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W.E. Thanks KTVU for "Note of Gratitude"
December 25, 2023


Reply to KTVU's "Note of Gratitude" seen below this reponse

WOW...OMG!  Why am I tearied eyed? By virtue of KTVU being willing to listen to the unsung heroes and the voices of the voiceless is indication of your commitment to the commonwealth as the Fourth Estate... Don't see that often... Frankly, in my decades of working with the media, I have never received a note of gratitude.  Thank you.  You have touched my heart.
Thank you KTVU for being there for large and small organizations like the Oakland International Film Festival that is dedicated to sharing great news about Oakland and changing negative narratives... Thanks for amplifying the voices of unsung heroes like San Francisco native David Roach, whose film festival is NOT a Black Film Festival, although it's led by a Black man, graduate of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 's alma mater, Morehouse in Atlanta GA.  The diversity of ideas and opportunities from around the world are embedded in the Oakland International Film Festival...Thanks for helping get that message out.

Kelly Armstrong, host of podcast "Straight Talking with Kelly" lauds KTVU's Claudine Wong's Interview of The Oakland International Film Festival Co-founder and Executive Director,

David Roach.

Click Image to see the Interview.

Excerpt above from: Happening Now, San Francisco Reparations Rally Followed by 2 p.m. Board of Supervisors Meeting, The City's Office of Economic and Workforce Development Transitions, BWOPA's Mental Health Symposium…David Roach Interviewed by KTVU's Claudine Wong

Happy Holidays...Blessings of Christmas to KTVU and all on this message.  I am honored to be among the organizations recognized by KTVU as making a difference in the Bay Area.  Happy and Prosperous New Year to All!

Thanks for making my Day, My Year with this wonderful message.

Jackie Wright
Wright Enterprises
San Francisco ~ Dallas
Oakland International Film Festival Publicist/Brand Ambassador
SF Black Film Festival (SFBFF) Publicist/Community Affairs, Director
Creator/Developer of
NCBW SF Doris Ward/OEWD Workforce Development
Doris Ward SFBayVIew 1st Article
SF Chamber of Commerce Leadership SF Alumna
Host, Tuesday Talks Inspire Channel
415 525 0410
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On Sat, Dec 23, 2023 at 1:01 AM McAfee, Kait wrote:

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