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100 Year Old Iris Canada Continues Fight for 50 Year Apartment
October 4, 2016

Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight
Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight Press Release
September 27, 
SAN FRANCISCO--FOR REAL? Is this happening in the Sanctuary City?  

But with further thought, "Sanctuary City" is not in effect for citizens since a "City of Refuge/Sanctuary City" references policies to justly protect undocumented immigrants. 

A 100 year old woman is about to be put out of her home of over 50 years because folks could not work out details around condo-conversion etc.  

Isn't it sooo cute...that cup from Starbucks...An "Upstander!"  How noble to stand for something. 

All the campaigns, all the slogans, all the marches; but what does it mean at the end of the day, if a 100 year old lady who paid her dues, a former nurse, who cared for others is put out of her home.  What is scary about all of this is that Iris Canada is not the only elder who has experienced this fight.  Most have not had the support as she has and as a result the streets of San Francisco have proliferated with seniors pushed out by the Ellis Act and other policies and procedures--"the devil is in the details."  That's right, there are some hellish details that have people suffering on the streets of San Francisco.  But as in the case of the Ramirez family that ACCE sent out a call to action for help, the Ramirez' landlord gave the "let them eat cake" response by telling the family to "go to Stockton."  Ouch!  San Francisco to Stockton! "Get outta here!"
As in the ACCE fight with a locally-based bank who foreclosed on the aging Tuskegee Airman and too many other cases that  I've seen in the up close foreclosure wars, I've often wondered how is it that people with some inkling of humanitarian concern can't work out the paperwork and recalibrate it so that the investors get their money and folks can keep their homes.  All the policies and procedures are made up and they can be remade so the bankers, landlords etc. get their money and people can have a place to stay.  But the "devil being the details," the bottom line is, it's about the rate of return, someone feeling they are not making enough money fast enough.... As in a "life covenant" for an 80 something year old woman is not a bad deal because how long will she be around anyway?
At the end of the day, TODAY, Iris Canada will be out of her home where she has somewhat stabilized since her emergency hospitalization after receiving notice to get out, that is if her lawyer does not get another stay.  The original was for 7 days.  So what's next.  
Well, there may be scenes reminiscent of George Wallace standing in the door of the University of Alabama.  Supervisor London Breed says she's taking a stand for Iris Canada, whose home is in District 5.  In response to my 9/15 e-newsletter, Breed stated, "I just wanted you to know that I am working with the Housing Rights Committee to do all I can to keep Iris in her home. Even if it means I stand in front of the door and block the sheriff... This has been a long battle and I know it is taking its toll on Iris's health.  I'm committed to doing all I can and I won't give up!"  Given history, let's hope for a more successful outcome for Iris Canada as Supervisor Breed's stand is just and noble.
I pray there will be a change of heart with all parties involved and that they get over the technical glitch of life covenants et al and the interpretations there of that at the end of the day will have an elder of 100 years ( how precious) out on the streets of San Francisco.

If one of the tenants of the Page Street Building where Iris Canada lives destroyed a protest banner as captured by ABC News, is there credence to the claims by Iris Canada's family that she has been harassed, that her front door bell was rewired to go to a neighbor's and he would come to the front and tell people Iris was not living there to reinforce the owners claim that she had no rights since she did not live there, and other things like placing cameras on her front and back door for constant surveillance. 

Considering the owner self-financed the tenants to purchase their units for condos which means the apartment tenants will get money when they choose to sell their units, the tenant in the video is probably strongly motivated to support the owner over Ms. Canada. 

Iris Canada's family is trying to protect her as they say the owner is trying to getting around the condo-conversion laws in San Francisco in his handling of Ms. Canada's case.
Investors, legislators, and people take heed.  
The Iris Canada story is saying a lot about San Francisco!

Upstanders at the September 22, 2016 Protest for Iris Canada
original e-newsletter report from 9/15/2016

Iris Canada Fights on the Streets of San Francisco for her Page Street Home &
In the Courts in April 2016
September 15, 2016
100 Year Old Iris Canada Fights for Home from Hospital Bed...
Truth is difficult to look at sometimes.  Iris Canada is a fighter who became overwhelmed on Tuesday and now continues her struggle from a hospital room.  Here's the news release from:
For more info., contact Iris Merriouns, 510-435-7044/ Tommi Avicolli Mecca, 415-361-2940/ Tony Robles, 415-374-5344 
100-year-old hospitalized 
a day before sheriff is set to evict her
San Francisco - Iris Canada, who just turned 100, was hospitalized early this morning, just a day before the sheriff was set to evict her from the Western Addition apartment she has lived in for over half a century. Her condition is described as guarded. (Read More
"Please act for Iris
We are asking people to send emails urging that Iris be allowed to stay in her home. Write to:
Our message is simple:
Iris Canada does not want to leave her home. Her physical reaction to the sheriff's notice about the scheduled eviction shows that leaving her home will negatively impact her health. She should not be put through the stress of an actual eviction by the sheriff. It could kill her.
Please maintain a non-inflammatory tone in your email, as we do not want to open ourselves up to a harassment complaint."
Media Outlets received an 8-24-2016 letter before Ms. Meriouns as she was blindsided by the former Burlington, Vermont Community and Economic Development Director's correspondence, first hearing about it from a reporter's request.

-------- Original message --------
From: Adam Brinklow <
Date:08/24/2016 11:56 AM (GMT-08:00) 
To: "Merriouns, Iris" <
Subject: RE: Letter to Iris Merriouns 

Hello, Ms. Merriouns, my name is Adam, I write for Curbed SF. I know this is a personal matter that's undoubtedly causing a lot of stress and the last thing you need right now is reporters bothering you, but Peter Owens office did forward this to us, and a lot of people are concerned about your aunt's housing case. 

Basic fairness demands that I get in touch with you and give you a chance to respond to these kinds of allegations. If you have a few moments, please drop me a line at 415 573 8979. Thanks for your time.   
The letter was addressed to the following...
San Francisco Board of Supervisors Office of Mayor Ed Lee
San Francisco District Attorney San Francisco Sheriff's Office Oakland City Council
Office of Mayor Libby Schaaf
Iris Canada
Dr. Harvey S. Merriouns
Bishop Alfred Johnson, Jones Memorial United Baptist Church
Dr. Amos C. Brown, Pastor Third Baptist Church
San Francisco Tenants Union
Housing Rights Committee of SF Senior & Disability Action
Poor Magazine
San Francisco Chronicle East Bay News
(former Oakland Tribune) East Bay Express
NY Times
Wall Street Journal Bay City News Hoodline
48 Hills
SF Bay View
SF Weekly
Socket Site CurbedSF
Bay Area News Group Oakland Magazine
Fox 2 KTVU
KGO Brian Copeland Show
668-678 Page Street TIC Association Mark Chernev, Esq.
Andrew Zacks, Esq.
Dennis Zaragoza, Esq.
Andy Sirkin, Esq. 
Ms. Iris Merriouns states that one television station that ran a story as a result of the letter did not contact her or Ms. Canada and ran photos provided to them that were not indicative of the condition of Ms. Canada's apartment.
"Immoral" for 99 Year Old to Have to Fight Eviction from San Francisco Apartment 
Vote Yes, on "I"
Yes on "I" Because Yes You Can Help... 
Yes on "I" Because The Income of Elders is fixed While Rents Are Rising Sky High...
Yes On "I" Because You Honor Iris and Others in Need...
Yes on "I" Because "Except for the Grace of God Go I..."
Yes on "I"
May the "ayes" Have it! 

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