March 14, 2025

Community News

Mission Protest Lennar Luxury Housing, Vote Your Conscience, 49ers?-Kaep Benched & Davis Gone Man, Danny Glover Celebrates Roots-SFSU, & More
November 6, 2015

Repost of November 3, 2015 E-News


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Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight
Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight Press Release
Location, Location, Location-Mission Activists Protest Lennar's Luxury Condos at 1515 South Van Ness and Say:
Vote Your Conscience!  JUST VOTE! VOTE JUST!
Maybe mainstream media is worn out...because I saw no major press to cover this major issue in San Francisco, October 29, 2015, days before elections on Tuesday, November 3.  I know, it doesn't take long to lock in on San Francisco..."It's a Festival, It's a Party or It's a Protest" always happening.  Judging from the media coverage or lack thereof, you're gonna have to do some due diligence to keep up with what's happening. If you miss out on the dialogue...go to the community events, go to City Hall, watch the Planning Commission on TV,etc...there will not be anyone to stand with you as your rich neighbors lift up their heads from their smartphones and sigh "oh well, should have paid your rent," when they haul you away.
Here's what I heard at the protest,  to paraphrase organizers..."The mission cannot afford to lose high paying blue collar jobs like those provided by McMillan Electric and have such businesses replaced by luxury condos that can't be paid for by service industry jobs. 
Here's what I found on the Internet about the protest as I searched for media reports.   "Our Mission No Eviction" Facebook Page:
No major media coverage from what I see.  But the SFGATE Blog did have a story on Prop J. 
Sam Jordan's on Third Street is one of the legacy businesses that will benefit from Campos' Prop J. The day after celebrating Ruth Jordan's B'Day.."Dodie" Johnson_ Clyde Colin, manager of Sam Jordon's and Ruth Jordan's husband and Jackie Wright stand before an image of the Mayor of Butcher Town. Sam Jordan's,  a place where I have heard folks say I met my husband, I met my wife at Sam Jordan's. Hey Clyde and Ruth, let's plan a "I Met My Boo at Sam Jordan's" reunion. What do you say? 
Call Me!!!
 "Campos talks details on legacy business subsidies."  (This is why independent media like Johnnie Burrell's International Media TV is so important, who couldn't make it because he got less than an hour's notice like me, but I was able to stop through on my way to Oakland... now that's another story.)
Anyone who knows me, really knows me... knows I love ambiance and luxury.  I enjoy my Oprah Cinnamon Chai Tea Latte  
Lining up for my Oprah 
Cinnamon Chai Tea.
at Starbucks.   I'm not hating Peete's or the local cafes.  
Frankly, I have to check myself not to be idolatrous when I relax to the buzz of Starbucks, exchanging smiles and nods with folks off to the Oracle conference and just loving the feel sometimes of my extended living room.  Love it.  But folks we have to lift up our eyes from the smartphones and pay close attention or we lose the housing wars by apathetic attrition.  What went on at 1515 South Van Ness affects you!  Yeah Baby!  And it is going to affect you for generations.  Get out of the comfort zone and see what is happening.  
Love my Tech Babies....I'm not mad at ya'll!  No way!  I want to see you grow and thrive and come up with better than Internet ideas. Butt in and at least chime in by coming to one of the community meetings and stream with your Smartphone... There's a role for everyone. Reach out to organizers before its too late. Do something! My dear Twitter Friends who were laid off, how's that luxury condo working for you and your four roommates, now?
If it's going to be all Luxury in San Francisco, Let there be Luxury for All!
LOL.  A email notice from "Justice" just popped up.  When "Justice" is a tween girl's trendy fashion store, we need to seriously pay attention to what's happening around us as our children may grow up to think "social justice" is a playdate at the Justice store where you can buy the cutest leggings and a tutu in a rainbow color with a peace sign on it.
Laughing, Crying or Both?!
Commentary by:
Jackie Wright,
"kicked out of two rented Black owned homes foreclosed on by Wells Fargo Bankwithin four years in the midst of the economic downturn here in the San Francisco Bay Area that started for me in 2007 not 2008 when my corporate bosses without notice said to get my box and leave; having battled seven years before finally getting a part-time job I'm thankful for in the worst racist environment I've ever experienced in my life, although a hardworking professional workaholic with two degrees from the University of Georgia that I attained while working my way through UGA while raising my elementary age daughter and teenage sister, knowing without a doubt thanks be to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christthat I am not a fallen warrior on the streets of San Francisco or in a shelter babbling mindless lamentations because I did all the right things yet still got wronged.  Praises be to God, I'm not bitter.  I am better! Better 
 watch out!"---Qualifications for "Just Sayin!"---
More Housing Related News in San Francisco, Where Only Hearts are Left because There is "No Room in the Inn"
