Celebrate President Obama's Re-election Tonight at Calvary Hill Community Church 6:00 p.m.
President Barack Obama Victory Speech 2012
Join Dr. Joseph Bryant Jr. at
Calvary Hill Community Church, 141 Industrial Street tonight at 6pm for a
reception celebrating President Obama's victory last night. The public
is invited!
Rainbow P.U.S.H. and Wells Fargo Bank Present "Hand's On Banking" Financial Education and Literacy Workshops  | Dr. Joseph Bryant Jr. |
Dr. Joseph Bryant Jr.,
Director of San Francisco Bay Area Rainbow P.U.S.H., and Senior Pastor
of Calvary Hill Community Church in San Francisco's Bayview Hunter's
Point Neighborhood, has availed the church located at 141 Industrial for
the public to attend financial education and literacy workshops with
Wells Fargo Bank. "Hands on Banking" will start at 6:30 p.m. tonight on Wednesday, November 7, 2012. No registration is necessary. It is free to the public. Bring family and friends. Learn to make your money work for you. Knowledge is power! Call 415 647-5300
for more information. Everyone is welcome. You don't have to be a
resident of the Bayview Hunter's Point neighborhood or affiliated with a
religious organization to attend. It's free empowerment to the public. Also,
Tonight November 7th-6:30 p.m. at Calvary Hill Community Church, "Bring
Your A Game" by Mario Van Peebles for grades 9-12 and Vision Academy. District
10 Community Listening Session at Calvary Hill Sponsored by The San
Francisco Foundation, November 13 5:00 p.m. includes Dinner.
Visit Calvary Hill's Website Read
Oakland Tribune Correspondent Lou Fancher's aticle:Former UN ambassador
and civil rights leader Andrew Young Inspires at 80 The
San Francisco Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, in
association with the San Francisco Black Film Festival, Oakland
International Film Festival and The San Francisco Chapter of The
National Association of the Negro Business and Professional Women's
Club Inc., Inc invite you to Yoshi's as they host the book signing of
Eriq LaSalle's "Laws of Depravity," November 10, 5:00 p.m. In this his first novel, "Laws of Depravity," Eriq La Salle introduces us to a world of deception, murder and redemption Reaction to La Salle's book: "I
had planned to read Eriq's book on my 14 day European cruise, but I
began reading it on my flight to the ship. The book is a page turner.
By the time I made it to my destination, I had already read "Laws of
Depravity." It was thought-provoking, interesting and surprisingly
entertaining given the subject matter," said Dr. Maxine Hickman,
President, National Coalition of 100 Black Women San Francisco
Chapter. |