March 12, 2025

Community News

Election Day! Community Living Campaign Shares Resources
November 6, 2018

News Courtesy of Community Activist Deloris McGee

sticker that says I voted
Election Day and Beyond
Earn Your Red Badge of Democracy: VOTE
Looking for last minute guidance on initiatives? See and www.sdaction.orgForgot to update your voter registration? Same-day registration is possible if you go to City Hall. 
And the Day After... CLC invites you to our office, 1663 Mission Street Suite 525 on November 7 from 8:00 to 10:00 am to view the results, to celebrate or console, and talk about what's next. Bagels, beverages and more. RSVP to appreciated.   
CLC Highlights 
New Connector Network Launches in the Inner Sunset 
woman in front of large class exercising
Our award-winning Community Connector program builds networks of neighbors and friends who can be there for each other - plus have fun and get more active together.
We've launched a new Community Connector Network in the Inner Sunset, thanks to funding from former Supervisor and nowMayor London Breed. St. Anne's of the Sunset Catholic Church is providing space. 
The first session of Always Active program started mid-October and now is providing exercise program geared toward older adults on Mondays and Thursdays from 1:30 to 2:30 followed by refreshments and other activities over the coming months.   
Building Community Connections
Our Community Connector programs build networks of neighbors and friends by supporting volunteers in coordinating a range of local activities and outreach for seniors and people with disabilities. Spread the word with anyone you know who lives in the Cayuga, Merced Extension Triangle, Miraloma, or Inner Sunset neighborhoods. 
Cayuga Community Connectors
Cayuga neighbors celebrate the season as a part of Neighborfest  Upcoming: Chair Yoga, Holiday Crafts, Improving End of Life Options and so much more. See Cayuga's calendar for upcoming events at 2525 Alemany and other local sites. And check out this month's Boomer Talks flyer here. For more information, contact
Check out Miraloma Neighborhood graduates of the recent Preparedness, CPR, and First Aid classes. View Miraloma's calendar for the times of Always Active Exercise Classes, First Aid, Hearing Screening, and Fire Safety classes at Cornerstone Trinity Church Hall, 480 Teresita Blvd. For information, contact Darlene at
View Merced Extension's calendar for Always Active Senior Exercise Classes, coffee hour, and more. Neighbors gather twice a week at 201 Head Street. On November 15, MetCC is celebrating the first year as a neighborhood network
This program, and the one in Miraloma, were initially funded through Participatory Budgeting funds from Supervisor Yee's Office. For more info, email
St. Francis Square Community Living
two women smiling and preparing food
The longest running Connector network is at St. Francis Square Co-op, where earliest members join with newer residents in a special committee working to help aging members stay active and engaged. For more info on upcoming events, email Betty Traynor.
"Art With Elders" Work on Display at CLC Office 
woman with art work on the wall
CLC is proud to host a display of artists' work, as well as brief stories about the artists, at our 1663 Mission office. Learn more about Art for Elders which shares and supports the creative talents of the city's older adult artists. 
Contact Darcie O'Brien (pictured right) at if you would like to showcase some of their wonderful art in your office. 
New Senior Beat Story Features Key City Hall Volunteers 
woman in a tye dyed dress with a thumbs up
This month, the featured article on Senior Beat is about seniors who volunteer in the offices of members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. "It's good to be around people and around the supervisor. I'm honored to be in his office. This is the happiest I've ever been in my life." says volunteer Nancy Young (pictured right). Visit to learn more. Do you have a story idea? Contact Beat Reporters at
2018 Breast Cancer Support Luncheon 
group of women at breast cancer support group
On October 11, the Breast Cancer Group of the Lutheran Church of Our Savior, and the Bayview Imani Breast Cancer Support Group held their annual celebration luncheon.
It was a day to greet old friends, enjoy good food, celebrate, and listen to inspirational speeches from Pastor Evered Cohen of the Lutheran Church and the Rev. Dr. Carolyn Ransom-Scott.
CLC Staff and Board "Haunt" 1663 Mission Office 
dinosaur in office with staff in costumes
In celebration of Halloween and friendship, CLC staff and board members gathered for a fun party in an office transformed with an unbelievable amount of decorations for the season. See pictures here
Move Into Action 
Immigrants Face Another Potential Attack 
poster of family with label about how Public Charge would impact them
Advocates are gearing up to push back, on the proposed "public charge" rule from the Trump Administration that would put immigration status at risk if an immigrant or their family -- including U.S. citizen children and other dependents -- seeks access to an array of programs that support health, nutrition, and economic stability. 
Justice in Aging has updated factsheets, info to help craft comments on the proposed rule and a webinar for advocates on November 14 from 10:00 to 11:00. Come view the webinar in our office and take time to understand the harm this rule would pose to older adults, their families, and caregivers. 
Dignity Fund Coalition Update
Dignity Fund Coalion Logo
Together with the Dignity Fund Coalition, we're working to be sure that the new dollars in the Dignity Fund roll out as fast and effectively as possible.
The Oversight and Advisory Group and Service Providers Workgroup updates and minutes can be found on the City's Dignity Fund website. 
The Dignity Fund Provider Group has agreed to hold an additional meeting on Friday, November 30 from 3:00 to 5:00, Born Auditorium, 170 Otis Street. 
The Dignity Fund Coalition's next meeting is set for
November 28, 1:00 to 3:00 (please note later date and earlier time) at ILRC SF, 825 Howard Street. You can keep up-to-date by signing up for emails from the Dignity Fund Coalition website
And the DFC is planning to offer a live stream conversation with Mayor London Breed in the near future, so watch next month's newsletter for more details.
Upcoming CLC Events & Activities 
CLC Computer Lab - Something for Everyone 
Interested in preserving pictures and documents? 
cartoon image of happy people at computers
Bring your photos, postcards, letters and other keepsakes and we can help you save digital copies that you can share, store, and more.
Are you an Apple computer, iPad, or iPhone user? Come to our special Meetup group on Thursdays from Noon to 2:00with the very helpful Rob McBride.
Looking for work? Get help uploading job applications and filling in on-line applications. 
Want to learn about the Digital Passport to Learning program?
Download a full schedule here or just search our online calendar. Email if you have question.
We are also seeking volunteers to help keep the lab open for additional hours and days. If interested, please contact
Resources to Stay Connected in SF 
HIV and Aging Study for SF Shows Gaps 
graphic of mental health impact of HIV on those aging
A recently released study describes the breadth of health problems in San Francisco's older adults with HIV and how they are, or are not, being addressed. The survey questioned 197 people, all age 50 or older and HIV-positive. See the study findings here or read a recent article in the SF Chronicle. To learn more for yourself or for others, contact Jesus Guillen with the HIV Long Term Survivers Group ( or visit their Facebook page. You can also connect with the 50+ Network through Vince Crosotomo at the AIDS Foundation's at

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