Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders In Oakland Today Sans Rival Hilary Clinton at Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland.
2 PM Memorial Day, May 30, 2016 Bernie Sanders & Supervisor Jane Kim @ Allen Temple
Oakland-In media advisories, Sandra Varner of Varner PR, made it clear that today's
Actor & Activist Danny Glover in a relaxing moment after the 85th Birthday Celebration of Dr. J. Alfred Smith held at Allen Temple Baptist Church yesterday in Oakland, CA.
gathering of community leaders and the public at Allen Temple Baptist Church, 8501 International Boulevard in Oakland, is a candidate forum and not an endorsement of Bernie Sanders for President. Today's forum comes a day after the 85th Birthday Celebration for Dr. J. Alfred Smith Sr. Danny Glover who helped with that celebration will be attending today's forum.
Dr. Ramona Tascoe_ shown operating after the 2010 Haitian earthquake_ moderates the candidate forum today at Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland.
Known for her international medical work,Dr. Ramona Tascoe, MD, a member of the 1968 San Francisco State University Student Strike, along with fellow student Activist & Actor Danny Glover, reached out to clergy over the weekend asking that they show up with their members and bring the hard questions from the community for the Sanders Campaign. "We need to have informed voters and not consider anything is a done deal," said Tascoe. "I hope that our faith leaders will take advantage of this opportunity and come out with the hard questions for Bernie Sanders." Dr. Tascoe will moderate the candidate forum.
Here's a "Hard Question" from the Community from Carol McGruder. Dr. Tascoe may use an edited version of this thought-provoking question.
Via Email
Good Morning Dr. Tascoe,
Tobacco kills more Black people than AIDS, violence, car accidents, and non-related tobacco cancers COMBINED. In 2009 President Obama signed the Tobacco Control Act which prohibited all flavors in "cigarettes" EXCEPT menthol and mandated that the FDA research the issue of menthol and act on it. (2) separate FDA studies found that "removing menthol" would be in the interest of public health. Over 80% of Black smokers use mentholated cigarettes because we were perniciously targeted (Racialized Geography) to do so. Though Brazil, the European Union, Ethiopia and now recently Canada have moved to ban menthol the FDA has not taken any concrete steps to do so even as the tobacco industry continues to perniciously target our community especially our young men. This is a social justice issue for our community, what would Sanders do to remedy the harm that has been done to the Black community from decades of pernicious tobacco industry targeting that has included giving away free cigarettes to children (Marie Evans -Boston), recruiting and using (Tony Gwynn) public figures and our media (Ebony/Jet) , exploiting African American leadership groups (Smoking With The Enemy), conducting research and manipulating cigarettes to make them more addictive and deadly (Addiction, Inc.), obstructing and blocking public health and the regulatory process. Though the tobacco industry are "federally adjudicated racketeers" they have a seat at the FDA table and African Americans do not. As president what would you do???
(Attachment: Into the Light No Menthol Sunday)
Check out the News at 6 and 11!