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Mayor London Breed Vetoed SF Board of Supervisors Resolution on the California Bay Delta Plan Friday, November 2, 2018
November 2, 2018

News Courtesy the Office of San Francisco Mayor London Breed


Friday, November 2, 2018

Contact: Mayor’s Office of Communications, 415-554-6131





San Francisco, CA—Today, Mayor London N. Breed issued the following statement after she vetoed a resolution passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in support of the State Water Resources Control Board’s update of the Bay-Delta Plan.

“We all want the same outcome for the Bay-Delta—a healthy ecosystem that both supports fish and wildlife and provides reliable water delivery to San Francisco and the region. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is actively engaged in Governor Brown’s settlement discussions to achieve these goals. But while these negotiations continue, it is imperative that we not prematurely limit our options. Upon further review, I believe that the resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors could significantly impair San Francisco’s ability to protect our interests on the critical issue of water supply management. We must keep every alternative available, including legal options to protect the City’s interests in the event that the negotiations fail.

It is deeply irresponsible for San Francisco to take a position that would jeopardize our water supply, and new analysis by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission supports this conclusion. As cities plan for increasingly unpredictable rain patterns and longer droughts due to climate change, I cannot put at risk a basic critical resource that 2.7 million people in the Bay Area need to live every day. That is why I am vetoing the Board of Supervisors’ resolution to support the State Water Resource Control Board’s Proposed Updates to the 2006 Bay-Delta Plan, while continuing to support the SFPUC in the negotiation process.”

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