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Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce News & Updates
November 11, 2013

Silicon Valley

Black Chamber of Commerce

November 2013

 Issue #29                                                                         November 2013




 **********  Important Chamber News for You! **********


Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
November 2013
"What you need to know about Covered California health insurance" - Nov 20th
'Expanding Horizons' - Nov 13th
Meet Chamber Member Dhaval Brahmbhatt
November Events & More
Covered California
 "Town Hall Meeting"
November 20, 2013 


What you need to know about Covered California Health insurance.


Date:     Wednesday, November 20th, 2013


Time:     9am to 12am


Place:    Isaac Newton Senter Auditorium

               San Jose, CA 95110

Cost:      FREE
This seminar will give you all the information you need to make the right health care choice for you and your family.
Must Register in advance !!!


"Expanding Horizons"
November 13, 2013 


A Workshop for Small Businesses Entering International Markets


 The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), will conduct a workshop for U.S. small to medium size businesses- in San Jose, CA onNovember 13th - the latest in the highly-successful Expanding Horizons series that helps businesses learn how they can compete in the global marketplace.


San Jose Marriott.

Registration is only $50.00 USD.

It includes workshop materials, continental breakfast and a luncheon.


President's Message:  
 TKO, Chamber's Community Leadership Team needs YOU, find out more... 
Nov 12 & 23


The Silicon Valley Community Leadership Team wants to "connect" with you so your talents, your gifts, and your skills can help the SVBCC carry out its most important goals.


We've created a very organized systematic way (TKO) to have our community of volunteers use their gifts and talents through empowerment principles. These principles actually become life changing experiences that ultimately bless us in our own everyday lives. All of this we do with "balance".  If you have a heart to help and serve, come, hear and learn more on how you can be a blessing to our community by helping the Chamber.


Dates we meet:


Tuesday Nov 12th 7-8:30pm at the chamber.


Saturday Nov 23rd, 10am-12noon at chamber.


Call to let us know you're coming and by all means bring a friend (408) 288-8806

 Meet Chamber member
 Dhaval Brahmbhatt,
President and CEO of
PHYChip Corporation


1.   Tell me about your business.


We commercialize, research and participate in intellectual property protection.


2.   Are you a member of the Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce and why did you choose to join the Incubator program?


Indeed. I have been a member for a long time. I joined by chance when I was looking for office space and somebody just referred me to the Black Chamber. 


At that time, the Black Chamber had Class A office space in a very attractive location with a very attractive monthly rent.  


3.   How have you benefited from being a member of the Black Chamber of Commerce/The Incubator program?


I have benefited, but not in a business sense. It gave me an opportunity to learn how African American entrepreneurs are distinct from the regular entrepreneurs that I am familiar with.  It was a learning experience in that sense.


You find them less frequently in regularly entrepreneurial circles. So, when you go to VC gatherings and all these other places you don't see them represented in the same proportion as the black population in the area so you sometimes have to be coming to the Black Chamber to realize that there are, indeed, black entrepreneurs.  And you see them less frequently in high tech, but you find them in other businesses. 


Sometimes, we, the high tech people, are totally unaware of them.  For example, I've seen somebody I respect quite a bit, a black entrepreneur.  He had his company that he founded in sports memorabilia. He did quite well then he sold it.  For me, it was being exposed to being well-rounded in the opportunities that I was not aware of.   I was not aware that people could start companies in such areas and do well. It was a learning experience.


4.   What more can the Chamber do to

support your business?


The Chamber has done very little.  Whatever I learned was out of my own experience.  The Chamber could actually service not just black community, but all kinds of entrepreneurs if they would help them on a regular basis with get-togethers that help network people, also have seminars and presentations on how to raise capital because capital is the life blood of any business and particularly for entrepreneurs, capital is always in short supply.


I believe that the Chamber has to be proactive in looking around, arranging lunchtime seminars. Also finding sponsors to pay for lunches when people do come because the whole business of brown bag lunches it never works. To me it appears less of an effort when somebody calls me for a seminar but they have not put enough effort into finding a sponsor for lunch. So people should have no excuse. If you do the job right, people should have no excuse to not attend your seminar. If there is lunch, a good speaker, a good venue the subject is going to benefit you then why would people not come? They would?


5.   Tell us three things about you.


1. I am a serial entrepreneur.  I have started companies, taken them to IPOs, participated in other companies that got acquired. I am from the high tech community.

2. I have been very fortunate to have traveled all over the world.

3. I have a very open mind for all kinds of people, cultures and religions.


6.   What three tips would you give to business owners?


1. Make sure that the markets you are trying to address are going to be there when you participate with your product or service.