Land Use and Transportation Committee of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Chaired by Supervisor Malia Cohen November 2, 2015
Community leaders came out on Monday to hear about the proposed legislation to relieve the injustice of how Blacks are excluded from affordable housing, even affordable housing that some of its institutions like the Black churches built.   The legislation proposed by Supervisor Cohen and Breed calls for a 40% neighborhood preference.   The committee meeting was worthy of attention and if you missed the live broadcast, it will be posted at  At this writing, it is not yet posted. 
Malia Cohen Chairs Land Use and Transportation Committee 
that includes Supervisors Scott Wiener and Jane Kim.
Board of Supervisors President, London Breed
made heartfelt opening marks on the 40% proposed Neighborhood Preference Legislation.
Supervisor Scott Wiener supports the 40% Neighborhood Preference that's increases Supervisor Kim's proposal of 25%.
Community Leaders Speak Out at Land Use and Transportation Committee
Many thanked Supervisors Breed and Cohen for their boldness in proposing legislation that could have an impact on helping the remaining less than 5 % Blacks in San Francisco stay in the City they helped build and popularize.  As only a few statistics were available when called upon by the Supervisors, they were nonetheless very telling.  Only demographic statistics for the City's smaller "Inclusionary Housing" program were available yesterday: approximately 200 Whites, 600 Chinese, 100 Latinos and 60 Blacks composed the housing that was made possible by Federal and City funds.  The supervisors called for more complete data.
SF NAACP Vice President Arnold Townsend described how the Redevelopment Agency destroyed Black businesses and homes in the Fillmore and the City of San Francisco never lived up to its promises of redress.
SF NAACP President Dr. Amos Brown in forefront stated sage remarks-This country denied our 40 acres and a mule for slavery reparations don't deny our 40% inclusion.
Not pictured, Jackie Wright speaking to the committee.  Didn't think to take a selfie!  I did share that I was one of the Blacks excluded from senior affordable housing. The irony is that in 2014, I experienced my second displacement in four years by Wells Fargo Bank as the second Black owned home  in which I rented a room was foreclosed on.  
The daughter of a Fallen Vietnam Hero who had raised two of my three siblings, worked my way through the University of Georgia with two BA degrees, three time Associated Press Award winning broadcast journalist with more than 20 years of Bay Area work for the American Red Cross, San Francisco Unified School District, CBS5/CW Bay Area, I found myself homeless when I returned from D.C. having moved my father Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr. after 50 years from a segregated cemetery in Jacksonville Florida and the love of his life, Ouida from a cemetery in Columbus, Georgia to Arlington National Cemetery during the 150th Anniversary Year of those sacred grounds.   
Unbelievable was my state of being as I had scoured the closed lists of BMR rentals and public housing, was number 1500 in the lottery for Mary Helen Rogers Senior Housing, escaped shelters by the Grace of God and friends and although my father who fought in two wars and died for this country in Vietnam, foreigners who did not pay any dues to this country, let alone shed blood for this nation, have better access to affordable housing in San Francisco than this native U.S. citizen. Wow!  So with my second class citizen experience in San Francisco, I asked the committee to make the access for Blacks to be 100% preference until there is parity. (Supervisor Breed eloquently and kindly responded that 100% was not possible because of state and federal policies and laws.  And I kindly now say, not as eloquently, "It's all made up!  If they made it up,  those policies and laws can be unmade.  Change the policies, change the laws!)
 "Not mad at anybody" as the saying goes, but "right is right and right don't wrong, nobody."  Give equal opportunity to all and stop denying justice, San Francisco with a lottery system that gives preference to some and denies others! 
Pay attention... for all the social justice folks, the politically active in your hearts and minds, fast on the TWEETS, Instagram & FB...but you don't show up to any meetings, stop fooling yourself.  Get dialed in and show up at City Hall and in the community...or you are just fooling yourself and biding your time until you're dragged away. 
Those tombed away in their corporate corner offices and in city positions, you are where you are because of the work of frontline community people and bold public servants like London Breed and Malia Cohen and those that came before them.  At the least-VOTE TODAY!   Just Sayin' Again, Jackie Wright
Yoshi's Complex in the Fillmore- No Mo
This is the shortened version of recent Community Meeting on Yoshi's documented by Johnnie Burrell.  Some feel the City did not keep its promise and it's yet another entertainment venue gone that makes San Francisco less than it used to be.  The plight of Yoshi's makes legacy businesses like Sam Jordan's all the more significant.
(Pictured Fred Jordan, President of the African American Chamber of Commerce.  Don't know if Fred is related to the Sam Jordan Family).

