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Oakland MLK JR. Center & Merritt @ National Civil Rights Museum Reopening in Memphis
April 3, 2014

CONTACT: Dr. Karen Bohlke, Director of External Relations
PHONE: (206) 755-3677 EMAIL:
CONTACT: Dr. Roy D. Wilson, Director
PHONE: (206) 571-6653 EMAIL:
Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Center and Merritt College Participate in the reopening of the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis
Screen_shot_2014-04-03_at_10(Oakland, CA) This Thursday, April 3rd,   a delegation of seven students from the Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Center travel to Memphis, Tennessee for the reopening of the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis.  “The Civil Rights movement presents the essence of the heart and soul of American democracy.  It is a joy to introduce our students to the power of this movement.” said Dr. Karen L. Bohlke, Director of Government and External Affairs at the Freedom Center. The delegation is joined by Merritt College President, Dr. Norma Ambriz-Galaviz.
The museum was first opened in 1991.  It has recently been remodeled and will open this coming weekend with new, emotionally hard-hitting exhibits that feature informative interactive displays.  The museum displays historic scenes of many battles for freedom and Civil Rights.  A riveting display of statues of chained and branded black men sitting in a line on the deck of a creaking slave ship headed across an ocean meets visitors as they enter the museum. 
The museum reopens April 5th with a program featuring local and national leaders who have impacted the Civil Rights movement, and some who are currently in the struggle to advance the movement for Civil Rights, justice and freedom.
Organizers for the reopening have organized many activities including a parade, a series of lectures and activity for children.  On April 4th, the day that marks the 46th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination in Memphis, there are several activities that commemorate Dr. King’s life and legacy. Dr. King was shot while standing on the balcony of the old Lorraine Motel, which is now converted into the museum.
The Freedom Center’s seven students attend schools in the Oakland and Alameda school districts. “For many of these students, it is the opportunity to realize “the Dream” of viewing first hand a landmark location, that is represented in the National Civil Rights Museum.” said President Ambriz-Galaviz. The students regularly participate in Freedom Center classes held at Merritt College.
The Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Center and Merritt College co-produce the Barbara Lee and Elihu Harris Lecture Series.
The group joins Congresswoman Barbara Lee for the reopening activities of the National Civil Rights Museum.
The Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Center promotes the principles of nonviolence and offers an environment where young people actively seek peaceful, nonviolent solutions to the difficult  challenges we  face in our communities. The Freedom Center serves individuals, organizations, schools and communities in the Greater Bay Area and is a co-producer of the Barbara Lee and Elihu Harris Lecture Series. For more details,, and


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