Transbay - Webcor Geothermal Loop and Underground Grounding Events April 2nd and April 10th  SAVE THESE DATES: Join us on Monday, April 2, 2012
from 3:00PM to 6:00PM as Webcor/Obayashi hosts as SBE/DBE Technical
Assistance "Boot Camp" for SBE/DBE contractor primes pursuing the
Geothermal Loop System and/or the Underground Grounding RFQ/IFB trade
packages that will be issued on April 3rd for the Transbay Transit
Center. The Boot Camp will be held in Conference Room "Charlie" located
at Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture's project office at 175 Beale Street
(at Howard Street), San Francisco, CA 94105. This SBE/DBE technical
assistance "Boot Camp" will provide SBE/DBE Trade Subcontractors and
subcontractors to Bidders with valuable information, instruction and
training on the basic qualification requirements for these two upcoming
contracting opportunities. Webcor/Obayashi personnel will be on hand to
provide one-on-one personalized service and answers to your questions
regarding the qualification requirements.
Join us on Tuesday, April 10, 2012
at 10:00AM for the Pre-Bid Conference for Geothermal Loop and
Underground Grounding RFQ/IFB. A mandatory pre-bid conference for Trade
Subcontractors interested in submitting bids will be held on April 10,
2012, at 10:00AM, in Conference Room "Charlie" at Webcor/Obayashi Joint
Venture's project office at 175 Beale Street (at Howard Street), San
Francisco, CA 94105. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is optional
for subcontractors to Bidders. All firms interested in bidding these
two trade packages should attend. This Pre-Bid Conference will include
the following: - Project and Contract Opportunity Overview
- RFQ/IFB Package Overview
- Networking with Potential Prime Contractors
- Technical Assistance and SBE/DBE Certification Information
Starting April 3, Bid Documents can be found at: RFQ/IFB
packages, not including drawings and specifications, will be available
for download from the Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) website. Information regarding how to obtain drawings and specifications will be posted on the TFPA website by April 3, 2012. Email Questions to: Geothermal Loop Trade Package: Underground Grounding Trade Package: |