on view September 15 - December 8, 2012. 10- 4 PM
750 Kearny Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA
Moth, Mu Xi, 2011.
-Nancy Ewart, The Examiner
Join us at WOMEN我們 Events
FILM SCREENINGS October 20, 11 AM + 1:30 PM: WOMEN我們 Documentary & My Little One,
$15 for general admission, $5 for CCC members
CCC Auditorium
November 17, 11 AM AUTUMN GEM
$15 for general admission, $5 for CCC members
CCC Auditorium
Harmony & Bliss Gala
October 13, 5 PM Empress of China Restaurant
Join us for our biggest Art Auction Event: an evening of wine and fine dining with 3 distinguished honorees
U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, Maurice Chuck & Yuan Yuan Tan
Chinese Culture Center is seeking volunteers for H & B! Get a free meal + meet local SF leaders who have helped foster the arts
For more information or to sign up as a volunteer,
contact jenny@c-c-c.org To reserve H & B Gala ticketsContact Gharrity, gharrity@c-c-c.org,(414) 986-1822 x 31
Mandarin ClassesOctober 16 - December 22 8 week sessions
Tuesday + Thursday 6 -7:30 PM, 2 x a week Saturday 10 AM - 1 PM
Special Offer: $300 ($500 value)
All students receive 2 free passes for a
CCC Chinatown Tour + 2 free passes guided walk of the CCC Gallery
Marks Lam I-Ching Seminar
Presented by CCC + I-Ching Science & Culture Association October 6, 1:45 PM - 4 PM
Mark Lam will share his experience with I-Ching theory.
一連串的哲學思考問題,醉一先生將會以正確科學態度,運用易經 思維辯證法,陰陽太極 傳統中醫等模式 推敲探討奧妙,與大家 共享易經箇中樂趣。屆時會以粵語主講。
Contact Gharrity@c-c-c.org
------------------- OPPORTUNITIES ----------------
A Video Collaboration/exchange with Chinese Culture Center & Fei Contemporary Art Center (FCAC)
CCC will be accepting submissions on an ongoing basis and selecting videos from the US to exchange with FCAC.
Selected Artists' Videos will be showcased in 3 locations: + CCC GALLERY in San Francisco + FCAC in Shanghai + Bamboo Curtain Studio in Taipei
Submissions on Ongoing Basis
CAAM CALL FOR ENTRIES: 31st SF International Asian American Film Festival
Late deadline - October 1, 2012
Extended deadline - Oct 8, 2012
for more details or to submit >
also accepting Digital & Interactive Projects 
In Conversation: Xu Bing and Jerry Yang in Celebration of New Calligraphy Exhibition Thursday, October 4, 7 PM
$12 members, $15 general
Asian Art Museum
celebrate the opening, Xu Bing and Jerry Yang will discuss their
overlapping interests on October 4. You can then see the exhibition. If
you can't make it to this special event, the exhibition will be on view
through January 13.
Social Justice Documentary Showcase
Wednesday, October 10, 6:30 - 9PM
Free members, $10 general
145 Ninth Street, SF
clips in progress by four local filmakers: Holly Million, Christine
Kwon , Tracey Quezda and Laura Lukitsch. Moderated by Soumyaa Kapil
Behrens. The films cover social justice issues including Agent Orange in
Vietnam, Child Sexual Abuse, and Community Leadership.
Lenora Lee Dance 5th Anniversary Season
Friday & Saturday, October 12th & 13th, 8pm and
Sunday, October 14th, 3:30pm
A wonderful celebration of Chinese-American narratives
through various interdisciplinary performances by Lenora Lee Dance!
Mark your calendars for October 12 or the 13th.
Asian Improv aRts 25th Anniversary Celebration Sunday, October 28, 2012
$18 adv/ $20 door
Yoshi's San Francisco
Jang will lead an ensemble at Yoshi's San Francisco with James
Norton, woodwinds; Gary Brown, bass; Deszon Claiborne, multiple
percussion; Min Xiao-Fen, pipa and vocals, Francis Wong, Tatsu Aoki,
bass and shamisen, Wayne Wallace, trombone, Melecio Magdaluyo, woodwinds
and John L. Worley Jr, trumpet! Don't miss it!
in 1965 to preserve, promote, and influence the course of Chinese and
Chinese-American culture through the platform of art.
+Receive free tickets to a special SF location
+Annual Appreciation Luncheon
+Voter rights at our Board Meeting
+Discounts for CCC events and CCC Gallery Purchases