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Family Strife Emerges in the Wake of Hollywood Director John Singleton's Sudden Death Almost Four Years Ago
January 13, 2023

Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises Community Spotlight~~~

2021 Summa Cum Laude Xavier University of Louisiana Graduate Cleopatra Singleton at 2017 high school graduation with proud Father talented Director John Singleton, now faces off with his Mother, Shelia Ward, in probate court over the directors assets.


The estate of John Singleton examined Friday, January 13, 2023 in probate court in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Los Angeles, CA-Much has been written about the “mistake” Hollywood Director John Singleton made with his estate planning or lack thereof. Seven children among six “Baby Mommas” set the stage for an epic David vs. Goliath probate proceeding in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Friday, January 13, 2023.

What Mistake Did Hollywood Director John Singleton Make with His Estate? (Krause Estate Planning)
The John Singleton Estate Teaches Why No One Should Procrastinate Updating their Will
(Forbes Magazine)

Nearly four years after the death of the famed and talented director, the corners are drawn with "Goliath," his mother, 73-year-old, Shelia Ward, his longtime manager who handled the financials for most of this career and "David, "his fourth child, 2021 Summa Cum Laude Rousseve Scholar honors graduate in Political Science from Xavier University of New Orleans, daughter Cleopatra Singleton, age 23, with number two of the mothers of his children, Vestria Barlow, age 54, standing their ground in opposition over the financial affairs of John Singleton.

According to court documents and family members, soon after Singleton’s untimely and sudden death, Ward swiftly swooped in declaring herself as executor of Singleton’s estate and began secretly changing his business “New Deal Productions” and his “Dakar Foundation” into her name.
A successful real estate broker, 72-year-old, Danny Singleton, John’s father, and the estranged former fiancé of Ward, has gone on record to say that he is concerned that Ward is stealing from his grandchildren. Singleton stated he was deployed to Vietnam by the U.S. Army three days before his son John was born January 6, 1968, having placed an engagement ring on Shelia Ward’s finger. The year of absence during his service to his country in Vietnam led to Singleton’s ultimate heartbreak. He stated Ward “was unfaithful and sent me a “Dear John letter” while I was at war for our country.” “I sent her my entire paycheck every month, but she was too busy running around and was misled by her jealous girlfriends.”

“Over the years she (Ward) dropped John at my doorstep not willing or able to take care of him. He became my shadow when I kept him and took good care of him for years, until she found out how to use him for a welfare check. “Shelia always had money as her god.” Singleton entreated his son not to go to live with Ward, but “he said he wanted to protect his mother. She preyed on his emotion saying she needed him,” Singleton added.

According to Singleton, he's not surprised that Ward has devalued her son’s estate and put herself in charge given her behavior over the years he said. “All you have to do is get a copy of his income taxes and see the income he had. I estimate his estate is valued at about 100 million dollars when you factor in the films and the music.” Many websites are reporting the younger Singleton's net worth at $35 million.

Press reports indicate Ms. Ward has valued the director’s estate to be $3.8 million in documents submitted to the courts.

The elder Singleton shared the fact that years after he showed Ms. Ward how to set up New Deal Productions as a corporation, his son John found out that it was actually his father’s handiwork and not his mother’s as he had thought. The business acumen Singleton learned as the youngest manager of a drug store chain responsible for several locations, experience as a life insurance agent and real estate agent was foundational for business advice he gave his son that fell on deaf ears due to his mother’s influence. “Early on in the nineties, John was flying to Africa and other places in the world, concerned about his safety and future, I set up for him to get a $15 million dollar life insurance, but his mother told him not to sign up for it.” Singleton spoke about other examples of John’s mother, a pharmaceutical sales representative's lack of business experience that he said was coupled with her deference to and fear of the film industry executives that she did not stand up to on behalf of their son.

Noting Friday’s court case Singleton said, “I am glad Cleo is standing up to her. I believe she is the only one (of his seven grandchildren) who is strong enough to take her on.” Shelia should not be the executor. New Deal Productions belongs to my son’s children, not her.”

In a recent correspondence to Ward, Robin Denise Chow and Stephen Barnes, Ward’s lawyers and her six siblings, Cleopatra Singleton voiced sentiment similar to her grandfather: “ ‘Keeping things afloat’ was one of the reasons we were essentially begged to grant Shelia the executorship…Shelia had the tools to make a return on the promise made at (attorney) Stephen Barnes' office years ago but this money has disappeared and most of the siblings have seen nothing of it…" Cleopatra, also referenced that two of her minor siblings were homeless as a result of Ward’s actions.

