Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968
This month on Monday,
January 21st, we will celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. Whether or not you will be taking time off from work for
this holiday, please remember to take a moment to appreciate the
progress that this man's work has made in our country. This country is
still not where it ought to be, but thanks to Martin Luther King, Jr. as
well as the many others who went before him and those who followed his
lead, we have made headway.
Quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr.
I have a dream that my
four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not
be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their
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Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.
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Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort
and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and
Common Managers' Goofs That Can Sink Your Business
Source: California Employer Daily, Jennifer Carsen, Esq.
Pass any courthouse,
and those thuds you hear are companies landing in front of juries
because of HR errors by their managers. Here's a list of some of the
most common miscues.
Interview goofs.
Simply put, questions on race, national origin, family status, age, and
medical condition can't be asked. Managers need to focus on questions
about the job and how well the candidate can perform it.
Exempt/nonexempt classifications.
violations are now a top target for both the DOL and California alike,
so you need to be sure you're interpreting and applying the law right.
Ignoring employee complaints. Respond to every complaint, investigate every charge, and do both promptly, or resentments may fester.
Not knowing employment law.
Some line managers don't want to be bothered learning federal and state
employment laws. The fact is that they just plain have to. "Ignorance
of the law is no excuse" is absolutely true. Some violations may carry
personal, as well as company, liability.
Shorting accommodations for workers with disabilities.
The government demands that you be "reasonable." That means reaching a
solution workable for both the worker and you. When in doubt, favor the
worker. Casual handling of government agency inquiries. When
Uncle Sam or the state asks, be careful in how you answer, and if
multiple parties are answering, keep your stories in agreement. Doubtful documentation. No matter what the action, write it all down, keep it, and keep it objective, balanced, and work-related. Finally,
says attorney Ingrid N. Culp of Fredrickson & Byron, "Employers
should periodically audit their employment legal compliance with an
experienced attorney under attorney/client privilege."
A Case for Job Descriptions
Resource: California Employer Resources (CER)
Job descriptions provide an outline of the duties and responsibilities that are required to keep the workplace functioning. Although no law requires job descriptions, there are compelling reasons to maintain them, says attorney Olivia Goodkin.
Goodkin gave her tips at a recent webinar hosted by Business & Legal Resources (BLR), CER's parent company:
4 Major Reasons You Need
Job Descriptions
1. Knowing What to Look for When Recruiting:
Given a well-crafted job
description, a business can recruit wisely, focusing on the skills and
attributes really needed in a particular position.
2. Evaluating a Candidate with a Disability:
A description that
accurately depicts the essential functions of a job can be crucial in
helping you decide whether someone with a disability can do the job-as
well as providing a good defense if you get sued under the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) or its state law counterpart.
3. Exempt/Nonexempt Classification:
Good job descriptions help
employers properly classify employees as exempt or nonexempt under the
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and state law.
4. Performance Evaluation:
Finally, accurate job descriptions are a great foundation for performance evaluations and/or if termination becomes necessary.
Workshop: Networking for Fun and Profit
Learn important
business and personal skills from an award-winning networker and
business connector, in a friendly, fun, and comfortable environment.
Doing anything else out of
one's comfort zone - including networking - is not easy, comfortable
and/or fun for many people. Just like anything else, knowledge is power,
and practice makes perfect. Once you learn, practice and eventually
master a few basic techniques, you will realize networking can be fun
and even very profitable.
There is a certain 'art and
science' to networking. If you are a business owner or a salesperson, it
is imperative to learn how to network effectively; your financial
success may depend on it! You don't have to be a natural-born extrovert
or even an expert in your field to be able to approach a stranger and
make a connection.
Humans are social creatures
by nature. As we get older, experiences, assumptions, and fears creep in
and prevent us from accomplishing our goals. At this workshop, you
will practice how to socialize and network not only to grow your
businesses, but to meet more people effectively and successfully.
