March 12, 2025

Community News

Faye Kennedy's Talking Drums
March 29, 2012

The Talking Drums News: Weekend Edition March 29, 2012


Women's History Month

March 2012 (Revised with clip_image003 community events & news!!)

Celebrate our rich history and culture 365 days

Community News & What to do in Sac Town!!!!

clip_image005  California Black Chamber of Commerce Foundation is hosting the Annual African American Leadership Weekend & Wellness Conference in partnership with the California Black Health Network. Join Us!!! March 29-31, 2012Students: $25.00 (with I.D. card); Members: $ 25.00 Non-Members: $50.00.Registration is going on now! Call and book your hotel before the deadline. Doubletree Hotel, 2001 Point West Way, Sacramento, CA 95815.Doubletree Hotel Room Price: $89.00 1-800-222-8733 or 916-929-8855.Information Booths are available. We hope to see you there, call the office for more information 916-463-0177 or .

clip_image007 clip_image003[1]GSUL President David DeLuz will address the "I am Trayvon Martin" rally Thursday, March 29 at Grant High School in Sacto., CA at 12noon at the football stadium. We hope to see you there!

clip_image009clip_image003[2]Sacramento Rally Being Held In Support Of Slain Teen Trayvon Martin from 4-7pm: Organizers say they expect thousands of people to show up at William Land Park, Sacramento, CA on Thursday, March 29 wearing their hoodies in support of Trayvon Martin. To read more visit:  OR visit:

clip_image011 Women's History and Earth Day CelebrationSunday, April 1 from 4-6pm- We will gather to create positive vibes to celebrate Women's History and Earth Day, for in memory of the late Wangari Maathai, Founder of the Green Belt Movement of Kenya. Sacramento's premiere screening of TAKING ROOT tells the dramatic story of Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai whose simple act of planting trees grew into a nationwide and international movement Sunday, April 1, 2012 from 4-6pm at the Brickhouse Art Gallery, 2837 36th St., Sacramento, CA. The afternoon program will also feature a planting activity. This event is free and open to public. For more info the contact: Black United Fund: (916) 484-3750.Event co-sponsors: The Brickhouse Art Gallery, Black United Fund of Sacramento Valley and the Sacramento Area Black Caucus.


clip_image012 clip_image003[3]American women rise up for diplomacy not war! Will you join Iranian, Israeli and Palestinian women to oppose war on Iran? Join Alice Walker, Eve Ensler, and Gloria Steinem and please sign the petition!!!  Add your name to the petition!!! The petition will be delivered to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, and First Lady Michelle Obama. For more info visit:


clip_image014 clip_image003[4]What About Trayvon's Right to Self-Defenseby Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III:"It was Trayvon who was defending himself, standing his ground." When explaining a situation or trying to understand an issue, how the circumstance is defined can play a major role in the approach that is taken. In the case of the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin, most of the discussion has centered on George Zimmerman's right to "stand his ground." What about Travon's right to move freely about the neighborhood and stand his ground when a threat is initiated by another person? To read more visit:

clip_image016clip_image003[5]Dr. Luther Castillo Harry,founder and director of the first Garifuna hospital in Ciriboya, Honduras.Please join us as Dr. Luther gives insight into the clinic in Honduras that was formed by him and his colleagues here in Sacramento and Alabama. March 31, 2012, 4-6 p.m at Nehemiah Community Foundation,640 Bercut Drive, Ste. A, Sacramento, CA 95811. Donations: Friend ($250, 6 tickets) Individual Tickets ($50). Or contribute by mail to C.H.I.M.E.S. (a non-profit 501 C 3) at P.O. Box 162126, Sacramento, CA 95816. RSVP to BUD137@SBCGLOBAL.NET or call 916-607-0649.

clip_image018  Captivating Ladies Acquiring Successful Standards Yearly, (C.L.A.S.S.Y.), presents It's Your Body, Respect It!  At Rancho Cordova Library9845 Folsom Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95827,  March 31 from 10:00 am. -3:00This event is limited to 45 registrants; Participants will have the opportunity to learn about how to maintain self-care for a developing body, health and nutrition, identifying abuse, teen pregnancy and HIV prevention and Breast Health.  The event will close with a promise pledge to themselves by all participants. To register for this event

clip_image020 clip_image003[6]This year is the 50th Anniversary of the UFW.Saturday March 31st join Lee Perkins in the Cesar Chavez Marchleaving Southside Park, Sacto., CA at 10:00 a.m.. Wear your hoodie in solidarity for Trayvon Martin! !!! There will be speakers, live music and food at this free event For more info call 916-825-0402.

clip_image022  clip_image003[7]Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 2012:

·         How will you remember Dr. King?  

