jackson Jr. in expressing
heartfelt condolences in the untimely death of gifted singer Whitney
Houston. Dr. Bryant shares the special release from Reverend Jackson
with personal observations of Ms. Houston. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiCBOXOj9s0 Click headline to read more.
Information you can use from Dr. Joseph Bryant Jr., Director of
San Francisco Bay Area Rainbow P.U.S.H., Senior Pastor of Calvary Hill
Community Church in San Francisco Bayview Hunter's Point
Neighborhood---Empower Young People, Saturday February 18, 2012 8:00
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Read about Genentech's Stem Leadership Forum--Get
your young people involved in the sciences. The forum is part of the
UNCF Empower Me Tour. For more details click the headline.
Infinity Productions--Black History Month Presentations
Congratulations to Mary Booker and Infinity Productions for a
great line up for Black History Month at the Bayview Opera House/Ruth
Williams Memorial Theater. News From UCSF-From the Desk of Barbara Bagot-Lopez
The UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay - Fourth Street Public
Plaza Draft EIR is now published and available on the UCSF Campus
Planning website: http://campusplanning.ucsf.edu/. The public comment
period will run for 45 days from February 15 through April 2. UCSF
will hold a public hearing on March 22nd at 7 p.m. at the Genentech
Hall auditorium on the UCSF Mission Bay campus. When
NFL Cornerback, Eric Wright and his wife LaTanya decided to bring a
mentoring program to the neighborhood where Eric grew up, there was no
better partner to align with than the Bayview Hunters Point Y, a beacon
of hope in the Bayview Hunters Point community for many years. News from the Foundation Center-San Francisco Foundation
Center San Francisco hosts an open house. You are invited. Help The
Foundation Center celebrate35 years of service in San Francisco!
 | Naomi
Kelly, First Black City Administrator to be Keynote Speaker March 3,
2012 at the SF NBCW "Golden Girls Hats and Gloves Tea" at the Fairmont
Hotel. | Naomi Kelly First Black SF City Administrator Keynote Speaker at 100 Black Women's Tea
During Women's History Month and the SF 100 Black Women in San
Francisco Weekend, The National Coalition of 100 Black Women San
Francisco Chapter will host the 7th Annual "Golden Girls Hats and
Gloves Tea-Bridging the Generations," Saturday, March 3, 2012 at the
historic Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. The keynote speaker will be
Naomi Kelly, the first Black City Administrator for the City of San
Francisco. Click Headline to read more! There's more news. Just Click Community News.