March 12, 2025

Community News

Office of Small Business April Bulletin
April 2, 2012

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   City & County of San Francisco
   Office of Small Business Presents


SF Small Businesses SF Small Business Owners
A P R I L ,  2 0 1 2

Dear Friends,

It's been a great month for San Francisco small businesses!  Mayor Edwin M. Lee signed a $1 million supplemental appropriation to recapitalize the San Francisco Small Business Revolving Loan Fund (RLF), approved unanimously by the Board of Supervisors on second reading last Tuesday.  The Mayor also launched the Invest in Neighborhoods Initiative, a renewed effort to marshal City and private sector resources and services to help revitalize the City's neighborhood commercial corridors, support neighborhood small businesses and boost neighborhood job creation. Both initiatives are part of Mayor Lee's 17-point Roadmap to Good Jobs and Opportunity plan to create jobs and promote smart economic growth and development for San Francisco. Click here for details.

If you are a small employer with fewer than 25 full-time equivalent employees, pays an average wage of less than $50,000 a year, and pays at least half of employee health insurance premiums, then there is a tax credit that you may qualify for. Click here for details.

Coming next month is the 2012 San Francisco Small Business Week! Find out how you can take part in the week-long celebration where we come together to inspire, educate and connect the small business community! Click here for details.


Regina Dick-Endrizzi,
Executive Director, Office of Small Business

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 News &  Announcements  SBAC Connection  Small Business  Commission Corner

• Mayor Lee Signs $1 Million Supplemental Appropriation to Recapitalize the San Francisco Small Business Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)

RLF signing

• Mayor Lee Launches Invest in Neighborhoods Initiative

• Save the Date: San Francisco Small Business Week, May 14-20, 2012 


• SFMTA Transit Effectiveness Project

• San Francisco Department of Emergency Management Launch the "Who Are You Shopping For?" Emergency Supplies Shopping Campaign

• Major Corporations Join Forces to Launch Small Business Supplier Initiative

• Important: Health Care Security Ordinance Annual Reporting Form Due 4/30/12

• Health Care Tax Credit for Small Businesses

• Commuter Benefits Ordinance Annual Compliance Form Due 4/30/12

• Service & Support Animals, Proposed Legislation and Signage Feedback Session

• Grant Assistance for Water Efficient Equipment Retrofits

• SF Travel Neighborhood Partnership Grants: Applications Due May 1

• SBAC Regular Office Hours

• Small Business Financing Resources

• Small Business Resources & Workshops
         SBAC logo_transparent_sm 2

• Next Small Business Commission Meeting (4/9/12)

• New Small Business Commissioners

Commissioner White

Commissioner Ortiz-Caragena

• Waiver of Temporary Street Space Occupancy Fee for Small Business Week Sidewalk Events

 Upcoming Events  RFPs & Contracting  Opportunities Small Biz Commission Legislative Liaison

• MON. 4/9 - Small Business Commission Meeting

• WED. 4/4 - Urban Solutions Legal Office Hour

• SAT. 4/7 ~ 6/23 - SBDC Small Business Classes (Chinese) 企業家課程 (以廣東話 或 廣東話翻譯 授課) - 協助您創業的準備!

• WED. 4/18 ~ 5/30 - The LGBT Center's Business Funding Factory

• WED. 4/18 - Prioritizing Prospects to Increase Your Sales Success

• WED. 4/25 - Free Legal Help for Small Businesses (Assistance in Chinese and English) 免費小商業法律諮詢服務

• SFO Concession Opportunities: Rental Car Center Cafe Lease (Close Date: 6/6/12)

• SFPUC Contracts and Bids: Various Opportunities with the SF Public Utilities Commission

• Learn How To Do Business with the City of SF! Free Weekly Workshops Presented by the SF Human Rights Commission

