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"Let Us Together Unite For Colin Kaepernick".... All the More
September 23, 2017

Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises~~

The President of the United States of America began the week before the body of nations inflaming tensions with North Korea.  The President ended the week attacking NFL players' rights to peacefully protest and in a "tit for tat" move rescinded the invitation to The White House to Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors because of his hesitancy to accept the invitation.

Listen to our President speaking in Huntsville, Alabama Friday, September 22, 2017, in the state where Governor George Wallace stood and said "Segregation now...segregation tomorrow...segregation forever."

Listen to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the "Remaining Awake in a Great Revolution" speech, five days before he was shot to death, who called upon us to keep our eye on the prize and "live together as brothers or perish as fools."

Read what Anh Lê had to say twelve days before the current controversy.

Let Us Together Unite For Colin Kaepernick

By Anh Lê

Colin Kaepernick's courageous and noble stand to bring our nation's attention to the issue of unarmed African Americans being killed by police has led to the NFL's shameful action of blacklisting him.

The NFL glaringly displays not only its own racism against Kaepernick, but also against African American players in the NFL, and the African American community.

Black NFL players make up more than 70% of the players in the NFL.  Football draws mostly a White audience.  NFL profits amount to dozens of billions of dollars annually.

The players put themselves at risk of incurring grave concussions to fatten NFL profits.

Kaepernick's critics claiming that he is not good enough deny the fact that he led his 49'ers to a Superbowl and two NFL championships.  Kaepernick's quarterback rating is high.  Yet others with low quarterback ratings are being signed with lucrative contracts.

Muhammad Ali's title was stripped from him when he refused to be drafted and be sent to Viet Nam to kill Vietnamese.

Tommi Smith and John Carlos stood at the victory podium at the 1968 Olympics, arms and fists raised and heads bowed, to protest our nation's treatment of Blacks.

Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors calls on the NFL to let Kaepernick play.

The NFL, along with Commissioner Roger Goodell, must end their racist treatment of Colin Kaepernick.

Let's call on Black and other NFL players to boycott games to support Kaepernick.

Let us speak now: #FreeKaep

Let us stand together and united for Colin Kaepernick.

Copyright Anh Lê, September 10, 2017



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