Memphis says it will correct what critics say is an omission by finally naming a street after Martin Luther King Jr. 44 years after his assassination there. A ceremony held on April 4th the 44 years to the day after the Rev. King was fatally shot while standing on a Memphis hotel balcony -- a 1-mile section of Linden Avenue will be renamed Dr. M.L. King Jr. Avenue. Read more:

clip_image024clip_image003[8]SiriusXM Talk Show Host, Joe Madison, announced this morning that he is declaring April 10th National Hoodie Day as a show of support for Trayvon Martin and his family. "On April 10th, as the grand jury convenes in Sanford Florida, our collective statement will send a strong message that an entire nation is watching and waiting for justice to prevail in the Trayvon Martin Case", Madison said. The declaration was also made in response to Geraldo Rivera's remarks that Trayvon Martin's hoodie was responsible for his death. "A hoodie is not a weapon - let's show the world!" For more info visit:

clip_image026 International fine artist and illustrator, Charles Bibbs: In his first solo exhibition in Sacramento, international and fine artist and illustrator, Charles Bibbs will showcase his latest works at Evolve the Gallery in Historic Oak Park, Sacramento. All works will be on display at Evolve the Gallery from March 11-31st. The exhibitions are smart, creative, and poignant and meant to give way to valuable dialogues, collaborations and cultural development that might not otherwise take place. For more information, visit or call (916) 572-5123.

clip_image028 Master Barber & Beauty Shop presents: HAIRitageA Fine Photo Exhibition that Captures the Essence of the Barber Shop-Now through April 28 Master Barber & Beauty Shop, 4340 Stockton Blvd, Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95820. For more info call 916 457-8708 or visit:

clip_image030  Reiki at The Brickhouse Gallery - Spring Tune-up Special.  Reiki energy tune-ups, energy/aura clearings and wellness at The Brickhouse Gallery, Studio 7, in Historic Oak Park.  Have you been feeling more stressed than usual, or confused, or overwhelmed with all the transitions in your life?  A Reiki session can help you create more balance and harmony within yourself.  For more information or to schedule your appointments (two for the price of one), contact Kephera, Reiki Master/Teacher, at 916-821-3589. 

clip_image032COME GET THE WEST AFRICAN EXPERIENCE -Saturday, Now until Saturday, April 28, 2012 at 4:00pm. Step I Dance & Fitness,1920 T StreetSacramento, CA 95811. You Will Learn the Basics of West African Drumming Featuring "The Djembe'", West African Dancing and West African Songs and much more!! For more info contact:


clip_image034In celebration of Women's History Month, the Creative Spirits Art Group presents "The Troubles I've Seen"Now through March 31, 2012 at underground books store featuring: Erica Foley, Lauren Poree and Shirley Sanders.  Join us at the closing reception and Artist Talk Saturday, March 31 at 5:00pm at underground books.  For more info e-mail:

clip_image036Arbella Grayson "Two Hundered Years of Black Paper Dolls" Discussion Saturday, March 31 at 2:00pm at underground books, 2814 35th St & Broadway, 95817. For more info call (916) 737-3333.


clip_image038 The JAZZ & POETRY Relaxed Night Out Event Saturday, March 31, 2012 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM at The Guild Theater,2828 35th Street, Sacramento, CA. Saxophonist Eugene Peebles with "The Talking Sax" Prophecy (Jazz, R & B, Funk & Old School Band) Anthony Lemuel "The Saint" Gonsalves (#1 Slam Poet)Tristan Johnson Sac's popular comedian, guest poets & singer Erin Loveland. For more info call (916) 208-POET (7638 or visit:

clip_image040clip_image003[9]IMAGES THEATRE COMPANY is holding AUDITIONS for the Pulitizer Prize Winning Play, RUINEDwritten by Lynn Nottage, and directed by Buddy Butler, musical direction by Charles Cooper with Choreography by Pjay Phillips. WHAT TO PREPARE FOR AUDITION: Prepare a dramatic monologue from a contemporary play not to exceed 2 minutes. NO COMEDIC MONOLOGUES PLEASE. WHEN: Wednesday April 4, 2012 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. - Non Equity, Thursday April 5, 2012 - 7:30 p.m. AEA appts and open call. Please email for audition time prior to April 3, 2012 NO HOUSING AVAILABLE FOR AEA OUT OF TOWN ACTORS. WHERE: The Blue Crow Art Studio, 3216 Riverside Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95818.

clip_image041clip_image003[10]Come out & celebrate the Sacramento NAACP Branch's 30th Annual Prayer Breakfast Friday, April 6 at 7:30am at The Radisson Hotel, Sacto, CA. Serving the community, through Prayer, Breakfast, Entertainment, and Dynamic Speaking. Tickets can be purchased for only $40 at our Downtown Office 816 H Street, Ste. 205, Sacto, CA 95814. For additional info contact # is (916) 447- 8629 or make purchases online at Look forward to seeing there!!