• City and County of San Francisco Contracting Opportunities

• City and County of San Francisco Surety Bond & Finance Program

• Public Works Code- Mobile Food Truck Location Revisions

• Mobile Food Facilities at Colleges and Hospitals

• Proposed Changes to Restaurant Zoning

• Small Business Month Fee Waiver Program

• 9th Street Power Retail Special Use District

• Formula Retail- Including Financial Services within Definition of Formula Retail

• Disability Access Improvement Legislation to Help Small Businesses Comply with ADA Laws

• Permitting a Five Feet Ground Floor Height Increase in selected zoning districts

• Ordinance Requiring Security Plans for Commercial Parking Garages and Lots
News & Announcements

• Mayor Lee Signs $1 Million Supplemental Appropriation to Recapitalize the San Francisco Small Business Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)
Mayor Edwin M. Lee today signed a $1 million supplemental appropriation to recapitalize the San Francisco Small Business Revolving Loan Fund (RLF), approved unanimously by the Board of Supervisors on second reading last Tuesday.

Since its launch in 2009, the RLF has been highly successful, loaning a total $715,850 to 29 different San Francisco businesses, many of which are clients of the Office of Small Business. These loan recipients have created a total of 75 jobs. This financial capital-offered to business owners at below-market interest rates-helps create jobs and strengthen corridors.

The legislation was co-sponsored by Mayor Lee, Board of Supervisors President David Chiu and Supervisors Scott Wiener, Christina Olague, Mark Farrell, Jane Kim and Malia Cohen. The $1 million supplemental appropriation to recapitalize the Revolving Loan Fund immediately is part of Mayor Lee's commitment to supporting small businesses through his 17-Point economic plan to create jobs and opportunity for people in every San Francisco neighborhood.

For more information on the Revolving Loan Fund, contact Working Solutions, 440 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94133. Tammy Magid, Client Intake Specialist, 415-655-5473

• Mayor Lee Launches Invest in Neighborhoods Initiative
Mayor Edwin M. Lee recently launched his Invest in Neighborhoods Initiative, a renewed effort to marshal City and private sector resources and services to help revitalize the City's neighborhood commercial corridors, support neighborhood small businesses and boost neighborhood job creation. The Invest in Neighborhoods Initiative will build on the City's existing patchwork of programs that support neighborhood small businesses and commercial corridors and aims to prioritize, leverage and better coordinate resources and services available across City departments, nonprofits and the private sector to targeted commercial corridors throughout the City.

The Invest in Neighborhoods Initiative is a new multi-agency initiative that will coordinate a wide range of resources for neighborhood commercial districts across the city. In each participating commercial district, City services-including business retention and attraction programs, community planning activities, cleaning, greening and beautification services, public safety programs, and neighborhood art projects-will be deployed in a focused, customized manner that responds to the corridor's unique challenges and opportunities.

The Office of Small Business is proud to be a part of this City-wide effort to assist neighborhood small businesses.

The Invest in Neighborhoods Initiative is part of Mayor Lee's 17-point Roadmap to Good Jobs and Opportunity plan to create jobs and promote smart economic growth and development for San Francisco. Click here for details.

• Save the Date: San Francisco Small Business Week, May 14-20, 2012
San Francisco Small Business Week is an opportunity to celebrate the innovation and impact small businesses make in San Francisco every day.  This year, we are "Saluting the Heroes of Our Economy."

**Flavors of San Francisco, May 14, 2012
Start off San Francisco Small Business Week 2012 with a bang on Monday night, May 14, 2012 from 5:30 to 7:30 at the gala kick-off event! Join the festivities at Flavors of San Francisco for a fun filled celebration in the City View Room at the Metreon. Meet and mingle with more than 1,000 small business owners and community leaders. Connect with dozens of business resources. Savor and sample food from San Francisco's local restaurateurs.

Registration for Flavors of San Francisco will open in Mid-April 2012. Thank you for your patience as we prepare for this wonderful event. We will send an email announcing the opening of registration.

