March 10, 2025

Community News

Sister Cities International Events Celebrating Women in Africa and US
March 2, 2021

This information shared with W.E. by George G. Saxton  Executive Director San Francisco - Ho Chi Minh City Sister City Committee and Board Member, Northern California Sister Cities International.Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises San Francisco~Dallas Community Spotlight~~~

Sister Cities International Events Celebrating Women in Africa and US
Please click here to read and register:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."  Margaret Mead


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JOIN US NOW FOR 2020 - Here are a Few Events!
1.  Monthly Vietnam Meetup Virtual
Trade and Customs  Procedures and Laws
March 31, 2021
6:00 - 7:00 PM 
Via Zoom 
Links to be provided when you RSVP
2. 26th Anniversary Celebration
San Francisco - Ho Chi Minh City Sister City Committee
Venue and Time - TBD
3. Monthly Meetup
April 28, 2021
Venue, Time and Topic - TBD
4. Asian Pacific American Heritage Event
Celebrating Multiculturalism
Date, Venue, Time and Topic - TBD
5. Annual Awards Celebration
San Francisco - Ho Chi Minh City Sister City Committee
May 27, 2021
Marines' Memorial Club
More Details to Follow
6. Become A Sister City Committee Member for 2021
George G. Saxton 
Executive Director
San Francisco - Ho Chi Minh City Sister City Committee
Board Member, Northern California Sister Cities International
(415) 447-6075 or (415) 240 - 1551 
Website: (Click Here To Visit Our Web Site)
The Committee is a non-political educational people to people program. It is organized under the laws of the state of California, and is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation by the Internal Revenue Service. FEIN: 94-3198119. 
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