March 12, 2025

Community News

From Office of Suzane Brooks of Sacramento-Women of Color Day
September 15, 2012

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This Campaign to Support 2012-2013 Women of Color Day/Diversity Event, Advocacy Projects, Tickets, Books and Music has been developed to kickstart new collaborations among community groups who can support and assist each other's fundraising efforts through Crowd Source Funding in which we can make donations to each others campaigns at their beginnings to encourage others to donate. By sharing the information that we are supporting each other's groups, we can publicize our participation when reciprocating in each others events to our supporters. In this way, we broaden each other's exposure to expanding markets. Your support in our initial phase will be appreciated and reciprocated. The early support of a campaign is the most critical contribution to encourage the contributions of others. Please join this effort.We will join yours. PLEASE SHARE this Information widely throughout your networks letting others know that you are supporting the causes outlined below and let us know when you have causes we can support.
Suzanne Brooks
CEO, International Association of Women of Color 
Singer, Songwriter, Bandleader, The Jazz Generation
3325 Northrop Ave., Sacramento, CA 95864
(916) 483-9804
Image 1 in woc logo w tm  12.jpg2012-2013 Fundraising Campaign

Introducing IAWOCDay Crowd Source Funding Strategies and Applications to communities in need and working to implement fundraising strategies with higher yield potential by using the Internet to: 