Are you a food-business based in San Francisco and interested in showing off your stuff at Flavors of San Francisco on May 14th? We're looking for restaurants/bars/food businesses interested in bringing 550 bites or more to share with attendees. This is a great opportunity to represent your business and connect with leaders from across the small business community. If so, email for more information!

Please note that we will be charging a $10 admission fee for entrance to Flavors of San Francisco this year. This low entrance fee is needed to keep up with the growth of the event and continue to keep it the leading small business networking event of the year.

**San Francisco Board of Supervisors Small Business Award Ceremony, May 15, 2012

In 2012 the Small Business Commission will once again team up with the Mayor and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to honor and recognize an exceptional small business from each of San Francisco's 11 districts and citywide.

Small Business Week 2012 Recognition Ceremony
Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 3:30pm Special Order
City Hall, Board of Supervisors Chamber, Room 250

**Small Business Conference & Workshops, May 16, 2011
The Third Annual Small Business Conference will again be a daylong conference where any small business can choose from more than 40 free workshops and seminars designed specifically for small business owners. Topics include finance, green business, marketing, technology, social media, healthcare manufacturing, procurement and more!  This year we'll be hosting all of these sessions at San Francisco State University's Downtown Campus in Westfield Center.

We are currently working on the calendar of workshops and plan to publish that in early April 2012. Please sign up for our email list for updates.

**Merchant Association Mixers
Local Merchant Associations, in partnership with San Francisco Small Business Week, host local networking events to connect small business owners and celebrate their own unique neighborhood.

• SFMTA Transit Effectiveness Project
SFMTA will present proposals along eight heavily-used Rapid bus routes and rail lines to improve reliability and travel time for transit customers, which also effect small businesses along these routes. These conversations will provide opportunity to hear more about the Rapid corridor proposals, discuss proposal elements, give feedback to Muni staff, and learn more about next steps. Nine community workshops are scheduled, with others currently being planned. If you are interested in a community conversation with your neighborhood group, please contact the SFMTA. To learn more, check the schedule or find out other ways to engage with TEP.

• San Francisco Department of Emergency Management Launch the "Who Are You Shopping For?" Emergency Supplies Shopping Campaign
To commemorate the 106th anniversary of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management (DEM) has partnered with a variety of San Francisco grocery, hardware and pharmacy retailers to increase awareness within the general public to build upon their emergency preparedness supplies. 

From April 16-30, 2012, participating retailers in the "Who Are Your Shopping For?" campaign will provide customers with DEM's comprehensive emergency supply shopping list  along with additional  important emergency preparedness resources available to the public including:
• DEM's emergency preparedness web site
• DEM's text-based message system that delivers emergency information to cell phones and other text-enabled devices, as well as email accounts
• DEM's emergency preparedness smart phone application.  The handout also includes a calendar of 1906 Earthquake and Fire Commemoration Events At a Glance.

For more information about the campaign please contact Jim Turner, Private Sector Liaison with DEM:

• Major Corporations Join Forces to Launch Small Business Supplier Initiative
The U.S. Small Business Administration recently announced a new private-public collaboration that will help small businesses strengthen their revenue streams by gaining access to more than $300 billion in combined supply chain spending by a consortium of 15 of America's largest corporations.

Supplier Connection, created by the IBM Foundation, is part of the Obama Administration's American Supplier Initiative and is designed to help bridge the gap between small, nimble businesses looking for new opportunities and large corporations looking for innovative new ideas and diversity in their supply chains.

Supplier Connection is a free, online portal that allows small businesses to send information about their products and services to 15 large private sector companies.  The 15 companies participating in Supplier Connection are: AMD, AT&T, Bank of America, Caterpillar, Citi Group, Dell, Facebook, IBM, JP Morgan Chase, John Deere, Kellogg's, Office Depot, Pfizer, UPS and Wells Fargo.  Together, these 15 companies have a combined purchasing power of $300 billion and now they will have full access to the profiles of small businesses that have registered for Supplier Connection.

