The Board of Directors
of the
San Francisco - Ho Chi Minh City
Sister City Committee
cordially invites you to the commemorative celebration
of its
18th Anniversary
April 10, 2013
5:30 to 8:30 PM
Mayor's Conference Room
(Room 201)
San Francisco City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
Special Invited Guests
The Honorable Edwin M. Lee, Mayor, City and County of San Francisco Mayor
The Honorable Gavin Newsom, Lt. Governor, California
The Honorable Willie L. Brown, Jr., Former Mayor
The Honorable Frank M. Jordan, Former Mayor
The Honorable Nguyen Ba Hung, Consul General, Vietnam
The Honorable William Boerum, Vice Chairman, Sister Cities International
Door Prizes Wine Appetizers
Space is Limited
(415) 447-6075
Executive Director
San Francisco - Ho Chi Minh City Sister City Committee
Board Member, Northern California Sister Cities International
(415) 447-6075 (Website: www.sfhcmc.org) Join us at FACEBOOK
The Committee is a non-political educational people to people program. It is organized under the laws of the state of California, and is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation by the Internal Revenue Service. FEIN: 94-3198119.