2. Make sure you have a strategic advantage as a small business owner so you can participate and thrive.

3. Make sure you have the needed capital.


7.   What three tips would you give to people who are interested in starting their own business?


1.  You really have to have nerves of steel. It's going to be difficult. If somebody tells you it's going to be easy, they are kidding you.

2. Make sure that you have family support or other emotional support so you can survive when things are tough. You need that strong network of friends and family.

3. Thoroughly research what it is you are trying to do. In other words, there should be a business for the business to exist. This is not a not-for-profit.


Website: Link


Events & More in November 
Theatre on San Pedro Square Presents
"The Duke, The Count and Me"
November 1-23rd, 2013
29 North San Pedro Street, San Jose
Barbara Lee and Elihu Harris 
Lecture Series
"Daughters of the Civil Rights Movement Speak"

 November 9, 2013

7.30 pm

Oakland Marriott City Center

1001 Broadway, Oakland

RSVP (510) 434 3988



The California Asian Chamber of Commerce

Tech Tour - 

the Silicon Valley Walk and Talk 


November 12, 2013

8.30 am - 7.00 pm


Tech Mart Lobby

Techmart Network Meeting Center

5201 Great America Parkway, #122

Santa Clara, CA 95054


This is a special opportunity for small business owners to walk among giants. This extraordinary event includes tours of the Googleplex, Microsoft and Dell campuses, and the Levi's (49ers) Stadium followed by tour and reception at the 49ers' New Stadium Preview Center to discuss the role of technology in small business today.


Each company will give its perspective on technology, innovations and opportunities.


4:00 pm

Normal fee: $85, but

5 FREE passes offered to SVBCC members!!


 November 12, 2013!


To register, email:


Hannah Mac Dula, at




Oakland African-American Chamber
10th Annual Awards
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
10.30 am - 1.30 pm
Oakland Marriott City Center
1001 Broadway, Oakland
Annual Coat Drive and Mission Lanes
Bowling Fundraiser
Friday, November 16, 2013
2 pm - 5 pm
AMF Mission Lanes,
1287 South Park Victoria Drive,
Milpitas CA 95035

For bowling, RSVP by Nov 13, 2013:
Anthony Walker: (408) 278 5887
Joyce Nadal: (408) 468 1652
2013 Creative Awards
"Call for Entries"
Deadline extended to November 13, 2013
Calling all Bay Area Video Makers
Enter your vieos and TV shows for a chance to win Adobe CS6, worth $1,000
  Pam Kelly: (408) 295 8815 Ext. 307

"Supercharge your Facebook Marketing"

Saturday, December 7th, 2013

9am to 11 am


Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce

25 N. 14th Street, 4th floor

San Jose, CA 95112

Must REGISTER in advance!!!

If you're like most businesses, you already see the value in connecting with your current and potential customers via social media. But the challenge is figuring out what you actually need to do with social media in order to drive real results for your business or organization.


This seminar is the "what, why, and how" of social campaigns: how to drive repeat business and amplify word of mouth by engaging your happy customers, stay top of mind to make it easy for them to share your message, and measure results. It's divided into the followng sections: 


*First things first - Why Facebook?

*Timeline - Just the facts

*Why should I care about Likes?

*How to Market on Facebook - make it productive not idle play

*Social Campaigns to build your business

*Other techniques to building your business with Facebook - Facebook ads, Sponsored stories, promoting a post and more.


Cost: FREE to members 
Non-members $20 - payable at the door.

Limited seating.


Must REGISTER in advance!!!

Do you want to sit on a STEM Roundtable Panel?


Initial meeting planned to be held at the chamber conference room (date TBD). You must contact SVBCC for latest details to discuss your involvement.


Call the SVBCC (408) 288-8806.  Adults and Youth come together to design and implement creative ways to get and keep our kids engaged in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.  
 A major reason our kids drop out of high school is that they "disengage" in these disciplines and fall behind.  Once behind the door opens for other options that don't lead to graduation. Let's come together as a community to STOP THIS by volunteering to participate with the youth themselves to hear and discuss ideas to solve this problem.

Incubator Program

Cubicles  $175 per month

(only 1 left)


  • FREE parking
  • 24 hr access with private security codes
  • Use of conference room
  • Complimentary SBDC consulting
  • Administrative suite:
    • printer
    • mail
    • fax. 

Contact the Chamber today!

(408) 288 8806



Join our Mailing List! 

Contact Us

25 N. 14th Street, Suite 400

  San Jose, CA 95112


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