clip_image042clip_image003[11]The Soap Salon Presents: Looking into Blackwell, a Charles Curtis Blackwell Art Exhibit. Artist, playwright, poet, and performance artist Charles Curtis Blackwell has written plays such as Is, The Color of Mississippi Mud, which was produced in Washington D.C. and Sacramento, and I'm a Boxer, a Love Story. His book The Fiery Response To Love's Calling was published in 1999, and he has produced three spoken word CDs, one featuring jazz drummer Billy Toliver. Sat. April 7 at 8:9pm at the Soap Salon!!! For more info e-mail:

clip_image044   The Ghanaian Association of Sacramento proudly presents the celebration of Ghana's 55th Anniversary of Independence-A Celebration of Ghanaian Music - from Highlife to Hiplife Saturday, April 7, 2012 from 6:00pm-Midnight. Dinner served from 6:30pm-8:00pm at Citrus Heights Community Center, 6300 Fountain Square Citrus Heights, CA 95621. Tickets: Adults: $40 in advance, $45 at the door/Children 12-18 years old: $15 Children under 12 years old: Free Group Discount tickets are also available Contact: Matanah Buoh 916-230-3951 or email: Alex Akoto (916) 789-0418.

clip_image046clip_image003[12]Black United Fund of Sacramento V alley-  2012 Growing Our Own Workshops: Growing Our Own: Nonprofit Development Initiative:   The overarching mission and vision of the initiative is to build, nurture, and sustain nonprofit organizations that in turn strengthen communities by becoming integral to local economies and social service networks. Newly formed organizations that successfully complete the start-up phase will receive a mini-grant, opportunities for continued support from the program, and opportunities to network with other start-up groups.  Upcoming Growing Our Own Workshop Dates (Sessions are limited to 8 participants)

 The ABCs of Creating a Nonprofit -·        Monday, April 9, 2012 from 6-8pm at the Black United Fund Office,  4104 44th Street, Sacramento, CA 95820.  This workshop is for beginners. Here you will be introduced to California state nonprofit requirements and what you will need to do to acquire tax exempt status from the federal government. To attend, please RSVP to Faye at fayek@springmail.comRSVP is required!!  For more info please call (916) 484-3750 (seating is limited)!!!

 clip_image048clip_image003[13]Sac Chapter- National Coaliton of 100 Black Women(SacNCBW), April 10, 11, 12 for Arts & Culture-Three Stages at Folsom Lake presents The National Tour of "The Color Purple" Please use Promo Code NCBW5 for a discount on ticketsPLUS$5 from each ticket will be donated to SacNCBW Scholarships. Go to: For Tickets! See You There!

 clip_image050 clip_image003[14]Join SacNCBW for an informational session with area professionals that can assist youEducation about Sacramento's real estate market is available THURSDAY - APRIL 19, 2012 @ 6:30pm. RSVP - (916) 300-4144


 clip_image052100 Black Men of Sacramento Night at the KINGS - April 20th, 2012: Let's Get as many as parents and Youth out as Possible!!To order tickets, please contact: Brian Graves 916.928.3605 or Fax to: 916.928.9794 or mail with payment to: Power Balance Pavilion, Attn: Brian Graves, One Sports Parkway, Sacramento, CA 95834.


clip_image054 Women's Civic Improvement Club/Center's Annual Open House (Sacramento's oldest Black Women's Organization):Saturday, April 21, Noon to 4 PM, The Jazz Generation Performs at the annual open house of the Women's Civic Improvement Associations (WCIC) of Sacramento--great, free event, with gourmet and soul food, R&B band and Suzanne Brooks, The Jazz Generation. Don't miss this! For more info call (916) 457-8870.

clip_image056Walk to End Genocide 2012: Sunday April 22 The Walk to End Genocide raises awareness and funds to provide vital resources for those suffering from the horrors of genocide. With your help, we will raise thousands of dollars to help realize a better future for people around the world suffering human rights abuses. Anyone and everyone can help! Join or start a walk team, walk as an individual, make a donation, volunteer or become a sponsor! There is no fitness requirement for this family-friendly 3 mile walk, so everyone can participate and enjoy. For more info or register visit:

clip_image058 Quilting Art Classes at the Brickhouse Gallery, Sacramento: The quilting art classes are held every 3rd Saturday from 11am - 3pm at the Brickhouse Gallery in Studio 5, 2837 36th St., Sacramento, CA.   Membership is $35 for 6 months which allows discount on classes or enjoy a relaxed atmosphere while working on self projects.  Individual class may vary from $35 to $55 depending on supplies needed. Some of the classes are creating historic photo quilts, appliqué and beading quilting art, painting on fabric quilting art and more.    Each month participants will learn a new block to be used in traditional to contemporary quilts or art pieces.  Students need to bring a sewing machine and fabric to class.  For more information please contact Jan Hollins (916 613-7401) e-mail at

