March 13, 2025

Community News

In Honor of Mario, Trayvon, Oscar, Michael, Philando...Yes on E Will Save Lives in SF, Vote June 5, 2018
June 4, 2018

News to Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight Courtesy of Carol McGruder, African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council

AATCLC In the News                                                  Contact: Carol McGruder
--Full Circle--

Hear Carol McGruder's
The past year has been a virtual roller coaster in our ten-year battle to remove mentholated and all flavored tobacco products from our communities.  In 2017, Malia Cohen and the City and County of San Francisco boldly passed historical legislation that restricted
AATCLC's Yerger, Gardiner, and McGruder...working hard to save the 45,000 Black lives lost each year to tobacco related diseases. 
the sale of these deadly products city-wide.
Tobacco Giant, RJ Reynolds promptly bankrolled (over 11 million and counting) a referendum to repeal this life saving legislation.  Tomorrow San Franciscans will decide at the polls.  Please listen to Harrison Chastang's  indepth interview with AATCLC 
Co-Chair Carol McGruder.     
KPOO's Harrison Chastang  
 We do this for Mario, Trayvon, Oscar, Michael, Philando...and all our boys who are still alive.  Don't ever forget that the biggest super- predator of Black and Brown men is Big Tobacco!  This is not about freedom of choice for adults, it is about addiction.   
Addiction = Slavery. 
San Francisco the country is watching... show them  "this is how we do it"!!
YES, YES, YES on Prop E 
Scroll Down To See the History of the Legislation

Unperturbed by the Tobacco Industry's Fight to Keep Their Turf, San Francisco Supervisor Malia Cohen  
Tells TV ONE's Roland Martin- Why Menthol and Flavored Tobacco Products Are a Menace To Society  
Supervisor Malia Cohen
San Francisco, July 17, 2017- Supervisor Malia Cohen explained  San Francisco's new law to ban the sale of menthol and other flavored tobacco products on TV One with host Roland Martin.  Her defense of the life-saving ordinance comes as R.J. Reynolds (Newports) is paying signature gatherers five dollars per signature in an effort to mount a referendum and obstruct implementation of the law.
NEWS ONE NOW:  San Francisco Bans Sale Of Flavored Tobacco Products Marketed Towards Blacks & Minorities  
WASHINGTON, D.C. - JULY 17, 2017 - Broadcasting live from Washington D.C., host and managing editor Roland Martin spoke with San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Malia Cohen about the city's decision to ban the sale of flavored tobacco products during a simulcast with the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Cohen introduced the ban, arguing that flavored tobacco products are disproportionately marketed towards blacks, youth and other minorities. The ban, which takes effect next year and includes menthol cigarettes and vape fluids.
                                (click image to see the interview)
  (click image to see the interview)
  "If you actually look at some of the commercials and you actually go into the liquor store or in a smoke shop, you will see how they are packaging these types of products specifically targeting young people. And when you look at the data, the data actually reveals that when people who are under 18 start smoking, they actually start with menthol and/or other flavored tobacco," said Cohen. "It is marketed towards our community and [the] ordinance really is about protecting our community and our health. The tobacco industry is not going to do it for us and so it's really about us stepping up and doing it for ourselves."
San Francisco Bans Sale Of Flavored Tobacco Products Marketed Towards Blacks & Minorities . 
(courtesy credit: TV One/News One Now)
The African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council applauds Roland Martin and TV One for interviewing Supervisor Cohen as the battle lines are drawn in the fight with Big Tobacco.
Two recent R.J. Reynolds actions to consider are: 
1) Their financial support of in an effort to repeal the new law. 
2) The height of Big Tobacco's audacity as R. J. Reynolds/BAT repackages and releases their deadly menthol product with its Newport Platinum:
  In Related News
AATCLC & SF-CAN's Dr. Valerie Yerger spoke with Tom Joyner's National Audience on "Wellness Wednesdays."  Prior to San Francisco Board of Supervisor's historic landmark legislation banning menthol and flavored Tobacco Sales...
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April 18th News Conference....Just the Beginning of Years of Research & Community Education...
April 18, 2017 Press Conference on Steps of San Francisco City Hall Announcing Landmark Ordinance.   Photo: Malaika Kambon 
Supervisor Malia Cohen, Carol McGruder, and Dr. Valerie Yerger
Stand Together To Save Lives
(April 18 Press Conference Announcing the Ban on Menthol 
& Flavored Tobacco Ordinance. Photo: Malaika Kambon) 
The African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council (AATCLC), is a collective of tobacco control experts dedicated to research, community collaboration and public engagement, is working to stop the 45, 000 preventable deaths of African Americans due to tobacco related diseases.
Available for on-going print, radio, television and Internet tobacco product related interviews:
Carol McGruder, AATCLC Co-Chair
Phillip Gardiner, DrPH, AATCLC Co-Chair
Valerie Yerger, ND, University California, San Francisco
Contact: Jackie Wright
For more information visit  
The AATCLC is a proud affiliate of  NAATPN, Inc.  
The URSA Institute, c/o The URSA Institute, 390 Fourth Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

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