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Support San Francisco BayView Newspaper's "Black August" Edition
August 1, 2019

San Francisco BayView Newpaper News Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight~~~

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The Bay View MUST publish a paper for Black August

Today is the first day of August, Black August. Every year, the most popular Bay View is the Black August paper. What and why is Black August?

"The month of August," Angela Davis-founded Critical Resistance writes, "bursts at the seams with histories of Black resistance – from the Haitian Revolution to the Nat Turner Rebellion, from the Fugitive Slave Law Convention and the foundation of the Underground Railroad to the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, from the March on Washington to the Watts Uprising, from the births of Marcus GarveyRussell Maroon Shoatz and Fred Hampton to the deaths of W.E.B du Bois and George Jackson's own younger brother Jonathan killed while attempting to free the Soledad Brothers from prison. We celebrate Black August, commemorating the anniversary of George Jackson's death while understanding his life as a revolutionary in a long and unbroken line of resistance and sacrifice of Black people throughout history."

For Black people struggling to survive the hell of prison and poverty, the heroism signified by Black August is empowering and inspiring. Outstanding stories are waiting to be published. The people are waiting for their paper. A prisoner writes, "Please continue to make not just Black but world history with your newspaper."

Those are our marching orders. We must print a Black August paper … but how do we do that when we haven't yet raised the $7,000 it takes to print, distribute and mail it? Until the past year or so, advertising paid those productions costs, but no longer. Our July paper is out but was three weeks late – same reason. Some major donations from our dear friend Professor Willie Thompson and others saved the day with a little left over for August, but not enough.

Are you a good fundraiser? Would you be willing to organize an event or a social media campaign? The Bay View is in dire need of your expertise. Please call 415-671-0789 or write

Meanwhile, to enable us to publish a Black August paper, can you make a donation or place an ad today? Can you make a sacrifice for a prisoner or someone living on the street who is about to take her own life or lose his sanity and needs a Bay View to remind them of their pricelessness?

Please go to our GoFundMe page, "Keep the BayView newspaper in print," or make a donation on our website at or simply drop a check or money order in the mail to SF Bay View, 4917 Third St., San Francisco 94124. And spread the word of our dire need; often we hear, "If only I'd known."

Our archiving project, funded by the San Francisco Foundation to post the thousands of stories we lost more than a decade ago when our fine old website was hacked, is getting underway and has allowed us to make some improvements to the new website. I can't bear to take down the current story at the top of the homepage until you've seen how dramatic it looks, so please check it out right now: It's Paradise's "Blow the whistle! How the wheels fell off the Warriors' dynasty." People ask why we can't use the archiving money to publish the paper, but it's strictly for archiving.

Thanks largely to your flood of wellwishes, Willie's (Dr. Ratcliff's) health is returning. His slow recovery speeds up whenever he gets a call or a visit. Even prisoners have called to cheer him up. We thank you all and couldn't have gotten through this without you.

Remember, check out the Bay View homepage TODAY:

Indulge in some recent stories and discover new ones every day at ...

Blow the whistle! How the wheels fell off the Warriors' dynasty Oakland is going to miss those million fan parties and victory parades when you crowned the whole town with championship trophies and jubilation! But hey, you gave us a great run while it lasted!

Jumped into the toxic land! If the committee of four UC researches have had very limited, if any, freedom to design their "independent review," how can they be sure that what they have been instructed to do can address the very complicated issues of the Shipyard and is good for the community?

(Dis)location: Black Exodus – Let's talk about how it happened and what to do about it Celebrate the publication of (Dis)Location: Black Exodus, activated by the unprecedented out-migration of Black San Franciscans from their historic neighborhoods. Bayview Opera House, 4705 Third St., San Francisco, on Saturday, Aug. 3, 5-7 p.m.

Hunger strike declared at North Carolina's Scotland Prison for July 31 A hunger strike is due to start at Scotland Correctional Institution in Laurinburg, N.C., on July 31, 2019. Grievances filed and notaries requested are being ignored, and recreation is "canceled."

'Imagine': AileyCamp 2019 On Aug. 1, 7 p.m., on the Zellerbach stage, when the lights are low and the AileyCampers' performances lift the audience into the imaginal realm, we witness where magic is born.

Release my dad, Kevin Epps, on bail We need your help as a community to seek justice. Not only justice for my dad, but for the community and to beat this unjust system. Pack the courtroom for Kevin's bail hearing Wednesday, July 31, 9 a.m., in Dept. 11, 850 Bryant.

'Election Meddling Command Posts' from CNN to Yahoo News and the DNC Assange put corporate states and their armies on notice that they can no longer operate in secret. And the US, with the help of its state-corporate press, put him on notice that they're coming to get him and that anyone else publishing classified docs could be next.

Spotlight: Kevin Cooper's case exemplifies decades of systemic failures Not everyone caught in the criminal legal system prompts backsliding on reform, and not everyone is hit with high-profile murder charges. Not everyone is framed. And very few have Kim Kardashian fighting for them.

Kids, adversity and sleep problems: What you can do All kids need a good night's sleep. Research shows this is essential for neurotransmitters, the chemicals that allow brain cells to communicate.

Frivolous complaints against homeless could backfire In April of 2018, the City of Oakland launched "OAK 311" – an app and web service that was built to make it easy for residents to "report problems and request infrastructure maintenance." Unsurprisingly, it has become a public forum where users dehumanize homeless people.

Heat-related conditions at the Allred Unit are cruel, unusual and a purveyance of unwritten policies "Heat illness is a very serious matter in Texas prisons. I am a living witness to these conditions and many other unjust and cruel things that occur daily in Texas state prisons."

Reparations now! Pass HR 40! Broaden this opening to envision the reparations we need to fully repair and heal African nations and people and increase the participation of our people in making our desperately needed reparations a reality – now!

It's not 'try to get justice' no more; we WILL get justice When my feet first touched down in the streets of Ferguson, I felt connected suddenly, because I felt the pain of the people out there. I felt what was going on with them, and I did not want to leave.

Human rights team finds US-backed Haitian government culpable in Lasalin massacre On April 1, 2019, our team went to Lasalin and interviewed survivors and eye-witnesses of the November massacre. The report demonstrates that the Lasalin massacre was in fact an attack facilitated by government officials and directly conducted by Haitian National Police officers working closely with paramilitary elements.

The Tuzuri Watu mural at Third and Palou is being restored Painted in 1987, the lavish mural that adorns the building on the northeast corner of Third and Palou, Bayview Hunters Point's main intersection, is named "Tuzuri Watu," which means "We are beautiful people" in Swahili, and it features a who's who of celebrated African American figures.


If you want folks to know about your business or service or event, Advertise in the Bay View, online or in print. Call 415-671-0789 any time. We'll make it affordable!

Support SF BayView with a donation to the Prisoners Subscription Fund. Prisoners say, "The Bay View keeps me alive," and hundreds are waiting to be placed on the Bay View mailing list.

Check the Bay View Calendar of Events daily. You're sure to find an event that beckons you to get involved – and many are free!

Find a friend among the Bay View Pen Pals, who write, "I would love to hear my name at mail call."

Looking for a job, a contract, affordable housing or a scholarship or other opportunity? Check the BayView Classifieds today.

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Mary Ratcliff

SF Bay View
(415) 671-0789

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