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San Francisco Foundation Grants $20,000 to San Francisco Bayview Newspaper
June 16, 2019

Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight~~~

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Happy Juneteenth! SF Foundation invited the Bay View to apply, and we got a grant!


Bay View Archive Project For years, we were told that the Bay View is too radical, too “edgy” to get a grant. Now the mighty San Francisco Foundation has kicked that obstacle out of the way, inviting us last year and again this year to apply. Last year a technical problem got in the way, but this time the grant – for $20,000 to the Bay View Archive Project – is signed, sealed and delivered.


Our current website goes back only 10 years, and with the funds we’ll post as many of the previous 10 years’ stories as we can. That was the period when our site used to get more than 2 million hits a month, so you know those are some fascinating stories! Our ultimate archiving goal is to post all the historic stories the Bay View has published. And now that the grant barrier is breached, we welcome suggestions of others we can apply for.


On this Father’s Day, wish Dr. Ratcliff a quick and complete recovery!What’s now being called global heating hit San Francisco last week with a record-breaking heat wave: Saturday through Wednesday, the temperatures were 80.6, 91.4, 98.6, 98.6 and 84.2. I didn’t know that water is not enough. He had no food in his system after a bout with food poisoning, so he had no salt to absorb the water, and he came way too close to leaving us, but the VA brought him back, and he’s safely back home resting now. A note of encouragement by email ( or on Facebook (Willie Ratcliff) or a call (415-671-0789) would help bring him all the way back.


This scare is a stark reminder that I’ll be needing to spend more and more time with my beloved husband, yet I can’t bear to let the Bay View die … can you? The need for a real, paid staff is more urgent than ever. As always, we encourage you to advertise, subscribe and donate – a little or a lot, whatever you can spare.


Equally as vital is finding a complete solution, a source of financial support that can fund a staff or four or five for two years; by that time, we should be able to make the paper SUSTAINABLE! Please help us contact potential benefactors.


Criminalizing solidarity The Bay View is still being banned by prisons here and there, though our subscribers give their captors such a hard time that the banning has slowed. But in yesterday’s mail came a “publication denial” of the May paper from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. Why is the Bay View banned? Quoting: “Reason for denial: Page 17 contains information that advocates protests and calls for a day of solidarity.” The story on page 17 is by Comrade Malik in Texas calling for everyone to celebrate Juneteenth! Is Pennsylvania trying to criminalize Juneteenth?


Bookkeeping help? You’re tired of my repeated requests, but the need is very real. If you’re skilled with QuickBooks Online and have some time to help enter data or know someone who does, please tell me, at


Indulge in some recent stories and discover new ones every day at ...


All phone calls free from SF County Jail Mayor London N. Breed and Sheriff Vicki Hennessy today announced that San Francisco will become the first county in the nation to make all phone calls from jail free and end all county markups on jail store items.


The Haitian art documentary ‘Out of Chaos’ screens Sunday at SF Black Film Fest As I was preparing my sculptures for the opening of the biennale, I documented life in the ghetto for myself, and then expanded on it by interviewing multiple Haitian artists – those notable and prosperous, those successful but still poor – in my mission to fathom what sustains them despite the daily hardships of life in Port au Prince.


Comrade Malik invites Black activists and Freedom Fighters from under every banner: On Aug. 18, make your way to Terre Haute, Indiana! Clear your calendar for the third Sunday in August 2019 and make your way to Terre Haute, Indiana. Kwame “Beans” Shakur is a revolutionary scholar and activist who is organizing the First Annual REBUILD: New Afrikan People’s Assembly Conference at the Booker T. Washington Community Center on Aug. 18, 2019, in beautiful Terre Haute, Indiana.


From captured colonial to New Afrikan Freedom Fighter Kwame Shakur: “From a very young age, I was taught by my father who my grandfather was and what he did for our people. He made sure I knew the history of our local and national leaders.”


SF Black Film Fest’s headliner ‘Robeson Effect’ features Danny Glover, who’ll be in attendance Two legendary thespians from Hunters Point and Fillmore, Ben Guillory and Danny Glover, are coming home with a film about their lives in theater. This is our story, and it is better to get history from the mouths of the people who made it.


Wanda’s Picks for June 2019 Happy birthday to the June Geminis and Cancers. Happy Solstice and safe travels to all those returning to the Motherland this 400 Year Anniversary Celebration and Remembrance.


‘More Black Than Blue,’ the first report of the 2019 ‘Black Census,’ reveals winning path for 2020 presidential hopefuls “For far too long, Black voters in this country have been marginalized, misrepresented and taken for granted in electoral politics."


Dr. Belay Reddick launches #PardonMEAmerica Dr. Belay Reddick has coined the hashtag and movement #PardonMEAmerica to seek commutations from President Donald Trump for him and his five friends who are lost in the maze of excessive, inappropriate sentences that have destroyed their lives without providing them second chances.


Bring our courageous elders home, now! Thousands of people are losing their lives and livelihoods around our planet – from Mozambique to Missouri – due to intense storms, record wind speeds and massive flooding in areas that should not have been developed and other catastrophes caused by the corporate-for-profit-accelerated climate chaos.


UN Rapporteur on torture says Assange could die in prison UN Rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer visited Assange and warned that he could very well die in prison and said that he should not be extradited to the U.S., where he could not get a fair trial and where his fragile condition would further deteriorate. “This is persecution, not prosecution,” he said.


‘Belonging in the USA: The Story of Michael D. McCarty’ This is the story of a Black man who fought on the side of the people, right alongside one of the most legendary leaders to organize and make Panther rhetoric practical, and Michael lived to be able to talk about it.


White supremacy is the white man’s affirmative action As if white people didn’t have enough privileges – for instance, never having to justify that you belong, like getting lost in an upscale neighborhood and not having the cops called on you and never experiencing being profiled by the cops for driving a certain kind of a car they think is out of your price range.


‘Lalo’s House,’ where foreigners exploit Haitian children “In Haiti, more than 750 privately run and unregulated institutions host an estimated 30,000 children, of which 80 percent are not orphans. In these unregulated conditions, children can be more susceptible to trafficking and other forms of physical and sexual abuse.”




If you want folks to know about your business or service or event, Advertise in the Bay View, online or in print. Call 415-671-0789 any time. We’ll make it affordable!


Support SF BayView with a donation to the Prisoners Subscription Fund. Prisoners say, “The Bay View keeps me alive,” and hundreds are waiting to be placed on the Bay View mailing list.


Check the Bay View Calendar of Events daily. You’re sure to find an event that beckons you to get involved – and many are free!


Find a friend among the Bay View Pen Pals, who write, “I would love to hear my name at mail call.”


Looking for a job, a contract, affordable housing or a scholarship or other opportunity? Check the BayView Classifieds today.


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Mary Ratcliff

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