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San Francisco NAACP Dishonors Legacy /Elihu Harris Barbara Lee Lecture Series Celebrates Rosa Parks Defense Lawyer
November 21, 2016

Originally posted Saturday, November 19, 2016

The NAACP has a too important role to be languishing in moral ambivalence especially in such a time as this.  Inspired by the Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who was fueled by the strategy of non-violence taught and executed by Mahatma Gandhi, Jackie Wright of Wright Enterprises, having just visited the home of Gandhi in Durban, South Africa, brings attention to the San Francisco Chapter's blind eye to the ills of Wells Fargo Bank and its role in the divesture of generational wealth of millions of minority homeowners as it made billions of dollars in profits during the foreclosure crisis.  Honoring one of Wells Fargo's executives without reference to the corporate giant that has crushed so many families is one thing, but to honor the executive under the moniker of Wells Fargo Bank is a travesty and a dishonor to the people the NAACP is supposed to serve. "Right is right and right don't wrong, nobody," says Wright speaking truth to power. 


Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight                                             
Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight
News Release
Nov. 19 2016
San Francisco NAACP Freedom Gala...After All is Said and Done What is it Saying...
The minority report is often overlooked until the realization of the truth of said report comes to a tipping point.  So it is with Wells Fargo Bank.  As a community leader, I first took to the streets of San Francisco with ACCE (Association of Californians for Community Empowerment) concerning Wells Fargo Bank on Dr. MLK Jr. Day, January 21, 2013.   President Obama's inauguration was underway and I had the comfort of knowing our family was represented as my sister attended the second inauguration and I had attended the first.  The moment was a constrained and one of consternation, in front of MoAd, with which I had no qualms then nor now.  The issue was Wells Fargo Bank parading around its "let them eat cake community service"--- throwing pittance at great community work while robbing people of their homes. 
No matter how the cookie crumbled and the derivatives were diced and sliced, the fact remains the people of Wells Fargo Bank created paperwork that took from millions of Americans and they had the power to create paperwork to keep people in their homes.  So
on that day of service called by the first Black President, I chose to stand with a group that I had just joined two days before. I stood with and for a Tuskegee Airman whose family was facing eviction.  At the time I agreed to join the action, I had no idea that I knew the family that realization came later.  As things happen, ones who had agreed to lead the press conference did not show up, so I stepped into the vacuum and led the news conference as press had assembled and this was one of too many stories that needed to be told. 
Even after immediately losing a much-needed work contract because I had spoke the truth to power about Wells Fargo, my protest efforts continued.   Even after being verbally threatened by a supporter of Wells Fargo's Brenda Wright, who couldn't accept the mantra the banks gave foreclosed homeowners, "Don't take it personally, " I pressed on with individuals of ACCE to protest.  The protests were never about the individual but the company the individual represented.   But a backlash was unleashed because although people were ripped from their homes over mortgage papers that could have been re-worked and re-written, executives of Wells Fargo Bank whose homes were the site of protests took it personally. 
President Stumpf's home in San Francisco was the scene of several protests. How dare anyone protest in front of their homes.   It was too hot in the kitchen and they couldn't eat what they had dished out. The Wells Fargo executives did not take their own advice, "Don't take it personally." In the wake of financial greed, not only did people lose their homes, many lost their livelihoods, their health, their marriages and some died early deaths as they were told "Don't take it personally."
Foreclosure Fighter Larry Faulk Wrote on the Streets of San Francisco at MoAD January 21, 2013, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day & President Obama's Inauguration.
For the record those motivated by the minority reports called for divestiture from Wells Fargo Bank several years ago... San Francisco City Pensions Urged to Dump Wells Fargo
San Francisco City Pension Meeting /Pros & Cons Wells Fargo
(Scanning through you'll be able to observe the reality of the complaint that Wells Fargo Bank had its beneficiaries come early packing out the room so that many that were speaking against the bank were outside and could not get in the small room.  Some thoughtful comments by Ed Donaldson and Elliot Katz  are at minutes 38:43 and 51:20 subsequently.)
