Lorraine Hansberry Theatre Gives Back & Pays Forward with Capital/Fundraising Model
this Model for the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre's 32nd Season that is
coming up, September 2012-May 2013 or if you have an active social media
network that likes to have a good time, you can use it now before this
year's season ends.
With a responsive
social network you can, net up to $28,000 by May 11, 2012. You don't
have to be a nonprofit to benefit from this capital/fundraising model.
All you need is 100- 400 clients/supporters who are committed to having a
night on the town in Union Square on your designated night for
Wednesday-Friday performances of "Blues for An Alabama Sky" at the
Lorraine Hansberry Theatre, 450 Post St., San Francisco (In Kensington
Park Hotel). If you are "Linked In" or Have fun-loving "Facebook
Friends," take advantage of your social media and generate funds for you
company or favorite nonprofit. Call LHT General Manager Shirley Howard
Johnson at 415 345-3980 or Jackie Wright at 415 525 0410 to reserve your night of capital fun! See what you can raise.
 $50 Ticket Price Point Your Profits
100x$50= $5,000 ($3,000 to LHT) Profit: $2,000 200x$50= $10,000 ($6,000 to LHT) Profit: $4,000
300x$50= $15,000 ($8,400 to LHT) Profit: $6,600 400x$50=$20,000 ($11,200 to LHT) Profit: $8,800
$100 Ticket Price Point 100x$100= $10,000 ($3,000 to LHT) Profit: $7,000
200x$100= $20,000 ($6,000 to LHT) Profit: $14,000 300x$100= $30,000 (8,400 to LHT) Profit: $21,600
400x$100= $40,000 ($11,200 to LHT) Profit: $28,800 See more details -Click Here.
End of Season Benefit "Hopping@Hansberry," Saturday May 12! Tickets
$125. More than 50% off for Pastors, Police, Fire, and School District
personnel throughout the Bay Area.
Call 415 474-8800 for your discount code. Enjoy "Blues for An Alabama Sky" & Dance the Lindy with "Lindy Ambassador Traci Bartlow." |