SVBCC Newsletter
Important Chamber News for You
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$35 for Members ~ $60 for Non-Members
Up to 2 spaces available on our Monthly Newsletter

"Eating 101"

The Top 3 Things you need to know
to Live to 100
and be Healthy & Enjoy doing it !!!
Everyone can have this Information for Free
This Thursday Oct 30th
Must RSVP (Limited Seating)
Sorry 20 people Max
A healthy surprise meal provided :-)
Chamber Conf Room
25 N. 14th Street, 4th floor
San Jose, CA 95112
(FREE parking 1st level)
7pm to 8:30pm
Don't be late
November Leads Breakfast
Saturday Morning
11/1/14 - 9 to 11am
Location: Hometown Buffet
408 N. Capitol Ave, San Jose
Back by Popular Demand
#1 thing All businesses Need...Clients
Leverage Relationships to grow your business and exhcange referral leads that will help bless someone else in their business. Learn how to get your perfect client.
FREE to attend, Cost is just Your Breakfast if you eat !!
Morgan Stanley
Employment Opportunities
"Diversity Matters"
Tuesday, November 11th
7-9 pm
Hosted Buffet
Louisiana Bistro
19 N. Market Street
downtown, San Jose
(parking next door, Validated)
This event is for those that are thinking of a career change and or know of someone that would like a career in the financial services industry. Community leaders are welcomed as Morgan Stanley reps and management will share employment opportunities.
Limited space, Must RSVP
Elections, Who are You Voting for?
Police and Safety seem to be the big issues for this year's city of San Jose mayorial election.
Supervisor Dave Cortese has a 3 part plan for San Jose ... read more...
The small business community also supportsSupervisor Dave Cortese for Mayor because of his heart for and history with small businesses and the issues we face in starting and growing our businesses.
Vote Cortese for Mayor !
Endorsed by the ethnic coalition of chambers in San Jose; including the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley, Black Chamber of Silicon Valley, and Filipino American Chamber of Silicon Valley and the Vietnamese American Chamber of Commerce.
Small Business is the lifeblood of San Jose (reprinted)

There is nothing that is more important to the growth and vitality of the City of San Jose than small business. San Jose should support policies that will make it easier for small businesses to do business.
As the former owner of a small business, I am very aware of the challenges that small businesses face. My business was... (more)
Charles 'Chappie' Jones is a candidate for San Jose City Council - District 1. For more information go to -
November 15th, 2014
"Supplier Diversity Workshop & Panel"
TIme: 9-11am
Location: SVBCC Conference Room, 4th Fl
Fees: FREE for everyone
Come hear success stories on companies doing business with major firms and changing their companies profit picture.
Hear from supplier diversity expert, Vernita Naylor on getting government contracts and private corporate contracts.

This is your chance to ask questions and Learn the "right" way to get contracts from public and private entities.
This workshop is for those that
1) Want to seriously pursue gov't and private contracts
2) Are interested in knowing the process
3) Are business owners and need a contact inside the company
Seating is LIMITED so must RSVP
Coffee and pastries are on us :-)
Are You Looking for Jobs/Contracting Opportunities
Chipotle hires chamber referrals
Below is the link for the jobs at Chipotle. Click on careers when you get in and then choose the Campbell site so you can get to Jeff Blevins (the general manager). Let him know that Alicia Owens sent you so he knows the chamber is helping him secure applicants. Chipotle stills needs around 20-30 people, and they don't have to have any experience.
Chipotle's Link
Balance Staffing has jobs ( web link for jobs )
Looking for a Job or you have a Job opportunity for someone (just mention SVBCC)
Local Union #322 Electrical Apprenticeship Program starting at $25 p/hr. "Earn while you Learn" call chamber for more details. Limited time so call NOW !!!
Contractors who are seeking contracting opportunities on major Silicon Valley projects should call (408) 288-8806 or email our office to be added to our CONTRACTORS LIST
Internship available at chamber NOW !!!

Are you a SVBCC Member yet?
SVBCC means Business
SVBCC is here to connect you to the people and resources most relevant to your business, whether you are a first-time entrepreneur, a growing company scaling its business, an investor looking for the next great opportunity or a professional firm providing entrepreneurs with resources and support.
Call our chamber, 408.288.8806, to explore howMembership with the Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce can make a difference in the success of your business.
Ask how we calculate your membership fees and how you can earn credits for referrals of other businesses to the chamber. Here's a partial list of the benefits of being a member of our chamber of commerce:
- Learn how to Properly Start Your Business
- Learn techniques on how to Grow & Finance Your Business
- Even Learn how to Exit Your Business
Need a Business Address?
Ask about our Office Space for Rent in our Incubator Program, 408.288.8806
Major Upcoming Events
- October 30th: "Eating 101" Live a Long & Healthy Life. Know someone with a chronic disease, bring them. ( must RSVP )
- November 1st: Leads Breakfast More potential clients from others, just for you. ( register please )
- November 4th & 11th: TIRO Life Coaching Serious about taking your game to the next level? register for this 2 day seminar. ( more info )
- November 11th: Morgan Stanley "Diversity Matters" Opportunities for Careers in the financial services industry (RSVP)
- November 13th: Plan for Life Event How do you want to be remembered? Attend this seminar and receive a FREE personal planning guide (more info)
- November 17th: LaDoris Cordell - IPA Office Fundraiser Illustrations by retired judge LaDoris Cordell (more info)
We don't SPAM. What chamber Email list would you like to be on:
1) General, receive All chamber emails
2) Newsletter ONLY, once a month
Reply if you would like to be placed on either of the above.
Before you ever think about "disconnecting" give us a call and see if we can accommodate you and your email needs. (408) 288-8806, as a matter of fact share with a friend and let them decide how to connect with us.
Carl Davis, Jr
President/Executive Director
John C. Shaw
Assistant to the President
25 N. 14th Street
Suite 400
San Jose, CA 95112
SVLT Leadership Team
Jehan Mansur
Sales & Marketing
Felicia Davis
Research, Training & Development
Alicia Owens
Inventory, Distribution & Operations
Gladys Grigsby
Finance & Administration