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PUSHTECH 2020 San Francisco
May 7, 2015

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Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight Press Release
TICKETS ARE GONE FOR Rainbow PUSH 20/20 Tech Summit
"There is no talent deficit.  There is an opportunity deficit." Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr.
Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. leads way for 10 entrepreneurs to win $10,000 Pitch Prize for Tech Startup Companies.
(Click Image for Details)
San Francisco-May 6, 2015 -If you don't have your ticket to PUSHTECH 2020 Summit today, you'll just have to see the news reports. The summit that culminates the efforts of Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. to begin to bring Tech America to the table to build a more innovative industry that reflects the diversity of America gets underway at the Hyatt Regency Hotel at the Embarcadero. The news conference, Tuesday, May 5th held at Galvanize, South of Market included reporters from the New York Times, International Media TV, LaHitz Media, and KCBS.  Johnnie Burrell's International Media TV, the only television media company at the news conference will post highlights of the news conference and the Summit.  Be on the look out! 
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Reverend Jesse Jackson. 
  ( Can I say I love this photo. It reminds me of Jesus and John at the Last Supper , John 13:23. I guess so. I just did)

"Dr. King Would be Proud of Jesse Jackson in Silicon Valley" -San Jose Mercury News
Civil Rights Attorney John Burris Speaks with Media Expert Christine Harris about Mosby & Baltimore Police
John Burris! A Perspective On Police Brutality
John Burris! A Perspective On Police Brutality
Produced and videotaped by Johnnie Burrell, May 2, 2015
With the Senior population doubling by 2020, San Francisco is in a unique position to prepare and The Coalition of Agencies Serving the Elderly (CASE) and others will be making their case for the City to step up its services.
One of the main issues for seniors is aging in place.  The eviction rate has pushed many elderly on the streets.  Just drive around San Francisco and see or just step over the homeless camped out on steps or in front of garages of homes in "good neighborhoods."  The situation is becoming more and more problematic for many neighborhoods.  Read San Francisco's Eviction Crisis.  Don't read it and weep. Do something.  Start with today's rally and keep the crisis from coming to your family's doorstep.  The rate of evictions is one issue.  Thanks to Supervisor Campos efforts to do something in the mission.  Hopefully, the news of Campos' moratorium on market rate construction announced on "Cinco de Mayo" concerning the Mission will get more play than how much tequila is consumed by Americans (double that of Mexico).  If Campos is not on the right track, what do you propose?  
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SF Carnaval May 23 & 24th 

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Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight San Francisco ~ Dallas Celebrating Freedom and Musical Heritage: The Batistes of NOLA’s Royal Family of Music to Bring Their Legacy to the Nation’s Capital.
Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight San Francisco ~ Dallas Mayor London N. Breed joined State Senator Scott Wiener to announce legislation to combat fencing, the sale of stolen goods on City streets. Authored by Senator Wiener and sponsored by Mayor Breed, Senate Bill 925 (SB 925) would allow San Francisco to create permitting requirements to regulate the sale of items commonly obtained through retail theft and impose criminal penalties for those who engage in this practice.
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