  • Meet diverse needs of women and girls of color and end our socio-economic marginalization
  • Support community: women of all groups, men of color, members of the LGBT community, all people in poverty, disabled individuals, and organizations/businesses working toward equality and justice for all
  • Continue promoting Women of Color Day nationally and globally, including the annual Sacramento Community Women of Color Day/Diversity Event which alone has honored more thatn 250 women of color and men/women/organizations and businesses of all groups who support diversity and justice.
  • Provide information about IAWCODay activities and opportunity for people of good will across the nation and around the world to support these efforts through donations of every size.
  • Provide an opportunity to network and collaborate with other individuals and organizations for mutual and community benefit.
Donations and Purchases that can be made at this site:
Every donation is important. (Donations are not tax-deductible.)
1. Tickets to Attend 2013 Sacramento Women of Color Day/Diversity
    Event (via PayPal on the Women of Color Day site)
2. ChipIn Donations via (on the Women of Color Day site: ) contributing to up front costs of
    The Annual Sacramento Community Women of Color Day Diversity/Event
     on Sunday, March 3, 2013, 4:00-8:00 PM
    (28th year since Women of Color Day was founded in Washington, DC)
3. Book Purchase: The Constructive Extermination of Women of Color:
    Consequences of Perpetual Socio-Economic Marginalization by Suzanne 
    Brooks to examine, research, and study the conditions, concerns and
    achievements of women of color and our allies supporting diversity, equity and
    justice for all--including women of color.  To use this information to bring about
    solutions and amends. (on the Women of Color Day site)
    College/University faculty and Human Resources trainers ordering copies for classes
    will receive a complimentary review copy.
4. HelpVictims of Sexual Harassment & Racism+Sexism by contributing to funds
    via International Association for Women of Color Day on  or Support is needed to obtain a  
     legal review of gathered information and evidence for women who have learned about each other's experiences at
     the same institution. Below is the posted letter which documents some of the need.
    Gloria Alpini and I are working together, searching for other victims (have  found some) to bring about attention to
     discrimination victims who have experienced  great harm after opposing injustice. Complaints are filed with
     appropriate agencies. Now, $500 is needed to have a lawyer review documents as we work to secure an attorney
     to represent us all. These problems have been ongoing for decades. The costs to us have been devastating
     economically and to our education and careers. Proceeds from The Constructive Extermination of Women of
     Color: Consequences of Perpetual Socio-Economic Marginalization are being used to cover mailings and survival
     needs. Help is needed to take this to the next step. Thank you.  Suzanne
   September 6, 2012, Gloria Alpini said:
    Dearest Suzanne, I've never met you but I feel you're more than a sister...Sometimes I 
hear a call and when that
    happens I drop everything and write... that call came through this great radio-community and Janice's
    outreaching program whose powerful voices did reach me all the way to Italy! Before listening to your interview,
    I was reading and it was as if what I was reading melted with what you said in Our Common Ground interview . .
    I thought it was my duty to add a comment. . . to sign up to be part of a community that apeaks the truth.
    Here's my comment: Yesterday I listened to this . . interview and, this morning, I woke up with such a sense of
    relief and uplifting happiness and it didn't take long to realize that it was your words that made me feel that way.
    . . For me, listening to the program was like going through a process of healing. As a victim of sexual
    harassment, unlawfully dismissed for reporting sexual harassment, I find myself in a 'double' waste land where
    the only thing I can do is to look for water. And Suzanne's spirit is my well of fresh water and your radio program
    is my oasis of truth. I was hurt in the USA and your program restored my image of the USA. You're so right: to
    empower truth we need to say it more than once but, most of all, THANK YOU for listening to the truth. 
    Suzanne's words resonate far to reach out and help me understand my experience of pain and injustice, help me
    think of my constructive extermination (and that of my 12-year-old daughter), that is the awful, programmed
    way they got rid of me, only because my conscience rightly decided to do the right thing. But Suzanne calmly
    and convincingly says how to re-act by doing the only thing I know as an academic: do research. I found out
    there were at least two other women victims before me, and they knew there were other victims! How awful to
    find out that they knew, so, for them, it wasn't a matter of finding the truth about my case but of hiding the
    truth.  But Suzanne reminds us that there's a greater power that human beings have used: the power of
    language to speak to other human beings about things that genuinely matter, that can save us out of any waste
    land. I honor your radio program and Suzanne's book for understanding that we're living a historical situation 
    where truth has emerged out of Penn State. But what has emerged is only the tip of an iceberg...there's still a lot
    more to be done. So I thank you Suzanne, for your powerful, brave words which help me understand that beyond
    the drama of being robbed of my beloved job (teaching children's literature) a year ago, beyond its financially
    tragic consequences, beyond the fact that even my colleagues (top professors of children's literature) turned
    their back on me, beyond that insane, 'triple' waste land, we can be happy again. I'm happy, too I got fired at
    Penn State for doing the right thing. And what a relief to hear Suzanne say: now, that the scandal of evil doing is
    out in the open, History absolves us for not taking part in the destructive perpetration of evil whose
    consequences we cannot even imagine when it's done in education. What can come out of what former FBI
    director, Louis Freeh, calls the "Penn State way" where even war veterans fear to tell the truth?  And for them,
    to get rid of a foreign woman was deadly easy. But they forgot that little David ultimately wins against Goliath. So
    Suzanne is right to remind us that History is on the side of truth. Both her refusal to satisfy unjust demands and
   my resistance to their unjust treatment came at the expense of our jobs. Suzanne's book is a death-changed
   -into-life book which rewrites Swift's Latin epitaph on his tomb: When Fierce Indignation serves human liberty then
   it can also heal the heart while we're still alive. Ciao, Gloria
 A Note on the International Association for Women of Color Day Fundraising Campaign
Community Benefit
Women of Color Day has evolved from the work and contributions of many women over many years. Commemoration of the day recognizes the efforts within individual communities and identifies the extensive history of outreach across racial, ethnic, cultural, religious and generational lines resulting in many collaborations and much mutual respect. More than 250 people, organizations and businesses have been honored in Sacramento alone, with hundreds, if not thousands for in other California cities, across th US and in other countries.

The Need
The state of the economy has hurt many community organizations that depend on donations or fundraising through grants, sales of souvenir program booklet ads, and even ticket sales, despite keeping ticket prices as low as possible. The International Association for Women of Color Day has been among those greatly impacted. For that reason, now in the 27th year since Women of Color Day was founded, the 4 fundraising goals listed above are critical. Other fundraising effortsm such as sales of souvenir program booklet ads associated with event. The full cost of the event, for example, is $22,886 which does not include any administrative costs. Only when there are funds available after all expenses are paid is there any compensation of administrative cost. With community help, existing events can be maintained and more programs and services can be developed and implemented. Speaker and diversity training services are available. Sacramento area volunteers serve in lieu of staff. Ads for the program booklet are sole with a 33% commission to the seller--a practice helpful to those needing additional income and valid recent employment references.

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