Longer Version-Yoshi' Complex Future  -  Mayor's office update: 25:00  -  Community Perspectives: 50:00
Thank you, Johnnie Burrell for capturing what mainstream media ignored or didn't have the bandwidth to cover.
Some Good News
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee & Residents:
 One on One Interviews on the Public Housing Issue
What's With the 49ers--Kaepernick Benched and Vernon Davis Gone Ya'll
Just sayin,' you can't put this all on Kaep... What about his defense or lack thereof?   Stand strong on the bench, Kaep!  "Gone Man!" Vernon Davis, wow...will miss you on and off the field... Was looking forward to inviting you to show your art at I.T. Bookman Community with some of my favorite artists, Eugene White and the Chairman of the I.T. Bookman Board of Directors, Carl Barnes, an artist himself. Vernon, fly back when you can.  Won't you?
How about renaming the 49er's the Santa Clara 49er's!  
But my heart has been broken over sports in San Francisco more than once.  Can't forget how they treated Barry Bonds...Man! The sports world certainly comes across as a bunch of users in their "what have you done for me lately world."  And think of the millions made on the backs of athletes including the thousands of insensitive nameless athletically inept sportscasters/writers who make names for themselves on the talent of others and who are feeding their families off the lives of athletes' triumphs and troubles.  Keep that in mind all you draft prospects.
Then you have to just cry when you see the self-indulgent self-destruction found among the spectacles of the likes of Lamar Odom! Went immediately into prayer for a man who obviously never heard or ignored that a harlot's house "is the way to hell leading to the chambers of death," Proverbs 7:27.  More to be said on that at some point. So glad he didn't go out like that.  $75,000 swipe?! Lamar, Really???????
Jacquie Taliaferro, Danny Glover, Mayor Willie Brown & Dr. Annette Shelton
NAACP Communications Chairman & SF Filmmaker Jacquie Taliaferro, Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr., and NAACP VP Dr. Annette Shelton Celebrate Glover at NAACP Annual Fundraiser at the Hilton Hotel.
Nancy Mar's Presenting Sponsorship of the Taste of the Bay with a gift of $50,000 Boosts the Event Once Again. SFSU Hospitality and Tourism Management Department Chairman Colin Johnson thanks Mar at a recent Board Meeting for her ongoing support.
Student leaders of Taste of the Bay, an all student run event,greet and thank Nancy Mar Presenting Sponsor for her investment of $50,000 in their future. Former Hospitality and Tourism Management Department Chair. Janet Sim continues to support the students with colleague Johnson, who now chairs the department and friend Nancy Mar.
The In Session Real Estate Show Release Party last Thursday, took a back seat as Kenny Session on Bended Knee Asks Ida Lewis to be his bride at Geoffrey's Inner Circle in Oakland (another place where many say I met my wife/husband at Geoffrey's much like Sam Jordan's in SF. The audience went wild as Kenny popped the question to the romantic music and Ida cried!  Congratulations, Kenny and Ida!



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