For more information on Supplier Connection, please visit:

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SBAC Connection

• Important: Health Care Security Ordinance Annual Reporting Form Due 4/30/12
The 2011 Health Care Security Ordinance (HCSO) Annual Reporting Form (ARF) is now available for on-line submission!  The HCSO requires the Office of Labor Standard and Enforcement (OLSE) to collect information on an annual basis from employers regarding their health care expenditures.  To avoid penalties of $500 per quarter, "covered employers" must submit the ARF by April 30, 2012.

You are NOT a "covered employer" under the HCSO and should NOT submit the 2011 ARF if (1) you employed fewer than 20 persons - including those employed outside of San Francisco - in each of the four calendar quarters of 2011 or (2) if you did not have any employees in San Francisco in 2011.

Be aware that the 2011 ARF has been updated this year to reflect the November 2011 Amendment to the HCSO, which went into effect on January 1, 2012.  Please read the Instructions for Completing the 2011 HCSO Annual Reporting Form before you fill out and submit the on-line form.

If you have any questions about the 2011 ARF, or your legal obligations under the HCSO, please visit OLSE's website to access the text of the HCSO, the implementing regulations, answers to "Frequently Asked Questions," and other helpful forms and notices.  You can also contact OLSE by phone at (415) 554-7892 or by email at

• Health Care Tax Credit for Small Businesses
If you are a small employer...
        - With fewer than 25 full-time equivalent employees,
        - That pays an average wage of less than $50,000 a year,
        - And pays at least half of employee health insurance premiums
then there is a tax credit that you may qualify for.  Click here for details.

• Commuter Benefits Ordinance Annual Compliance Form Due 4/30/12
Effective January, 2009, the San Francisco Commuter Benefits Ordinance requires employers with 20 or more employees nationwide to offer their employees a Commuter Benefit. For more information and to complete your Annual Compliance Form (due April 30, 2012) visit

Commuter benefits improve employee morale and productivity, and make our city a better place to live and work by relieving congestion and improving air quality. Furthermore, by taking advantage of the federally approved commuter benefit incentives, businesses can save up to 9% on payroll taxes and employees can save up to 40% on transit and vanpool expenses.

Commute Smart, an initiative of the San Francisco Department of the Environment, offers FREE resources to help employers implement a Commuter Benefits program. To request materials, sign up for e-mail updates, or schedule a one-on-one consultation please call (415) 355-3727 or email Learn more about our free Commuter Benefits, Emergency Ride Home, and Rideshare Match services at

• Service & Support Animals, Proposed Legislation and Signage Feedback Session
The Mayor's Office on Disability (MOD) has been diligently working with state entities and City departments in the City Attorney's office to craft  proposed City legislation that incorporates the needs and concerns of the disability community, provides clarifications on the federal and state requirements for service and emotional support animals, and outlines animal behavior standards along with signage.  A draft of the proposed legislation is currently being reviewed by the City Attorney's office and once it is finalized, will be introduced to the Board of Supervisors.  Before this happens, MOD would like to ask for your input at a community roundtable to discuss these items.

WHAT:  Community Feedback Session on Proposed Service / Support Animal Legislation & Signage
WHEN:  April 6, 2012 1:00-3:00 PM
WHERE:  City Hall, Room 421

If you are unable to attend, please provide feedback via e-mail or telephone by contacting Joanna Fraguli at, or (415) 554-6789.  Additionally, you can participate in the meeting via a telephone conference line (Bridge Line) by dialing (415) 554-9632.

• Grant Assistance for Water Efficient Equipment Retrofits
The SFPUC is offering a pilot grant assistance program for non-residential retail water service customers who can significantly reduce their use of potable water through upgrade or replacement of existing onsite indoor water using equipment.

