Oakland- "Where Do We Go From Here?" The words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from five decades ago fuels the energy of The Sixteenth Annual Oakland International Film Festival. The festival in collaboration with Oakland's 39th Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Oratorical Contest recognized the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of Dr. King on April 4th as it engages filmmakers from around the world and screens sixty-five films affirming Oakland as a destination for the arts.
Films Today, April 5th Include:
Grand Lake Theater
For List of Screenings at Grand Lake Today
Click Here.
Today's films Include Jackie Wright & Jack LiVolsi's
Jack London Regal Theater
Evolutionary Blues West Oakland's Music Legacy by Cheryl Fabio
Life After Life by Tamara Perkins
Holy Names University
"I'm Somebody's Daughter Too, Will You Please Let Me Go."
"I Should Have Been Dead by 19."
"I've Exceeded Beyond Anything I Could Have Imagined. "
"We Can All Do Something...We Can Change the World."
screens at Oakland City Hall 4/6 & Warehouse 416 4/7 |
Mario Piazza was born in New York City in 1956, but he has lived in Rosario, Argentina, since he was ten months old. He was 21 when he finished his short Super 8 film "Sueño para un oficinista" (1978), screened at the concerts of the local rock band Irreal, that performed the film's soundtrack live. His documentaries "Papá gringo" (1983), "La Escuela de la Señorita Olga / Ms. Olga's School" (1991) and "Cachilo, el poeta de los muros / Cachilo, poet of the walls" (1999/2000) have had considerable circulation and recognition at film festivals and art events. "Madres con ruedas / Mothers on Wheels" (2006) was commercially released in the cities of Rosario and Buenos Aires, and was awarded and exhibited in several countries, including Brazil, Spain and China.
Note of Thanks from David Roach, Founder & Executive Director, Oakland International Film Festival:
"Special thanks to Akonadi Foundation, The City of Oakland, P Harrell Wines, R.B. A Create, MyronPoteir.com, Regal Theater, Holy Names University, Warehouse 416, SOA Arts, La Hitz Media, Genx , The Grand Lake Theater, Jack Wright Enterprises, Block Report Radio, KPFA radio, KPOO radio, Lungomare Restaurant, Jack London Square, The Civility Zone, MadeInTheBayArea.com and the many filmmakers who put everything into telling stories through the moving image."
Speaking of Dr. King whose "Where Do We Go From Here" Book is the inspiration for the Sixteenth Annual Oakland International Film Festival, Johnnie Burrell, multimedia expert and owner of
www.internationalmediatv.com shares a one on one with Martin Luther King III.
Poet, Prophetess, Muni Cable Car Driver, Not Afraid to Get Hands Dirty With the Earth From Whence We Came. Thanks for the Doodle Google! |
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