As indicated in the document, it is expected that Cleopatra will express her concern that Shelia Ward is not fit and should be removed as executor of the estate criticizing Ward's use of Quickbooks to try to manage Singleton's estate.

After several calls and emails with questions about the John Singleton probate case 19STPB04156, neither Ms. Shelia Ward nor her attorney on record, Robin Chow responded to requests for an interview. Questions were provided in advance via email.

The children of John Singleton for whom Cleopatra Singleton is advocating and seeking redress are: herself and her brother Maasai Mohandas Singleton; Selnesol Singleton; Isis Adonis Syxx Singleton; and Seven John Singleton. As indicated in Ms. Singleton’s email, Justice Singleton; Hadar Busia-Singleton are aligned with Shelia Ward who has given them access to their father’s pension funds, averting California law that instructs that all offspring are eligible for an equal share of assets.

The mothers of John Singleton’s seven children are Tosha Lewis, mother of Justice Singleton, age 30; Vestria Barlow, mother of Maasai Mohandas Singleton, age 28 and Cleopatra Singleton, age 23; Akusia Busia, mother of Hadar Busia-Singleton, age 25; Massiel Bueno, mother of Selenesol Massiel Singleton, age 23; Mitzi Andrew, mother of Isis Adonis Syxx Singleton, age 13; and Rayvon Jones, mother of Seven John Singleton, age 4. The minor children’s names have been released in previous reports.

Cleopatra is fueled in part by memories of her father’s love for her and her brother, but also the artistic legacy that expressed his love for her mother in the iconic film “Baby Boy,” in which she has a credit as “Lil’ Nut” and appears in several scenes including with Taraji P. Henson as posted on Instagram:

The film, also starring Tyrese Gibson; Omar Gooding; Snoop Dogg; Adrienne-Joi Johnson and Ving Rhames, is a coming-of-age film said to depict aspects of the romance between Singleton (played by Tyrese Gibson) and Vestria Barlow (played by Henson). The video version of the film has a cameo appearance of Cleopatra’s brother Maasai Mohandas Singleton.

In upcoming Singleton court proceedings, will the David of the case come forth the victor using Goliath's own sword to cut off the giant's head metaphorically speaking? Most consider the biblical story with the emphasis on the "five smooth stones" and “the slingshot,” but few consider the factual account that David assured his victory by taking Goliath's own sword and decapitating him.

The court proceedings are open to the public. They can only be seen virtually by the parties involved in the case, but not the general public according to court staff. The probate court proceedings will be held Friday, January 13, 2023 at Los Angeles Superior Court, Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Probate Department 2D with Judge Gus T. May presiding at 8:30 a.m.


Related Articles to Assist Families with Information about Inheritance/Generational Wealth:

Three Bible Verses That Help You Leave a Legacy

Generational Fulfillment; What is Generational Wealth

30 Minutes to Success Inspirational Tuesday Talk by Jackie Wright,
January 10, 2023
The Importance of Inheritance-What the Bible Says

January 14, 2023 Update:
Continuing a pattern of no shows at the probate hearings in case number: 19STPB04156 of decedent John Singleton, Shelia Ward, Singleton’s mother and longtime manager was once again absent from the January 13th proceedings in Los Angeles Superior Court, Probate Division presided by Judge Gus T. May. The attorney on record for Ms. Ward attended late (virtually) and without the financial accounting that the court was expecting. Giving an excuse that Ms. Ward did not provide her the paperwork as promised, attorney Robin Chow said Judge May can expect a financial report on Tuesday, January 17, 2023.

Noting that it has been nearly four years since the death of John Singleton and that only two of the children of Singleton had received his pension funds that was not divided equally among all seven children as California Law dictates, Vestria Barlow, mother of two of Singleton’s children, told Judge May that Ms. Ward is guilty of malfeasance. Barlow wants a full forensic accounting, along with her daughter Cleopatra Singleton, who is advocating for several of her siblings including two minors that Ms. Singleton says have been homeless due to delay of the distribution of funds. Cleopatra has told the court and in press accounts that her grandmother is hiding assets and taking funds due to her father’s children. In correspondence prior to the recent probate hearing addressed to Ms. Ward and the Singleton siblings and Ms. Ward’s attorney, Ms. Singleton stated, “Shelia appointed herself as CEO of New Deal Productions (attached). It isn't just that she isn't equipped to handle an estate of this size, (especially not on Quickbooks) it's that she doesn't have any interest in running this estate with honor befitting our father.”

The case was continued until Thursday, February 9, 2023.

See documents:


Original Story Posted on W.E. Community Spotlight San Francisco~Dallas

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