March 13, 2025

Community News

RESIST! By Standing Together: Congregation Emanu-El Call to Action
August 22, 2017

"Love is always more powerful than hate!"

Rabbi Beth

August 18, 2017


To Our San Francisco Community:


We are a community built on the core Jewish values of justice and peace, and in all that we do we seek to assert those values into our lives and into our world. The past week has seen the bombing of a mosque in Minnesota, images of white supremacy and nazism in the United States, and the tragic death of Heather Heyer and two police officers. Many have expressed feelings of shock, anger and sadness as well as a sense of determination that this is not the world we are working for, and we will not permit this to become our reality.


Hate groups are planning a gathering in San Francisco on Saturday, August 26th. Many social justice leaders are advising that we not engage in a counter protest. Hate groups want to provoke us, and, as we tragically saw in Charlottesville, the situation can quickly become unsafe.


In collaboration with our partners at the Jewish Community Relations Council, the San Francisco Interfaith Council, the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco and the San Francisco Federation & Endowment Fund, we are planning a response: not a reaction, not a confrontation, but a response of love, community and diversity. We invite all our members, along with the entire San Francisco Jewish and interfaith community, to join us for a very special interfaith peace and justice Shabbat service in the Emanu-El Main Sanctuary on Friday, August 25th*.  


We are taught in the Jewish story of Purim that when those who hated attempted to carry out their plan, nahafuchu hu -- the  very opposite thing happened. Help us create the opposite of hate:  a space of love, justice, diversity, community and resistance. Let’s be together, and remind ourselves of the truth of who we are as a city:  A place where all people from all walks of life come together to create a culture of openness, innovation, acceptance and goodwill. A city of justice and peace. San Francisco is a beacon of hope and a hate group cannot take that away from us. We are stronger, we are courageous, and we are unwavering in our commitment to our values.


We warmly invite all who wish to join us for this celebration of who we are:

    Friday, August 25th, Congregation Emanu-El, 2 Lake Street

        5:30-6:30  hors d'oeuvres & refreshments

        6:30-7:45  Interfaith Sabbath Service followed by dessert reception


The Torah portion for the week of August 25th includes the famous words: tzedek, tzedek tirdof!  Justice, justice you shall pursue!  Join us as continue to be seekers of justice, and builders of this beautiful city of love, here on the shores of our foggy bay.


Rabbis Jonathan Singer, Beth Singer, Sydney Mintz, Ryan Bauer, Carla Fenves & Jason Rodich

Cantors Marsha Attie and Arik Luck


* It is our responsibility to put safety first. Please expect enhanced security to enter our building. We encourage all not to bring bags to expedite the process.

** Please note: We had originally planned our annual welcome back barbecue for this Shabbat. The peace and justice interfaith service will be taking place instead, and we still encourage all of our members and friends to join us in building community.  

Rabbi Beth J Singer
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Senior Rabbi
Congregation Emanu-El
2 Lake Street
San Francisco, CA 94118

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