Eligible projects must achieve a water savings of 200 ccf (149,000 gallons) or more a year to qualify.  The SFPUC will provide qualifying projects grant funding of $0.50 per ccf over a 10-year lifespan up to 50% of the project's equipment costs, with a maximum amount of $75,000 per project.   A single customer may apply for more than one project.  Click here for details.

• SF Travel Neighborhood Partnership Grants: Applications Due May 1
For the third year, the San Francisco Travel Association (SF Travel) will award up to ten Neighborhood Partnership Grants to unique "Only in San Francisco" businesses located throughout the city, with an emphasis on those operating outside the traditional visitor areas.  The program is open to businesses that are of interest to visitors and not currently San Francisco Travel partners
Grant recipients will receive a complimentary one-year San Francisco Travel partnership (a $50 setup fee is required), including admission to events such as the San Francisco Travel Annual Luncheon, Market Briefings, Outlook Forums and Partner Business Exchanges.  They will receive all of the benefits of San Francisco Travel partnership such as listings online and in publications, and access to the Convention Calendar.  The Neighborhood Partnership Grants also include mentoring by San Francisco Travel professional staff and partners experienced in working with the association.
The deadline for applications is May 1, 2012.  The application is available online under "Forms" at

• Small Business Assistance Center Regular Office Hours
Services are available by phone, walk-in, and by appointment, M-Th, 8am-5pm, and by appointment only on Fridays.

• Small Business Financing Resources
Please click HERE for a list of nonprofit small business lenders.

• Small Business Resources & Workshops
Please click HERE for a list of small business resources and workshops.

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Small Business Commission Legislative Liaison

• Public Works Code- Mobile Food Truck Location Revisions
Currently, Mobile Food Facilities (food trucks) may not locate within 1500 feet of a Middle School or High School.  BOS File No. 120193, introduced by Supervisor Wiener, will reduce that distance to one city block.  This ordinance is scheduled to be heard at our April 9, 2012 Commission meeting.

• Mobile Food Facilities at Colleges and Hospitals
Introduced by Supervisor Wiener, this ordinance will allow food trucks at specified institutions, including colleges and hospitals that are located in zoning areas where food trucks are currently not permitted.  BOS File No. 120125 is scheduled to be heard at our April 9, 2012 Commission meeting.

• Proposed Changes to Restaurant Zoning
Over the past twelve months we have brought you updates on a Planning Department proposal to update zoning for restaurants and bars.   The department's goal is to simplify the Planning Code and make compliance easier for businesses.  The Planning Department has a web page with more specifics, including a draft ordinance.  Please click here to view the page and find out complete details on the proposal.  The proposal received a positive recommendation by the Small Business Commission and passed unanimously at the Planning Commission's November 17 meeting.  The ordinance, BOS File No. 120084 was heard at the Board of Supervisors Land Use and Economic Development Committee on Monday, April 2, 2012 and amendments by the sponsor were accepted by the committee.  The ordinance will be heard by the committee again on April 9, 2012 before being sent to the full Board for approval.

• Small Business Month Fee Waiver Program
Supervisor Carmen Chu has introduced legislation that will provide a fee waiver for facade improvements during the month of May, including awning replacements and pedestrian lighting projects.  These fee waivers will help defray the costs of these projects that receive permits during this month.  The Small Business Commission, Planning Commission, and Building Inspection Commission recommended approval of File No. 120188 and it will be before the Board of Supervisors in the Budget and Finance Sub-Committee on April 4, 2012.

• 9th Street Power Retail Special Use District
This ordinance, proposed by Supervisor Jane Kim, will create a special use at a shopping center located on 9th Street in South of Market.  If passed, the formula retail controls for this center will be modified to remove the requirement that a Conditional Use Authorization is required for new formula retail uses.  The Board File No. is 120083.  The Commission heard this ordinance at our March 12, 2012 meeting and recommended approval with modifications.  Proposed modifications are to require a conditional use for any spaces above 75,000sf and the expansion or combination in square footage of any retail store by more than 2,000 square feet. The Ordinance will be heard at the Planning Commission on April 12, 2012.

