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Community News

May 28, 2020

Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight~~~

Letter-Writing Campaign Template


Thank you for taking the time to help bring my brothers home.  The outpouring of support has been inspiring.  We cannot thank you enough.

As you know, both Neko and Lance have underlying health conditions putting them in the “high risk” category by the CDC. Lance has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and has not been seen by a doctor in prison. The conditions in both Terminal Island Prison and Navajo County Jail are despicable and unsanitary.  In Navajo county, new people are admitted into the jail daily.  The jail is so overcrowded that people are sleeping on the floor.

 Your advocacy is invaluable to helping Neko and Lance come home where they belong. Your email, letter or phone call shows law enforcement, the judges and the prosecutors that people are not just going to stand by and watch a catastrophe like this happen.  Not on your watch.  Neko and Lance have made mistakes in their lives.  But their mistakes should not become a death sentence.

Please use 4 templates below to send 4 separate emails to the various decision-makers for Neko and Lance. You can also call the numbers listed and voice your concern for Neko and Lance. Your email and call will bring awareness to the seriousness of the situation—thank you.


Jacq Wilson,                                                                                    Jacque Wilson,                                                                                  

Injury/Victim Attorney                                                                Deputy Public Defender

Allan M. Schuman & Assoc.                                                         San Francisco Public Defender’s Office

Lance Wilson 

Warden of Terminal Island, Felicia Ponce

PHONE: (310) 831-8961

EMAIL SUBJECT: Request to release Lance Wilson Immediately




Dear Felicia Ponce,

 I am writing to ask that you release Lance Wilson on Compassionate Release.

Lance has serious health conditions that put him at “high risk” according to the CDC. He is a non-violent drug-offender and had minimal participation in the crime.

The living conditions at Terminal Island make it impossible for social distancing, there is limited sanitation, and no distribution of clean personal protective equipment.

Lance Wilson tested positive for COVID-19 in the first week of May. With the conditions in the prison, Lance could die. A drug charge should not be a death sentence.

I ask that you release Lance Wilson under Compassionate Release so he can get the medical treatment he needs to survive.



 Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Michael Carvajal

BUREAU PHONE:  (202) 307-3198

EMAIL SUBJECT: Request to release Lance Wilson Immediately




Dear Michael Carvajal,

I am writing to ask that you release Lance Wilson on Compassionate Release.

Lance has serious health conditions that put him at “high risk” according to the CDC. He is a non-violent drug-offender and had minimal participation in the crime.

The living conditions at Terminal Island make it impossible for social distancing, there is limited sanitation, and no distribution of clean personal protective equipment.

Lance Wilson tested positive for COVID-19 in the first week of May. With the conditions in the prison, Lance could die. A drug charge should not be a death sentence.

I ask that you release Lance Wilson under Compassionate Release so he can get the medical treatment he needs to survive.



Neko Wilson

Navajo County Assistant District Attorney, Joel Ruechal

OFFICE PHONE:  (928) 524-4026

EMAIL SUBJECT: Request to release Neko Wilson Immediately



Dear Assistant District Attorney Joel Ruechal,

I am writing to ask that you dismiss Neko’s case or not oppose bail in his case.

Neko Wilson is currently being held without bail, on an 18 year-old marijuana charge. Neko has asthma and is “high risk” according to the CDC.

Neko Wilson is in a 4x12 cell with another person, making it impossible to social distance. There are no masks, gloves, or hand sanitizer. New inmates arrive hourly.

With his health conditions, if Neko contracts COVID, he has a high risk of death or serious illness.  A drug charge should not be a death sentence.

I ask that you set bail in Neko Wilson’s case so he can survive to make it to trial.



Navajo County Superior Court Judge, Robert Higgins

OFFICE PHONE:  (928) 524-4217

 EMAIL SUBJECT: Request to release set Neko Wilson’s bail



Dear Judge Robert Higgins, 

I am writing to ask that you release Neko Wilson or set bail in his case.

 Neko Wilson is currently being held without bail on an 18 year-old marijuana charge. Neko has asthma and is “high risk” according to the CDC.

Neko Wilson is in a 4x12 cell with another person, making it impossible to social distance. There are no masks, gloves, or hand sanitizer. New inmates arrive hourly.

With his health conditions, if Neko contracts COVID, he has a high risk of death or serious illness.  A drug charge should not be a death sentence.

I ask that you set bail in Neko Wilson’s case so he can survive to make it to trial.



Background Information


May 20, 2020

Dear family, friends, and team:
I apologize in advance for not being in touch with most people the past few weeks, but Jacque and I, as well as many of you, have been busy trying to free our younger brothers from jail before their non-violent drug offenses turn into death sentences from COVID-19.
Many of you have been writing, emailing, and calling judges, correctional facilities, and politicians for us.  It all helps and matters.  For those of you who still want to do more, here are four templates you can use. It makes your big act of kindness and advocacy super easy.
Please read more about Lance and Neko's stories below:
One of our brother’s, Lance Wilson, is incarcerated at FCI Terminal Island in Los Angeles, which is experiencing the
worst COVID outbreak in the federal system (40 inmates have already died). Last
week, Lance tested positive for the virus. We applied for a compassionate release for Lance because of his asthma and hypertension, which make him uniquely vulnerable to the virus. Lance is 35 and was convicted of a nonviolent drug offense. He’s now in a small cell with 12 other people where social distancing is impossible, and has severely restricted phone access.

Neko our other brother is in jail in Arizona on a seventeen year old marijuana case where the government made a mistake and they are trying to punish him for the California case (Background: in 2009 Neko was accused of planning to rob a couple at a marijuana grow house in the Central Valley.

After being released from jail in Fresno in October 2018 his seventeen year old Arizona marijuana case resurfaced. When Neko was released from Fresno the warrant which should have been in the system was not in the system. Jacque brought a due process motion to have his seventeen year old marijuana case dismissed because Arizona

failed to follow the law. Had the warrant been in place when he was released from Fresno he could have attempted to resolve his California and Arizona cases together. The issue is currently before the Arizona Supreme Court. Neko also suffers from asthma and is currently locked up in a jail cell with 15 double bunk beds and 1 shared bathroom without his inhaler.
A nurse recently told him the only way he’s leaving is in a body bag. 

Neko’s case is well known because it helped to reform California’s felony murder rule. Jacque was his own brother’s lead defense attorney for the case and lobbied in Sacramento to pass the law that dismissed his murder charge.. It was written about in the New York Times “If he didn’t kill anyone, Why is it murder?” and The Intercept: “Landmark California Law Curtails Prosecutors from Pursuing Murder Charges Against People Who Didn’t Commit Murder.  

Thank you for being the difference that makes the difference.  We couldn't do what we do without each of you.
Your friend/advocate,
Jacq M. Wilson, Injury/Victim  Attorney
1388 Sutter Street, 7th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 563-2111 - phone
(415) 673-0900 - fax

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