A "King" who served the people, "the least of these my brethren,"
is honored today by those standing up for people in need. "March and
Call" for a humanitarian solution to all foreclosures.
Occupy and other social justice organizations call on MLK Day celebrants to "March & Call"to use cell phones to call Wells Fargo to Stop Foreclosures as a MLK Day of service action.
Bernal, Occupy Noe, ACCE, Foreclosure Fighters, Social Justice
Organizations, MLK Day Celebrants, and 99 Percenters,everyday
law-abiding folks who want to help their neighbors stay in their homes.
Conference and Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Action to help
beleaguered homeowners save their homes from foreclosures. After a brief
news conference, foreclosure fighters will use their phones to call
these Wells Fargo Executives to ask that they stop foreclosures and
evictions including home of 90 year old disabled Tuskegee Airman, Ben Reed, whose home is scheduled for auction on January 24, 2013. Foreclosure fighters will call:
1. Brenda Wright (Wells Fargo Senior V.P. of Community Relations & MoAD Board Member, +1 415-623-7738)
2. John Stumpf (Wells Fargo CEO, +1 866-878-5865).
WHAT-11:30 a.m., MLK Day, Monday, January 21, 2013
WHERE-Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAd), 685 Mission Street (@3rd St.), San Francisco, 94105
send the message that Wells Fargo Bank is guilty of predatory lending
practices that impacted people of color more than any other Americans.
Wells Fargo's small contributions to MoAD and other arts organizations,
compared to their profits from decimating neighborhoods like the
Bayview, should not be used to whitewash their image. Wells Fargo is
guilty of bank robbery: Stealing homes from our neighbors!
Wells Fargo Bank settled with US Department of Justice on predatory and
discriminatory loan practices for $175 million (including Bayview
 | "No Home For You!" |

Arts organizations like MoAD need all the help they can get, but
they should not be used as a Wells Fargo public relations ploy. Wells
Fargo Bank gives the appearance of being a good citizen by giving
negligible contributions to arts organizations, especially when
compared to their enormous profits. These contributions are shameful
and should not be touted as an example of good citizenship. This MLK Day Action is not against MoAD!
Why An Action in front of the Museum of the African Diaspora
To send the message that Wells Fargo Bank is number one in San Francisco in foreclosures and related evictions.To send the message that Wells Fargo, which received billions in
taxpayer bailouts right away, must help people in foreclosure right
away. Wells Fargo Bank must create a humanitarian solution for the
economic crisis they helped to create. Wells Fargo must stop the
foreclosure of the home of Tuskegee Airman Ben Reed and others.
To send and repeat the message that the City and County of San
Francisco Employee Retirement System Board divest its $48 million
dollars and the mayor not reappoint Wells Fargo's Brenda Wright to the
board, unless the bank gives real fair deal loan modifications.
To send a message to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors that the
City of San Francisco should divest from Wells Fargo Bank now until the
bank gives real fair deal loan modifications.
To send a message to Wells Fargo account holders to divest and take
their money elsewhere until Wells Fargo becomes a real "good citizen"
and gives fair loan modifications.
For updates, photos, and videos of the event: http://occupytheauctions.org/wordpress/?p=7953
Brought to you by ACCE, Occupy Bernal, Occupy Noe, and the Occupy the Auctions / Evictions Campaign.
Dear Friends,
Dr. King told the AFL-CIO Conference in 1961, "Our
needs are identical with labor's needs: Decent wages, fair working
conditions, livable housing, old-age security, health and welfare
measures, conditions in which families can grow, have education for
their children, and respect in the community."
You may not be able to attend the MLK Day of Service to help save
homes from foreclosure. You can pick up the phone and make a call at
anytime. Today tomorrow, next week, until change comes... Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me RoundTurn Me Round Turn Me RoundKeep on a walkingKeep on a TalkingTalking til Change is Come
Borrowing from the old Civil
Rights era song....Talking til Change is Come for our neighbors to stay
in their homes. Talking til Change is Come for a fair banking system.
Talking til Change is Come to Restore America to its principles of
"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."
Jackie Wright
Wright Enterprises
415 525 0410
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