• Formula Retail- Including Financial Services within Definition of Formula Retail
BOS File No. 120047, introduced by Supervisor Mar, will include banks and other financial institutions in the list of business types that are subject to the City's formula retail controls.  Currently these types of businesses are excluded from the requirements.  By adding banks and other financial institutions to the City's formula retail controls, a conditional use authorization will be required for these types of businesses to locate to Neighborhood Commercial Districts and other selected parts of the City.  The Commission heard this ordinance at our March 12, 2012 meeting and recommended approval.  The Ordinance will be heard at the Planning Commission on April 12, 2012.

• Disability Access Improvement Legislation to Help Small Businesses Comply with ADA Laws
Introduced by President Chiu, Board of Supervisors File No. 111047 [Administrative, Planning, and Campaign and Governmental Conduct Codes - Disability Access Improvements for Small Businesses and Landlord Obligations] amends various codes to 1) bring ground floor entrances to, and exits from, the building into compliance with applicable state and federal disability access laws; 2) inform small business tenants of the potential legal and financial liabilities for failure to comply with those laws; 3) include in any new or amended leases a provision addressing the respective obligations of the landlord and small business tenant to bring the leased premises into compliance with those access laws; 4) require the City to give priority to building permit applications for work to bring space leased to small business tenants into compliance with those access laws; 5) allow small self-service restaurants and retail coffee stores to exclude the square footage of floor area required for disabled access from the calculation of maximum allowable square footage. 

This ordinance was heard at the Commissions February 13, 2012 meeting.  The Commission recommended approval with modifications. The modifications include applying the ordinance to all commercial spaces and that the required lease letter be provided by the City.  The Commission requested that the lease letter also be made available in multiple languages.  The Planning Commission has also recommended approval and this ordinance is now before the Board of Supervisors on a date to be determined.

• Permitting a Five Feet Ground Floor Height Increase in selected zoning districts.
This proposed ordinance, BOS File No. 111247, is sponsored by Supervisor Eric Mar and will provide for an extra 5 feet for ground floor uses in various zoning districts.  This height exception will allow the permitted height of buildings to be raised an additional 5 feet for projects that have ground floor retail or other active uses, as defined in the planning code, that are oriented to public access and primarily to walk-up pedestrian activities.
The Commission recommended approval of this ordinance at our February 13, 2012 meeting and is now before the Board of Supervisors at a date to be determined.

• Ordinance Requiring Security Plans for Commercial Parking Garages and Lots
BOS File No. 111077, introduced by Supervisors Chiu and Wiener, would require a commercial parking permit applicant to include as part of the application a security plan for the parking garage or parking lot. The plan would need to meet minimum requirements set in the ordinance or by the Chief of Police in rules promulgated (rules that the Chief adopts) after a public hearing, and be reasonably calculated to protect individuals and vehicles in the parking garage or parking lot and within 25 feet of any pedestrian or vehicular entrance or exit to the parking garage or parking lot.

The Commission recommended approval with modification at our February 13, 2012 Commission meeting.  The Commissioners recommend that the Police Chief have the option to waive a staffing requirement at parking facilities are located within 1000 feet of an entertainment venue that have no public safety complaints or violations in the previous two years.  Supervisor Chiu accepted these recommendations and the ordinance is currently before the Public Safety Committee on Thursday, April 5, 2012.

For more information on ALL of the above ordinances, including legislative digests and the text of each ordinance, go to our Legislation for Small Business Commission Review Page.  We appreciate your comments.

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Small Business Commission Corner

• Next Small Business Commission Meeting (4/9/12, Room 400)
The Small Business Commission will meet on Monday, April 9, at 5:30PM in Room 400. Agendas will be available on the Commission website by the Wednesday prior to the meeting.

• New Small Business Commissioners
On March 12, 2012, Board President David Chiu swore in two new Commissioners to the Small Business Commission.  These Commissioners were appointed by the Board of Supervisors on March 6, 2012. 