The workshop is sponsored by everyCircle (everyCircle.com) and offered monthly at
the Silicon Valley Athletic Club (upstairs), 196 N. Third / St. James
Streets in San Jose. The dates and registration sites for the next 2
workshops are below:
Tue. January 22 - register at: 2013jan22networking101.eventbrite.com
Tue. February 19- register at: 2013feb19networking101.eventbrite.com
IRS Announces Simplified Option for Claiming Home Office Deduction |
Internal Revenue Service today announced a simplified option that many
owners of home-based businesses and some home-based workers may use to
figure their deductions for the business use of their homes.
new optional deduction, capped at $1,500 per year based on $5 a square
foot for up to 300 square feet, will reduce the paperwork and
recordkeeping burden on small businesses by an estimated 1.6 million
hours annually.
new option provides eligible taxpayers an easier path to claiming the
home office deduction. Currently, they are generally required to fill
out a 43-line form (Form 8829) often with complex calculations of
allocated expenses, depreciation and carryovers of unused deductions.
Taxpayers claiming the optional deduction will complete a significantly
simplified form.
restrictions on the home office deduction, such as the requirement that
a home office must be used regularly and exclusively for business and
the limit tied to the income derived from the particular business, still
apply under the new option.
The new simplified option is available starting with the 2013 return most taxpayers file early in 2014.
Be part of an elite group of individuals and businesses who have joined in supporting the Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce through membership. We have several levels of membership designed to cater to your personal and professional needs. Why not contact us today at 408.288.8806 to find out the value of being a member or join us online www.BlackChamber.com
We continue to thank our members who have renewed their membership or who have just joined us:
Celestial Technologies
Game Day Guacamole
The Superbowl is quickly approaching. What will you take to the potluck? Here's an idea!
- 3 avocados - mashed
- 1 lime, juiced
- 1 teaspoon salt
- ½ cup diced onion
- 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro
- 2 roma tomatoes, diced
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 pinch ground cayenne pepper
In a
medium bowl, mash together the avocados, lime juice, and salt. Mix in
onion, cilantro, tomatoes, and garlic. Stir in cayenne pepper.
Refrigerate 1 hour for best flavor.
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Office & Cubicle Space is available. Free Parking, WiFi and more!
The Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce has office and cubicle space available for rent.
in downtown San Jose and just minutes away from the 101 and 280
freeways, we are offering affordable office space to individuals who
would like to start a brand new business or continue their business in a
professional environment.
office spaces are open to all businesses and include locked private
offices at $400, and cubicle space at $200. Both spaces include all
utilities, janitorial, use of copy and fax machines, WiFi, conference
room, and free parking.
For questions and a tour please call the Chamber at 408.288.8806.
Business 101:
7 Principles for Small Businesses
Full article at:
Creating a mature and
profitable business can be one of the most difficult accomplishments a
small businesses owner can have. Small businesses are returning to
the basics in order to survive in this uncertain economic time. The
following list has just some of the things that will work in today's
Give the best customer service:
As an owner or
manager of a business, this is the one thing that you should become
obsessed with. The value of good customer satisfaction can bring in new
customers by word of mouth and keep your customers coming back.
Take advantage of organizations set up to help small business:
There are many
organizations out there willing and able to help your business survive
and prosper. One would be SCORE (Service Corps Of Retired Executives).
They have many programs that can help a small business owner succeed.
You would also benefit from learning about the SBA funding program and how to get SBA financing.
Know what programs are available to small business :
One of the hardest
things to do is keeping up with changes in government programs that
could benefit your business directly. Within the past few weeks the
President has announced several programs to help small business in
America.. If you do not keep up with these programs, you could be
missing out.
Network with your business community:
Join local clubs and
attend mixers as much as your schedule will allow. This may seem like a
wasted social activity, but don't take this principle lightly. This is
where you can find new clients and create credibility in your local
Keep up to date with profit and loss statements & develop a cash flow report:
This may seem like a
no brainier, but you would be surprised at how many small businesses do
not have a P&L and a cash flow report. If you happen to be one of
these businesses, put on your calendar to purchase an accounting
program that has these reports built into the program. Get this one
done ASAP.
Write a business and marketing plan:
How will you ever
know where you are going if you don't have a road-map to get there?