AFRICAN STRIP  QUILT. Saturday,  April, 21, 2102: Use African fabrics and batiks to create abstract, free motion or traditional block quilts.  Bring favorite batiks colors and 1 1/2 yds for backing.  Some African fabrics, batting and decorative threads will be provided.    Class Cost--$35 and Members-----$25. For more information please contact Jan Hollins (916 613-7401) e-mail at

clip_image030[1]clip_image003[15]Natural Health Seminar hosted by African-Americans for Balanced Health Sunday, April 22, 2012 (3:00 - 5:00 p.m.) at 4311 Attawa Street (off of 16th Ave. near 24th St.) Topic of the Day: "Reiki" Speaker: Ruby Sharon Evans aka Sa Eeda " Registered Karuna Reiki Master with the International Center for Reiki Training". Donation: $5.00 (non-members); Members attend free. For more information call: 1-877-491-AABH (2224); or visit the web at

clip_image060No Time To Lose: A Professional Conference to Activate Change for LGBTQ Youth-On Friday, April 27 from 8am-4:30pmat the Serna Center, 5735 47th Avenue, the Sacramento City Unified School District will host a conference for school and community professionals featuring Dr. Elizabeth Meyer, author of two important books on LGBT youth in schools, and Robert Woronoff, a nationally-recognized expert on issues related to LGBTQ youth in the child welfare system. Included are more than a dozen workshops, a youth panel, a book fair, and resource tables.  For more info contact:(916) 442-0185.

clip_image062Save the dates: The Africa ConferenceThe Center for African Peace and Conflict Resolution (CAPCR) at CSUS is hosting the21st Annual CAPCR Conference and 2012 Peace Awards at Sac State, 26 - 28 Apr 2012.  For more info visit:

clip_image064  OUR LIFE STORIES, a cross-generational writers' conference at Cosumnes River College will feature nationally-recognized writers Jennifer Basye Sander and Todd Walton on Saturday, April 28, 2012 at Cosumnes River College. The conference will focus on memoir writing. All aspiring writers are welcome. The conference includes lectures by Sander and Walton and several workshops moderated by celebrated authors from the Sacramento region, including non-fiction writers David Weinshilboum, Kerstin Feindert, and Kakwasi Somadhi, poets Kathryn Hohlwein, Susan Kelly-DeWitt and Emmanuel Siguake, and storyteller Valerie Fiorvanti.  The all-day event, sponsored by the Hart Senior Center and CRC, runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The conference fee of $35 covers the workshops, materials and lunch. The registration deadline is April 22.Space is limited! To register or to obtain additional details on the conference, call the Hart Center at (916) 808-5462, emailhartcrcwritersconference@yahoo.comor visit the website

clip_image066clip_image003[16]NIA-WOMEN OF PURPOSE, Inc Presents "A SEARCH FOR ANCESTORS" Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 3 PM. Have you thought of searching for your ancestors? Are you conducting an ancestral search? Come and hear of Fran Burton's emotionally rewarding search? The afternoon will also feature a silent auction of high quality art, silver, crystal, china and more. COST: None just a donation in support of NIA-WOMEN OF PURPOSE, Inc., much appreciated! RSVP please: (916) 685-3311 or email:,,

clip_image068 Save the date: Saturday, May 5, 2012 from 6-8pm the Sacramento Area Black Caucus (SABC) will host annual Scholarship Dinner featuring local future scholars. More details soon.

clip_image070clip_image003[17]Will you be voting? You can hear the candidates on Saturday, September 8, 2012. The Congress of African Peoples CAP) will host the 3rd Black Political Convention at WCIC in Sacramento, CA from 9-4pm. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from candidates, discuss, vote on candidates and measures which will appear on the November 4 Presidential ballot. For more info

clip_image072 SABC's 40th Anniversary Celebration: In 2012, the Sacramento Area Black Caucus (SABC) will celebrate its 40th Anniversary! In the coming months, we will be sharing some of the significant milestones that have shaped us and contributed to Sacramento's developments. Stay tuned for more info soon!!!

clip_image073PUBLICATION INFORMATION: This free weekly E-Newsletter is compiled by the Sacramento Area Black Caucus (SABC).   Please submit your events and newsPlease submit your information in a narrative format, not just a flyer or a PDF file.  Unfortunately, I don't have the time to retype all the info.  Also please be sure to include contact information such as: area codes, a telephone number or e-mail address. Please submit information to: Faye Kennedy @  If you have any questions, please call (916) 484-5025.   Thank you for your cooperation and attention. Faye Kennedy, Editor


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