As some may remember and others can research to find out, it was the minority report that kept calling out the oppressive South African government during Apartheid that led to the emancipation of the country and resulted in the Mandela Presidency.  It was California that called forth the divesture of South Africa.  So as I write this commentary it is interesting that I am on a long journey from the historic California Black Chamber of Commerce Trade Mission to Durban, South Africa during the inaugural Essence Festival in Durban.
I can't say that I am speechless that I find that the San Francisco Chapter of the NAACP is heralding not Brenda Wright as an individual, but Brenda Wright as the Community Relations VP of Wells Fargo Bank.  If the individual is being honored, then why mention of Wells Fargo Bank?
Did not our minority report indicate there were deep procedural and moral problems at Wells Fargo Bank prior to John Stump being called down from his position as CEO. 
Recent Headlines:
Wells Fargo CEO Quits in Fallout of Fake Accounts
Wells Fargo to pay $1.2 Billion in U.S. Mortgage Fraud Settlement
Past Minority Reports:
Nonprofits Protect Wells Fargo
Questions on Mortgage Relief
Humanitarian Solution to Foreclosures
Jackie Wright Speaks with Assemblyman Tom Ammiano,,,Banks and Humanitarian Solution to Foreclosure.
Jackie Wright Speaks with Assemblyman Tom Ammiano...Banks and Humanitarian Solution to Foreclosure.
Protest at Wells Fargo Executive Brenda Wright's Home
With protests in San Francisco Wells Fargo Banks and on the streets of San Francisco, there is no wonder in why SF filmmaker Jacquie Taliaferro, who was a vocal critic of Wells Fargo, one of many Wells Fargo foreclosure fighters, has to continue his fight in the courts for redress since he was driven from his family home of fifty years. Wells Fargo Bank had an impact in more ways than one:
Honoring Wells Fargo at the Saturday, November 19th San Francisco NAACP Freedom Gala is in poor taste on so many levels.  It reminds me of the sinking feeling I got when the national office of the NAACP dropped its valid and well-founded suit against Wells Fargo Bank. 
The bank that benefited from the ill-gotten gains of slavery, the bank that set up schemes to rob minority communities during the foreclosure crisis, the bank that invests in privatized prison systems (new plantation system) and the bank that the U.S. Feds found guilty, is being honored at an NAACP event.
Wells Fargo & New Slavery:
If the organization were honoring the individual, Brenda Wright, for her works outside of her role at Wells Fargo, why was the Bank name included in the promotion?
If it were more than a figure of speech, Thurgood Marshall, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela and the dedicated ancestors that were apart of the NAACP struggle in San Francisco and elsewhere would "roll over in their graves" until there would be an earthquake sizable enough to bring down the Hilton at Saturday Night's Gala.
There was the minority voice in the SF NAACP that said this is not the right thing to do:
Archbishop Franzo King at Wells Fargo Bank Protest December 2012.
I stand in the minority with Archbishop Franzo King. 
From: Franzo King 
Date: November 9, 2016 at 2:34:15 AM PST
Are we really giving a civil rights advocate award to Wells Fargo Bank. Have we forgotten how Wells Fargo preyed on the black community with predatory loans robing generation of their Inheritance putting senior citizens on the streets. We heard not one word of advocacy fromMs Wright.  John Stump the CEO of Wells Fargo was forced to resign for the crooked policy Force on the employees who many have lost their jobs while Mr. Stump retired with a 140 billion dollars 
May I please ask what is the Justification for such unmerited award??? Was this approved
By the executive board?
Sent from my iPad
Moving forward, such moral lapses by the NAACP will result in the party being halted and the handwriting on the wall: "Mene, Mene Tekel, Upharsin" found in the Book of Daniel.  I'll spare you a google, it succinctly means: "you have been weighed and have been found wanting and your kingdom has been taken from you."
"Right is Right and Right Don't Wrong Nobody!"...My Momma Nora, Nora Henderson, grandmother of Sp5 Wyley Wright Jr., my first social justice heroes!

Commentary by
Jackie Wright
Bearing Witness
November 19, 2016
Inspired once again to not remain silent having just having visited the home of Mahatma Gandhi in Durban, South Africa during the historic California Black Chamber of Commerce Trade Mission during the Essence Festival Durban...and remembering his letter to Hitler that is on my desktop....
It's all a reminder that the NAACP needs your membership.  There will be no change without you getting involved to help right the course of society's ship.http://www.naacp.org/membership/.  
The NAACP near and far, Needs You! Help Balance their Scales! There are major issues like Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General. http://www.naacp.org/latest/naacp-statement-appointment-jeff-sessions-attorney-general/
"No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until 'justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.' - Martin Luther King, Jr. Washington, D. C., 1963
Time to Remember...
"Now is the Time To Make Real the Promises of Democracy...
Lest We Forget...Give Honor Where Honor is Due!
Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight, P.O. Box 884714, San Francisco, CA 94188

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