Another key element to a business's plan is a marketing plan. Often
overlooked, this particular item has saved me many times. It could make
the difference in a positive or negative cash flow.
Hire the best people and learn to listen:
Although this is the
last principle, it is probably the most important. Find a way to
attract the best and the brightest in their field. Think outside the
box when it comes to compensation. Having an A Team when the going gets
rough will give you the confidence to take those big chances that
could put you over the top.
Take these 7 principles for small business success and put them
into practice. One trick is to concentrate on one principle a week.
Always keeping up with the other 6, but put a major emphasis on one.
Follow these principles and your chances for surviving goes through the
Get Your Own Poster Today!
| ![Evolution of Rap]() The
first ever comprehensive list of arguably every rapper that made an
impact on the "Hip Hop" culture. This historical perspective starts with
the early influences up to the year 2000. Poster includes 500+ rappers
listed with 150+pictures. Great educational and conversation piece.
Visit the websiteEvolution of Rap to purchase yours today. |
Events & More
Small Business Exchange online
How to Get FREE Publicity
for Your Business Events
January 15, 2013, 6-8:30pm La Piñata Mexican Restaurant 17 N San Pedro St, Downtown San Jose
wanted to know how companies get their stories in the news? At this
seminar you'll learn from an expert the simple steps to get noticed by
reporters: Get sponsorships, news stories, and live media coverage.
RSVP at:
Cost (includes dinner): $20 with RSVP or $25 at the event.
---------------------------------------------------------- 2013 Freedom Train January 21 at 9AM Diridon Station, 65 Cahill St., San Jose The
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Association of Santa Clara Valley will be
presenting its annual Freedom Train. This event was started as a way for
those in the SF Bay Area to commemorate the historic 54 mile Selma to
Montgomery march that took place in 1965. The Freedom Train ride from
San Jose to San Francisco (and various stops along the Caltrain route)
is approximately the same distance. Once in San Francisco, riders can
participate in informational sessions about the Civil Rights era. More Information: Visit http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/288549 or email Kathleen Flynn at presmlkscv@yahoo.com --------------------------------------------------------- Silicon Valley New Year Business / Tech Mixer Thu. January 24, 2013, 6-9pm SV Athletic Club, Corinthian Grand Ballroom, 196 N. Third/St James Sts, San Jose Theme: Successful Planning in 2013 100s of Executives, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Professionals. Many exhibitors and caterers, live entertainment, win prizes RSVP: http://2013jan24mixer.eventbrite.com Early Bird (ends 1/18): $10 or 3 for $20 (invite others); Advance: $15 or 3 for $30; Door: $20 -------------------------------------------------------- Learn the tools to grow your idea, build a team, develop a strategy, and obtain funding in this 3-Part Startup Series Part 1: Jan 23 - How to Get Your Idea Off the Ground Part 2: Jan 30 - How to Fund Your Startup Part 3: Feb 05 - How to Write an Executive Summary and Develop Your Investor Presentation For details and registration, visit: everycircle.com/en/events/2013startupworkshopseries ---------------------------------------------------------- Super Guadalupe River Run ½ Marathon and 5K Superbowl Sunday, February 3 - 8AM 438 Coleman Avenue, San Jose Don't
fumble the opportunity to burn some calories on Super Bowl Sunday.
Whether you go long for the ½ marathon (13.1 miles) or tackle the 5K
(3.1 miles), you'll earn your game-time guacamole. Cross the goal line
to score guilt-free indulgence during the game. This run benefits the
Guadalupe River Park Conservancy. Discount registration available until
January 13. Register online at http://bit.ly/10ojDB7 USATF certified courses, chip timed.
This Month in Black History
January 1, 1863 -
President Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation
January 4, 1971 -
Congressional Black Caucus is formed.
January 9, 1866 - Fisk University is founded in Nashville.
January 11, 1985 - Reuben V. Anderson, first African American to be appointed to Mississippi Supreme Court.
January 20, 1977 - Patricia
Roberts Harris becomes U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development, the first Black woman to hold a Cabinet