Commissioner Monetta White, a native San Franciscan, is Managing Partner of 1300 on Fillmore, a full service restaurant in the Fillmore District.  1300 on Fillmore opened in 2007, and has approximately 35 employees.  Commissioner White heads all operations, finance, marketing, and investor relations.  She has served as Vice President of the Fillmore Community Benefit District and was instrumental in the Fillmore District revitalization and marketing of the district.  Prior to opening 1300 on Fillmore, Commissioner White ran her own event marketing firm that partnered with marketing firm Opts Ideas, producing top events ranging from Microsoft to the Wall Street Journal.  Commissioner White's term was effective March 12, 2012 and ends January 6, 2016.  

Commissioner William Ortiz-Caragena, also a native of San Francisco, is the owner of Gentle Parking, LLC.  Gentle Parking employs over 50 employees in the valet parking business.  Ortiz-Cartagena brings experience of working with Neighborhood Economic Development Corporations (NEDO's) to open a business and is committed to helping minority communities access the services of the Office of Small Business.   Prior to starting his own business, Ortiz-Cartagena worked in the hospitably industry.  Commissioner Ortiz-Cartagena's term was effective March 12, 2012 and ends January 6, 2016

• Waiver of Temporary Street Space Occupancy Fee for Small Business Week Sidewalk Events

Each year, the Small Business Commission facilitates a street space occupancy fee waiver for merchant organizations that want to sponsor sidewalk events during Small Business Week.  This year, ten organizations are sponsoring sidewalk events on May 19.  Supervisor Christina Olague is sponsoring the legislation that enables the waiver. The following organizations are participating for 2012:

· Fillmore Merchants and Improvement Association
· Glen Park Merchants Association
· Haight Ashbury Merchants Association
· Inner Sunset Merchants Association
· Lower Haight Merchant and Neighbor Association (Holding Sidewalk Event on May 13)
· Polk District Merchants Association
· Noe Valley Merchants Association
· Union Street Association
· Valencia Corridor Merchants Association

The Small Business Commission will be formally hearing this ordinance at the April 9, 2012 SBC meeting.

*Please contact Chris Schulman, Small Business Commission Secretary by email at, or by phone at 415.554.6408 with questions, comments, or feedback regarding legislations and how they affect your small business.

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RFPs & Contracting Opportunities

• Concession Opportunities at San Francisco International Airport: Rental Car Cafe Lease (Close Date: 6/6/12)
San Francisco International Airport is preparing to conduct the competitive selection processes through a Request for Proposal for a Food and Beverage Lease at the Rental Car Center.  Please visit their website at  For additional information, please call Sharon Perez, Principal Property Manager, Revenue Development and Management, at (650) 821-4500.
Click here for details.

• SFPUC Contracts and Bids: Various Opportunities with the SF Public Utilities Commission
Click here for details.

• Learn How To Do Business with the City of SF! Free Weekly Workshops Presented by the SF Human Rights Commission
The workshops are FREE and held EACH WEDNESDAY of the month at 1485 Bayshore Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94124. Reservations are not required, but highly recommended. Click here for details.

• City and County of San Francisco Contracting Opportunities
Visit and click on Bids and Contracts Database and Required Vendor Forms.

• City and County of San Francisco Surety Bond & Finance Program
For more information, contact: Nancy Owens, Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services, 417 Montgomery Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94104. Phone:  415 986-3999

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Upcoming Events

• MON. 4/9 - Small Business Commission Meeting
5:30 PM, City Hall, Room 400. Click here for the Meeting Agenda 

• WED. 4/4 - Urban Solutions Legal Office Hour: Entity Formation Forum

Urban Solutions, Hanson Bridgett and Legal Services for Entrepreneurs present Legal Office Hours for entrepreneurs.  Through Legal Office Hours, clients can make an appointment with Urban Solutions for a free 40-minute session with a lawyer from Hanson Bridgett and Legal Services for Entrepreneurs.  Legal Office Hours sessions take place April 4.  Call (415) 553-4433 x 101 or email with questions or to reserve a spot. Space is limited, reserve your appointment today!

• SAT. 4/7 ~ 6/23 - SBDC Small Business Classes (Chinese) 企業家課程 (以廣東話 或 廣東話翻譯 授課) - 協助您創業的準備!
日期:2012 年  4月7日  至  6月23日 (逢星期六)

時間:上午9:00  至  下午1:00
地點:三藩市市立大學華埠北岸區分校209 室 (940 Filbert街) [4月7日- 5月19日]
        三藩市華盛頓街646號 鑫源酒家(華埠希爾頓酒店對面) [5月26日- 6月23日]

本 課程旨在協助有意創業的人士起步,亦歡迎現有小商業負責人参加。參加者將獲得有助創業前準備和發展業務的技巧與資訊,包括商業策劃、公司註冊、商機評估、 開設餐館和發展出口貿易的準備、電子化市場推廣、實日財會管理、法律及稅務常識和融資貸款等。講者均為專業的小商業顧問或小企業東主。

如果你打算創業,歡迎你來參加 我們4月7日舉行的 "創業計劃與資訊" 免費講座,進一步了解本中心的企業家課程如何在你創業的路途上提供協肋。

登記參加免費講座,請與本中心華語商業專員 廖紀聖 先生Lawrence 聯絡 
電話:手機 (650) 296-0480 / 辦公室 (415) 841-4056

• WED. 4/18 ~ 5/30 - The LGBT Center's Business Funding Factory
Every Wednesday from 5:30pm-7:30pm, starting 4/18/12 through 5/30/12, at the SF LGBT Center

The Business Funding Factory is an intensive program that helps motivated entrepreneurs capitalize and actualize their businesses. This 6-week course guides participants through putting the finishing touches on their business plans while preparing to get capitalized. It features experts who will advise on aspects such as debt financing, legal implications, financial management and loan packaging. Ultimately, the Business Funding Factory helps entrepreneurs recognize the amount and type of funding their business needs, and understand the best option and local resources to pursue. At the end of the course, qualifying participants will have the opportunity to pitch their business to a mock panel that includes business experts, angel investors, microlenders, SBA lenders and private sector small business lenders. Further loan packaging and post-loan technical assistance will be provided to those clients who qualify for financing.

This course is currently offered at no cost to participants. To enroll in the Business Funding Factory, entrepreneurs and small business owners are encouraged to meet with the Center's Manager of Small Business Services, Tony Moraga, for a needs assessment consultation. Contact Tony at, or call (415) 865-5645 for more information.

• WED. 4/18 - Prioritizing Prospects to Increase Your Sales Success 
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM, 455 Market Street, Suite 600, SF

Learn how to prioritize which prospects are most likely to generate revenue for your business. Most small business owners make the mistake of treating all customers the same, rather than getting clear about where the money is in the marketplace. Learn to save time and energy, as well as produce greater results, by concentrating on those most likely to buy (e.g. fast vs. large purchase), repeat, or refer. Presented by SF SCORE. Click here to register.

• WED. 4/25 - Free Legal Help for Small Businesses (Assistance in English and Chinese) 免費小商業法律諮詢服務
Legal assistance in English and Chinese available for any business related matter except litigation and bankruptcy. 4th Wednesday of every month, 5:30 pm to 7:30pm. SF Small Business Development Center, 300 Montgomery Street, Suite 789, San Francisco, CA 94104. For appointments, please contact Lawrence Liu,, 415-841-4056 or 650-296-0480.

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Remember to Shop Local in San Francisco!

Contact Us:
Small Business Assistance Center
City Hall, Room 110
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102
Monday through Thursday 8AM to 5PM, Friday by Appointment Only.
Phone: 415-554-6134

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